Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 5 October 1951

I.C.J. ' CommuniquS No. 51/36

The followinpi .nformation from the Regiçtry of the International

Ciurt of Justice has been comrnunicated to the Press:

The InternationaC l.urt of Justice held two Public Sittings today

flctob~r 5th, 1351, in the case c2ricerning Narwegian Fishesies to hear

the beginnirig af the stetement an behalf of the Government of Nomu.

Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Filing of a Preliminary Objection by the United States

I.C. J.

Thc: following 2nr"oriil~tion frorn ihc Rogistry of tho

International Court of justice kis been com;:unicatcd to thc Tress:

On 21st Juno, 1951, th¢ finitcd Stc.tes Ambnçs&dor t~ thc

i\fatht.rli.nds,on behalf of his C-ovcrmsfit, filed ir! the Regiçtry of

the Internationa Court of Justice z Preliïninary Objection in thc

proccodings pcnding bctwoen the Unit~d States z.nZtlie ?Lepublic of

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 29 September 1951

Th2 frillotrin,.;Lnforinnt io:?f rom thc Regist-g of Ulc Iritsm,?tional
Court of Justica hzs 5u'.:iTc~r,rnunic~t~d to th^ ?rzss:

Tha InGarnrtirn:,l Co mrtof Justicx to-&.y (S?.turd?<y, Saptzrribcr
S9th, 1551) hdlc! twri sittiri:;sin ori!,:rto hv,?r t'no !\ttomoy-Cr~i~~rc",I~
Sir Frmk Sonkicc, K.C,, contintiz his stzt2nmt on bzhnlî of thc
UfiitorJ.KUlgrlr?r: C-crr:rr?r;ehittki5 Fishcrj.cs Cr,se (IJn5.oc? ICingdor.v ,

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Opening of the public hearings

-ommuniqué No.5116.
[Unof icial )

The.f ollotuing infomation from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been corrmicated to the Press:

This rnorning the oral hearings were opened in the Adv5sory Case
relating to the reservation o the Convention for the prevention and
punishment of the crine of Genocide.

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 26 September 1951

Gommuniaué No. 51/31.
Unofficial. .

Tho f ollawbg iriformation frm the Registrgof the International
Court of Justicc has hwn comicated to the Press :

Thc Internaiional Court of Justice to-dag (~edncsdayS ,eptember
26th, 1951)held two si-ttings, duririg the course of eich thc oral
procecdings Ln thc Fisbcries case (Unitod Kingdom of Great Britain
md i\lorthernIrcland v, ~orwa~) werc continued.

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearing of 25 September 1951

Communigié No. 51/30.
Unoff icial.

The folloxing in£ crm,iion from the Regis trg of fie International
Courtof Justice has been communicated to the sress :

The public hearincs iri the Fisheries Case betwcen the United
Kingdom of Great Britaln andNorthcrn Irclafidand theElngdorn of
ldorway commenc~d to-day, ~z~t<rnber 25th , 1951, at Il ofclock in
the Peace Palace, Th¢ Hague.

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearing of 12 April 1951

Comruniaué No,51/9.
-off icial) .

The following information from the Registryof the International

Cowt of Justice has been communicate o the Press :

The International Court of Justice h~Sd a public sitting to-day,

April 12th,1951, in the case concerning R~ssrvationts o the Conventisn

on Genocide.

Fr. Roseme, representa ite of Israel, continued and conclud~d

his statement,
