Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The naval experts will leave on 23 January 1949

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Commqiiqué Do. 49/2.

The fbllowing information from the Registry of thé International

Court of Justice has .beencomunicated to the,Fress :

The naval experts in the Corfu Channel casc, who have becn in-

structadby the Court to visit the Adriatic, will leave on Smday,

January 23rd.

-4sthe Court wishes ta &tain the qertsF rapod wiihout dclay,

they will make the journky by air, A K.L.M. acroplaneIlas bccn

chartered for the purpose. Thuy will leavc Schiphol Iierodromci on the

morning of the 23rd, and will thus be Sn a position to bagin their

Thcy will thon go
cncplry a5 Sibenik (~u~oslavia) on bionday, 24th.

to Tirana and Saranda (Albanta), to continue their cL?quivj in the

Corfu Chani:el and on thc territory adjaccnt tbereto. It is hçped

thzt they may bc back in the l\!ethcrlandç after cight dags.

The Court's naval experts who will participate in the jounley

arc: Comodorc S. A. Forsht.11, of thc %yal Swedish Gnvy, and

Lieutenant Comnder S. J, M. Elfrcrick of the Royal i\Ietherknds pia~~.

Commodore J, Bull, of the Fbyal Norwegian E.laqr,also dçsigna6i.d kj

the Court as nzval expert, vnll remlin at The Hague,

N. krnier-Coignet, Dcputy-Registrnr of the Court will, 2s the

rcprssentativ of the Court, bz with the experts whcn thcy 2re engagcd

In the dischargeof their dutics. On the Court1 s behdf, hc will bc

responsible for relations with the author5tics of States to whose

territorics the experts are grococding or thmugh tvh-ich they id1 pass.

The United Kingdom nrid Albanin, the two partios,liave ezch

appointcd a naval officcr ko accompany the Mission:

The United Kirigdom: Commander E, R. D, SrTorder, nnd

Albnnia:Cnptain Barnimir Ivanov Omwov.

The Hcgu~, January 21st, 1949,

ICJ document subtitle

- The naval experts will leave on 23 January 1949

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The naval experts will leave on 23 January 1949
