Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - Sittings of 21 May 1962

Communiqué nO 62/14
(non officiel)

Les renseignementss uivünts, émanant du Greffe de lzr Cour
internztionole d.e Justice, sont ciisà. 12 disposition de In presse :

Au cours des Qeur audiencestenu-es le lundi21 ma3 1962 dasis
1 'affaire de l 's,visconsult~tif conceïnnnt les oblign.tions finmciéres

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Judgment (Preliminary Objections)

Communique Na. 62/3 2
(uno fficial)

The followin nformation from the kgistry of the International
Court of Justice is comnicated to the Press:

The International Court or" Justice today (21Deceniber 1962)

delivered its Judgment in the South West Afrioa cases (Ethiopia x.
South Africa; Lib cria v, South Afric a) (Preliminary 0bjections) ,
