Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on November 26th, 1957

LRs renseignements suivants, émmnt du Greffe de la Cour interna-

tionale de Justice, ont été mis à la'disposition de la presse :

La Cour interna ionale de Justice tiendra le mrdi 26 novembre 1957,

à 10 heures 30, au Palais de la Paix à La. Haye,une audience Publique

pour la lzcture de son arrgt sur les exceptions préliminaires en lfaf-
fairerelative au droit de passage sur territoire indien ortu tu gelc. ~nde),

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of February 23rd, 1955

Communiqué n* 55/%
(~on-of îicill)

Les renseignement suivants érnanant du C-reffe de la Cour
internationale de Justiceont étémis à la disposition de la

La Cour internaAtionale de Justice a tenu aujourd'hui dgux
audiences en 11affa.ire Mottebohn (~iechtenstein c. ~~a~temala).

!Te Adolfo i4olina Orantes, doyende la faculté des Sciences

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - The International Court of Justice finds that there is no need to indicate interim measures of protection

r~he iolloi!fii>$ iliormtion from the iisgistry of -Lhe ïîl-iernatiori_al
Court of JusLice is cor~~:~unicatsd to the prsss:

In the Ii~terhzxiel case (~rqitzerland v, the Ui~itecl Stztes of
Rrzerica 1, the L!?Leri?atiorial Goni-t oî iJustice kas foüild, by an Order
of October, 2!4th, 19Y,, t,at thereis rioneecl to ir?Uicate interirn
meaçwe s oS pro te $ion .

Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sitting of May 23rd, 1957

I.C. J,

'The following iïifornzation from -the iiegistry of the Intormtioml
Court of Justice has been communicate do -the Fress:

Thiring the sitting held by the 1ntematiomlCour-t of Justice
to-c!zy, i4ay Z3rd, in the Case of Certain Borwegian bans (~rsnce v,
Morway) PP. iirntzen Agerit and 2~cEcake of the i\ron~gian Govermerit has
concluded the çtatzment of the ergument 'of the Iiiorweglan Government .
Be has presented t'e f ollowiing subrnissions :
