Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - The hearings will begin on 15 September 1960

Comauniqué No. 6c/2

The follo~wing inf~rmation fron the Rcgistry of the International
Court of Justiceis commmicatcd to thc Press:

Thc Inte~national Court of Justice which is at sresent engagea
on the case of Zi,Xi of 7essagz over Indinn terribry {Portugal v,
India), ha$ ?ow taken a ~imbor of decisions datarrgiining thc

srocsdure in other cases pendhig beforc the Courk,

Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Hearings of 10 and 11 October 1960

Cymmunigu6 60176
non-officie 1

Les renseignem~ntssuivants, émanant du Greffe de Ls Cour

internationale de Justice, sont mis à la dispositionde la presse.

Les 10 et 11 octobre 1960,la Cour n tenu quatre audiences
au cours desquels M. Ralin, conseildu Gouvernement du Miccragua,

a prononcéla dupliqu~orale de son gouvernement en l'affaire

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - The Government of Ethiopia files an Application instituting proceedings against the Union of South Africa


The folloming information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Press:

On 4 November 1960 Applications were filed in the Registry of the
Court on behalf of the Government of Ethiopia and on behalf of the
Government of Liberia instituting separate proceedings before the Court
against the Union of South Africs.

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Judgment

The following information from the Registryof the International
Court of Justice hâs been communicated to the Pressa

Today, Uovember 2$th, 195$, the International Court of Justice
delivered its Judpent fn the case conçernlng the application of the
Convention of 1302 govesnvlg the Guardianship of Infants, between
the Netkerlands and Sweden,

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the Spanish Government

I.C.J. Communiqué 59&
(unof ficial)

The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice is cornmunicated to the Press:

In the case of the Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company

Limited brought by Belgium against Spain, the Spanish Government has

requested the extension of the time-limit fixed for the filing of its
