Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Hearing of October 4th, 1958

The following idsrnation ri'roth? Redskry of the Znternntional
Court of Justice îs corrj~m~icatzd to the Press:

Ton-ax, October 4th, 199, ?.t4 the Lqterndtional Court of
Justice held a hearing in the case çoncvrnlng the c?~lication of the
Convention of 1902 gorrern51g tiîeg~~~?rdi~anshLof infants (!~;rstherlsnds
- .Sireden).

M. Petrén tmd Profsssor Rolix, Courisel for the St.redish Cswemixmt,
cor.cI.uded tlic9se h repk for t;-~a+,Coy~zri-iment.

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The Assembly of Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization submits to the Court

Communique no 59/14

Les renseignement suivads émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justicesont mis & la disposition de la presse:

La Cour intefiationale de Justice a ét6 saisie le 25 mrs
1959 diune requête pour a-~is consultatif émanant de IrAssernbl&e
de 1' Organisation inLergouvernementale consultative de la mvigztion
ma,ritjme, La question posée 2 la Cour est 1s suivante:

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearings of March 25th, 1959

Cornuiqui no 59/13
on officiel )

Les renseignements suivants &~.t~nantdu C-reffe de la Gour
internationzle de Justice sont mis A la disposition de la sresse:

L3.COUT 2 tenu aujourd"nii.i mercredi 25 mars deuxau-
diences consacrkes aux exceptions pr&lirzij_nairesen l'affaire
r~letive à lrinciderit aérien du 27 juillet 1555 (~sraël c.

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearings of March 24th, 1959


Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice ont été mis à la disposition de la

La Cour internationale de Justice a tenu aujourdlhui
deux audiences consacrées aux exceptions préliminaires soulevées
par le défendeur en llaffaire relative à l'incident Grien du 27
juillet 1555 (Israël c . Bulgarie).
M. Rosenne, Conseiller juridique du I$inistère des

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearings of March 17th, 1959

The follo~& information from the Registry of thel International
Court of Justice b2s been commrilcated to the Press,

To-day, Ihrck 17t111 ,959, the Internationa Clourt oî Justice

held two karings in the case of "Le Aerial Incident of July 27th,
1955 (~srael 1, Jhilgaria),

a Pi. Pierre Cat, Professor .aprdg6 of tlieFrench Iaw FaculLies,
continued to put the case for the Goverment of Eulgaria.

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearing of March 16th, 1959

The followinginformation from the Registry of the International.

Court of Justice haç been coinmunica.ted to the Press.

To-day, Pïarch 16th, 1959, at 4 p.m. the Internationa lourt

of Justice began its hearings on the prelininary objections saised

by the Bulgarian Gevernment in the case concerning the Aerial
Incident of July 27th, 1955 (Israel v. ~ul~aria).

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

I.C.J. CommniquE Ito. ~E-/u.
(unof ficial )

The foliowing irformtion from the Registry 05 the International
Court of Justice has ken comrnunicated to the Press.

On Sep-ternber 25th, l75P, ~?t11 a,m. the International Court of
Justice will begin hearings in the case concerning the Applicatio nf
