Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case - Progress and conclusion of t

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PeacePalace,2517 KJThe Hague.TeL(070-30223 23).Cables:IntercourtT , heHague.

Telefax(070-36499 28). Telex32323.

for irPmsdiate releaie

No. 95/27
12 Septernber 1995

. . ituation in
New Zealand'sReauest for an Exammationof the S
accordance with Paramph 63 of the Court's 1974 Judgment in
the caseconcernin~Nuclear Tests (New 7,eahd v. F-1

Progress and conclusionof the Court's publicsittings

The public sittings held by the Court in order to enable New Zealand and France to inform it of
their views on the following question: "Do the Requests submitted to the Court by the Goofrnment
New Zealand on 21 August 1995 faIl within the provisions of para63aof the Judgrnent of the
Court of20 December 1974 in the case conceming Nuclear Tests CNewZealand v. France)?" and
which opened on Monday IISepternber 1995, were concluded today. Tues12ySepternber.

At the opening of theitting Sir Geoffre). Palmer. the judge ad hoc chosen b). New Zealand
made the necessary solemn declaration.

During the first round of oral arguments. on hlonda!. arld Tuesda!. statements were made:

on behalf of New Zealand. by Mr. Paul East. .Agentand Counsel: hlr. Don McKa).. Co-Agent and
Counsel, Mr. John McGrath. Sirenneth Leith and Professor Elihu Lauterpacht. Counsel;

- on behalf of France, by Mr. idarc Perrin de Brichambaut, Sir Arthur Watts,
Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Professor Alain Pellet.

Mr. Paul East, forem Zealand. andblr.Marc Perrin de Brichambaut. for France. presented

Questions were put toithe:ror both of the representati\,es of the two States by
Vice-President Schwebel, Judges Weeramantn. Shahabuddeen and Koroma and Judge ad hoc Palmer.

A further exchange of views took place at the end of the Sitting on Tuesday 12 Septernber. The
speakers were:

on behalf of New Zealand: h4r. Paul East. Agent and Counsel; Mr. John McGrath, Counsel;

- on behalf of France: Mr. Marc Perrin de Brichambaut.

The Court willnow begin to consider its decision.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case - Progress and conclusion of the Court's public sittings
