East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) - Progress and conclusion of public hearing

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for imrisdiatoreleame

No. 95/7
17 February 1995

(Portula v. Australid

Proaress and conclusion of wublic hearinq

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The public hearings held by the Court in the case concerning
Fast Timor (Portuaal v. Australia), which opened on 30 January 1995, were
concluded on 16 February 1995.

At the opening of the hearings Judges ad hoc Krzysztof Skubiszewski
and Sir Ninian Stephen, chosen by Portugal and Australia respectively,
made the solemn declaration provided for in Article 20 of the Statute of
the Court.

On 1 February 1995, Judge Vladlen S. Vereshchetin (Russian
Federation), who had be:enelected by the United Nations General Assernbly
and Security Council on 26 January 1995, to fil1 the vacancy caused by
the death on 20 Septemher 1994 of Judge Nikolai K. Tarassov (Russian
Federation), also made the solemn declaration.

During the first round of oral arguments, held between 30 January and
10 February 1995, statements were made:

- on behalf of Portuga:L,by H.E. Mr. Antonio Cascais, Agent
of Portugal; by Mr. José Manuel Servulo Correia and

Mr. Miguel GalvZo Teles, Co-Agents, counsel and advocates; and
by Mr. Pierre-Marie llupuyand Mrs. Rosalyn Higgins, counsel and

- on behalf of Austral:ia,by Mr. Gavan Griffith, Agent and counsel

of Australia; by H. E. Mr. Michael Tate and Mr. Henry Burmester, Co-
Agents and counsel; and by Mr. Derek W. Bowett, Mr. James Crawford,
Mr. Alain Pellet and Mr. Christopher Staker, counsel.

The second round of oral arguments took place on 13 and
16 February 1995. The speakers were:- on behalf of Portugal, H. E. Mr. Antonio Cascais, Agent of Portugal;
Mr. José Manuel Servulo Correia and Mr. Miguel Galvao Teles, Co-Agents,
counsel and advocates; and Mr. Pierre-Marie Dupuy and
Mrs. Rosalyn Higgins, counsel and advocates;

- on behalf of Australia, Mr. Gavan Griffith,Agent and counselof
Australia; Mr. Henry Burmester, Co-Agent and counsel; and
Mr. Derek W. Bowett, Mr. James Crawford and Mr. Alain Pellet, counsel.

The Agents of Portugal and Australia read the final submissionsof

their Governments.

The oral arguments now being completed, the Court will begin to
consider its Judgment.

The date of the public sitting at which the Judgment is to be read
will be announced in a Press Communiqué.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress and conclusion of public hearing

Document file FR
Document Long Title

East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) - Progress and conclusion of public hearing
