Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Hearings of November 11th, 1958

The follorring informtion from .the Registry of the InternzionaP
Coh of JusLice has be~n eor~~~unicatedto the Press:

To-day, PJo. .ber Llth, 1958, the Internationzl Coili*of Justice
held two public :-,earfngs in the Interhandel Case (~relii~iirlaryobjections3
between Switzerl-?ncl and the Uqited States of I~~nerica, during vhich t~e
Swiss Co-Agent, Guggenheim, continuzd the sitatement of the case for
his Govermeni.

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Hearing of November 8th, 1958

The follo7~ng infornation from theRegistrgof the Internationad
Court of Justice has been co,i2inuniceteta the Iress:

To-day, November ah, 1958, the Intarnatlonzl Court of Justice

held a Public Hczring in the Inteh randcl (~relix~inamj 0bjections)
between Switzerl~n dnd ths United States cf !mzrica, 2;uring which the
Agent for the Swiss Governrsnt Y. Sauser-Fhli sbated the case for his

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Hearing of October 14th, 1957

Les renseignements suiva~ts, émanuit d.u Greffe de la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, ont 6té mis disposition de la presse:

'La Cour internati0~1~3 de Justice a tenu aujourd~hui me audience
publique consacrée a la demande de aiesures conservatoires présentée
par le Gouvernement suisse en l'affaire de 11Interhandel (suisse c.
