Declaration by Judge ad hoc Sir Garfield Barwick (as appended immediately after the order)

consuming and therefore comes into conflictwith the urgency of the
matter coupled with the prospect of irreparable damage to the
rights of the parties. It is this situation which furnishes the "raison

d'être"of interim relief.
If, therefore, the Court, in this case, has granted interim measures of
protection itis without prejudice to the substance whether jurisdictional
or othenvise which cannot be prejudged at this stage and will have to be
gone into further in the next phase.

Declaration by Judge Nagendra Singh (as appended immediately after the order)

Gerald Fitzmaurice in I.C.J. Reports 1963, pages 102-103,as follows:

"...the real distinction and test would seem to be whether or not the
objection is based on, or arises from, the jurisdictional clause or
clauses under which the jurisdiction of the tribunal is said to exist.
If so, the objectionis basically one ofjurisdiction."

Declaration by Judge Sir Humphrey Waldock (as appended immediately after the order)

Gerald Fitzmaurice in I.C.J. Reports 1963, pages 102-103,as follows:

"...the real distinction and test would seem to be whether or not the
objection is based on, or arises from, the jurisdictional clause or
clauses under which the jurisdiction of the tribunal is said to exist.
If so, the objectionis basically one ofjurisdiction."

Dissenting Opinion of Judge Petrén (translation)



Having voted against the Order, 1 append this dissenting opinion
There is an obviou!;parallelism between the present case and that also
concerning Fisheries .Jurisdictionbrought against Iceland by the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a case in which the
Court has similarly indicated interim measures of protection. To the

Declaration by Judge Ignacio-Pinto (as appended immediately after the order)


indication of provisional measures, the rights which may subsequently be
adjudged by the Court to belong respectivelyto the Parties;


by 11votes to 3,

Confirms that the provisional measures indicated in operative para-
graph (1) of the Order of 17August 1972should, subject to the power of
revocation or modification conferred on the Court by paragraph 7 of
Article 61 of the 1946Rules, remain operative until the Court has given
finaljudgment in the case.

Declaration by Judge Ignacio-Pinto (as appended immediately after the order)

Judge GROS makes the followingdeclaration :

1have voted against the deferment ofthe consideration ofthe document
filed on 16 May; the question could and should have been settled im-
mediately, and independently of the problem of the Court's jurisdiction
in the casereferred to in the operative paragraph of the present Order, by
a findingto the effectthat the document in questionoes not complywith
the provisions of Article2 of the Statute of the Court, concerning inter-

Judge PETRÉN makes the followingdeclaration :

Declaration by Judge Onyeama (as appended immediately after the order)

Judge GROS makes the followingdeclaration :

1have voted against the deferment ofthe consideration ofthe document
filed on 16 May; the question could and should have been settled im-
mediately, and independently of the problem of the Court's jurisdiction
in the casereferred to in the operative paragraph of the present Order, by
a findingto the effectthat the document in questionoes not complywith
the provisions of Article2 of the Statute of the Court, concerning inter-

Judge PETRÉN makes the followingdeclaration :

Declaration by Judge Petrén (as appended immediately after the order)

Judge GROS makes the followingdeclaration :

1have voted against the deferment ofthe consideration ofthe document
filed on 16 May; the question could and should have been settled im-
mediately, and independently of the problem of the Court's jurisdiction
in the casereferred to in the operative paragraph of the present Order, by
a findingto the effectthat the document in questionoes not complywith
the provisions of Article2 of the Statute of the Court, concerning inter-

Judge PETRÉN makes the followingdeclaration :
