Interpretation of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The General Assembly requests an Advisory Opinion

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Communiqué No. 49/20
Unof ficial.,

The following inferm$?tion from th? Registry of the Inter-
nntional Court of Justice has b~enunafficidly conmunicate to th?

The Secret~ry-Gener ofl th? Unitcd Nations haç notified the
Internationa lourt af Justice of a Rzsolution of the Genercl dssembly

requesting an Advisory Opinion on th2 f ollowing qucstions :

!II, Do the diplomtic exchmges bctwecn Bulgnriz, Hungzry and
Romnia on th2 one h~nd and certain .Allied and iIssociated
Powers signatories to the Trczties of Pcace on the other,
concerning the irnplementztion of article 2 in the Treaties
with Bulgarin and Hungary and arblcle 3 of thz Treaty with
Romnia, disclosedispuxs subject to the prcivisiens for the

settlernent of disputes contninzd in zriiicle 36 of th2 Tr~nty
of Peace withBulgaria, articla 40 of thc Treaty of Pexe with
Hung~ry, and article 38 of th6 Trsnty of Peacc with Romnia ?ll

In the event of an afftrmntive rcply to qucstion 1:

1 Are the Govcrnments of Bulgaria, Eungary and Rornania
obligatlrd to carry out the provisions of the articles referred

to in question1, including the provisions for the 2ppoi.ntmcnt
of their repreçentztives ta the Trcaty Cormissions ?Il

In the evenf af an affim~tive reply to question II 2nd if
withinthirty days from the dc,te when th< Court delivers its
opinion, the Govemments concern~d havenot notified the
Secretzry-Gzneral thzt they hav~ appointcd their repsesentztives
to the Srenty Comissi~nç, and the Secretary-Gencrzl has so

advised the Intemtional Court of Justice:

I1III. If one party f~ilsto appoint 2 representztivz to a Tre~ty
Commission under the Treaties of Pcace trith BuLgzria, Hungaxy
and Rornsnin whcre thnt party is obligated to appoint a
ropresentative to the Trenty Commission , s th? Secretam-
General of the United Nationsauthorized to aspint the third
nimber of the Comnission upan the rrquclst of the othcr pzrtg

to a disput2 according to the provisions of the respective

In the event of an affimtivc rcply to Question III:

"TV. Would 2 Sreatg Commission composedof a reprt-.sentctive of
one party and a third nambar zppointed by the Secrctaq-
Genernl of the United Nztions constitute 3 cor~~niççion,vcithin
the rneaning of the r~levant Trcaty articles, coin2~i~nt to

mke a definitive and binding d2cision in settlciacnt of a
dispute ?ll

In application of Article 66 of thc Statut?, the Registrar of
the Court is giving notice of thc request to al1 States cntitled to
appear beforc thc Court. The signatories to the peacc treaties are
also'being notified by 3 special and direct communicatio nhat the Acting-
Presidknt haç f ixed Mondsy, -Janut2ry 16th, 1950, 2s the time linit for
pressntingwritton stz.tements on the question under Article 66, para-

grzph 2, of the Stz-tute,

The Fague, Novexaber 5th, 1949.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The General Assembly requests an Advisory Opinion
