Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Court will sit on Tuesday, November 10th, 1953

Les rcrisclgn~~icnts sufvafits g_r.~?~nniitu Grcffc dc la Cour
internationnle d~ Justice 011-Létéris ln tlissositicfi tc 12 ;)rcssc.

Li:n:mcli 10 noveriibrc 1953 i 10 hcures 30, la Cour intcrilrtiona.1~
dc Justice tiencira unc aud5ence zu E2lnis de 13- Pakk à IL. Hsyc cn
1lnifeirc IJottcobohn (Liechtenstein contre Gu~.terïl~~a.

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - The oral proceedings will open on Monday, September 23rd, 1957

The information from the hglstry of the International
Court of Justice has been comwiicated to the Press:

The International Court of Justice will met on filonday, September
23rd, 1957. In the af'temoon of th& day, i-L wiU hold a.public
hearing for the open* of the oral proceed5ngs in the case concerning

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America) - The Italian Government deposits a document entitled "Ques

Les renscigi~ar.lcnts suivcnts F!:.~,1iadut Gnf fc CIC 1~ Cour

intcrnstionalc dc Justice ont étd !:lisà ln clis;~osition r ?la ;_iresse,

L'agent du Gouvernvi,icnt itali~n cn llaffc,irv ~'.el'or czon8taire
pris à Borne en 1943 vicnt dc d&pos&r 2-uGrcff~ dz ln Gour intcrnntion?Jc
de Justice, dans lc cI81ai irpnrti pF.r l~or~omcnnc~ du ler juillet 1953
sour la prdscntation ch L~6i,mire ~k son Gouv~rrio;.l~i~éon cette zffairc,
un docment intitule fTQuestion p_irtSliminzircl'.
