Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - Sittings of 21 May 1962

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Communiqué nO 62/14
(non officiel)

Les renseignementss uivünts, émanant du Greffe de lzr Cour
internztionole d.e Justice, sont ciisà. 12 disposition de In presse :

Au cours des Qeur audiencestenu-es le lundi21 ma3 1962 dasis
1 'affaire de l 's,visconsult~tif conceïnnnt les oblign.tions finmciéres

des Membres dzs Wtions Unies (article 17, pc.rogr<?phe 2, de 12 had de)
la Cour o successive!lient entendu le professeur G.I. ainkin, directeur
du département juridique et des traites nu rninistere des Aff eires
étrangères , u nom du Gouverne!nent de 1'Union des Républiques sociülistes
0 soviétiques, et 11honorable Abram Cha,~res, conseiller juridique du départe-
ment dlEtnt, FU non du Goilvernement des Etats-Unis dfAmérique.

Le President chdéclare close la procidure orale en cette nffaire
consult ztive .

La K~~ye, le 21 mai 1962.

Communiqué No. 6?/~

' (Unofficial)

The following information from the Registrg of the Int~rnational
* Court of Jus Lice is cornmunicc Le d to the PTE YS:

h the course of two r~ittings held today in the kdvisor3. Opinion
in thematterof Financial Obligati.ons of !:lembers of the United Nations
(Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Chartsr) the Court hc3r.d hir,G.I. 'hkin,
Professor, Dircctor of the Jlxidiczl-Treaty Department of the Einistry
of Forelgn Affairs, on behalf of the Governiment of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, and the Honorable Abram Chayes, Legl xdviser,
Department of Sta.te ,n behalf of Y!E Goirement of the United States of


The President deçb.rl=d closed the oralproceedings in ,this
Adviso ry Opinion.

The Hague, 21 I.."i1962.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of 21 May 1962

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - Sittings of 21 May 1962
