Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia) - Conclusion of the hearings

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Peace Palace,2517 KJ The Hague. Tel(070-302 23 23).Cables:IntercourtThe Hague.

Telefilx(070-36499 28). Telex 32323.

for immediate re1ease

No. 97/8
15 April 1997

Case concerning the GabCik;oyo-Nagymaros Project

Conclusion of the hearings

THE HAGUE, 15April. The hearings in the above case, which started on 3 March, were
concluded today. The Courwillnow begin to consider its Judgment.

During the week of 3 to 7 March the Hungarian Agent, Counsel and Advocates addressed
the Court (H.E. Mr. Gyorgy Szénâsi, Agent and Counsel; Messrs. James Crawford,
Pierre-MarieDupuy, Alexandre Kiss, Lâsz16Valki, Boldizsar Nagy and Philippe Sands and
Ms Katherine Gorove, Counsel and Advocates; and Dr. Howard Wheater, Dr. Gabor Vida,
Dr. RolandCarbiener and Dr. Klaus Kern, Advocates). A video-film was shawn.

Judges Ranjeva, Fleischhauer and Vereshchetin put questions ta the Hungarian

From24ta 27 Marchthe SlovakAgent, Co-Agent, Counsel and Advocates, and Counseland
Experts addressedthe Court (H.E. Dr. Peter Tomka, AgenDr. Vâclav Mikulka, Co-Agent,
Counsel and Advocate; Messrs. Stephen C. McCaffrey, Alain Pellet, Sir Arthur Watts and
Mr. Samuel S. Wordsworth, Counsel and Advocates; and Messrs. Igor Mucha and
• Jens Christian Refsgaard,nsel and Experts). A video-film was shawn.


As reported inPress Communiqué9717of 9 April 1997, the Court paid a visit to the site of
the Gabcikovo-Nagymaroshydroelectridam project from 1 to 4 April.


On Thursday 10andFridayIl April the Hungarian Party presitsecond round of oral
Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Alexandre Kiss, Lâszlô Valki, Boldizsâr Nagy and Philippe Sands and
Ms Katherine Gorove, Counselnd Advocates; and Dr. Howard Wheater, Dr. Roland Carbiener
and Dr. Klaus Kern, Advocates)." - 2 -

Slovakia did so on Monday 14and today, Tuesday 15 April (H.E. Dr. Peter Tomka, Agent;
Dr. Vâclav Mikulka, Co-Agent, Counsel and Advocate; Messrs. Stephen C. McCaffrey,
Alain Pellet, Sir Arthur Watts andMr. Samuel'S. Wordsworth, Counsel and Advocates; and
Messrs. Igor Mucha and Jens Christian Refsgaard, Counsel and Experts).

Bath Agents read out the final submissionsof their Governments.

The President, Vice-President and Judge Bedjaoui put questions to either or bath of the

ln its deliberations and in the drafting of its Judgment, the Court will follow the steps
outlined in the Resolution concemingthe Internai Judicial Practice of the Court:

Shortly afterthe end of the hearings a preliminary deliberation is held at which the President
outlines the issues which he considers to require discussion and decision by the Court. This
outline is discussed. •

Within a certain time-limit, each Judge then preparesa written Note onthe issues of the case
which is distributed to the other Judges.

A full deliberation is held aftenvards.

On the basis of the views expressed in the previous phases, a Drafting Committee is chosen
by secret ballot, consisting oftwo Judges holding the majority view, and the President if he
shares that view.

ln successive stages, the Drafting Committee prepares a preliminary draft text, a draft text
for first reading and a draft text for second reading. Meanwhile, Judges who wish so,
may prepare a separate or dissentîng opinion.

The final vote is taken after the adoption of the final text in the second reading.

The dateof the public sitting at which the President of the Court will read the Judgment, will
be announced in a subsequent press communiqué.

ICJ document subtitle

- Conclusion of the hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia) - Conclusion of the hearings
