Written testimony of Witness Mirko Mrkobrad *

A EX 52
District Court in Pozarevac, Serbia, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Mirko Mrkobrad, dated 13 March
Taken on 13 March 1997 before the investigating magistrate of the District Court in
Pozarevac in the cri minai case against . . . . . . . . . for the criminal act punishable un der
Article ...... of the Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Vukasin Stanisavljevic
Mirko Mrkobrad

Written testimony of Witness Božo Šuša *

My name is Bozo Susa. 1 was born in Croatia, Kolasac, Knin municipality. 1 currently live in
Australia whose citizen 1 have become.
By May 1991, 1 resided in Biograd, near Zadar, in the house of my wife. 1 was employed with
. the construction company "Jadran" in Zadar, where 1 worked as a carpenter. 1 even built a
family home in that city, and my wife and 1 intended to live there. Nevertheless, when 1 came
to work one day, 1 was greeted by three men carrying rifles, who told me 1 was no longer

Written testimony of Witness Andrew Brook Leslie *

The International Criminal Tribunal tor the fonner Yugoslavia
Case Prosecutor v. Gotovina et al., IT-060-90
Trans cri pts
Witness: General Andrew Brook Leslie
(Chief of Staff of the UNCRO Sector South)
22 April 2008
~~=-===~dHE~...w.I='!c-~ThOESS· 1 solemnl;y, swearthatl will speak tbetruth, tj1e whole truth and D<:)thing
but the truth.
JUDGE ORlE: Thank you. Please proceed.
[ ... ]
Page 1930
Examination by Mr. Tieger:

Written testimony of Witness John Geoffrey William Hill *

ICTY, Gotovina et al., IT-060-90, Excerpts from the
testimony of Witness John Geoffrey William Hill, 27 &
28 May 2008, Transcripts, pp. 3736-3741,3746-3752,
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Case Gotovina et al., IT -060-90
Trans cri pts of witness testimonies
Witness: John Goeffrey William Hill
(The commander of the United Nations Military Police in Sector South from June until
December 1995)
Transcript page 3736

Written statement of Witness-expert Ivan Grujić

1. ~ ~~~ss.t~il· ·$.~~ins.t ·tfiQ . R.~i:JlihlbH1f è.:outi~ !n 1-991 mtd 199;2, re~ulted i~ thôusan~ . ef
··~~~~.r®tJ; .nt{~~,Wg ;p.~~~~·.~ tl~e ·war- oftèotëd areas. Aceording to the offic.Jal data of ·the
.~~~:tit~~di~s ·mf:·tlt~:~publie of Cr.aatla1, 7490·persons> i~prlr;ipneçt· ip. 1.991 an.d 1992 w·t ~
'~t~fi .Qt·,Qj~·l~~»ûliiJl" o.f Cr~ati~ w~~~ exohang~d/releas«t from detention. 142 nla\;s and à
.$~~ ()f,:fu.diV:idil!.l!:~v(:S Wè'te .. ctlscov.çre?, where 36~6 mortnl .remains of victlm;; were fo~d. a~

Written statement of Witness-expert Sonja Biserko

• • • '•: '·;ti IJ~ .;: ,··
1~ l'pftQ..dUtJtiOU.
t.. 1 h~ve.-,bëèri. ~Md Q:Ythe 'Croafîan;Jegal'l~am t~ provide fJ. stat~ment which will be~
t:ight 'on·. tlie .Sërbiat.t. natioq~d pr~gram :whic.h· was the· màin trigger. for the war in the
ror.mer Yqg~$l~via.
,9 .. , .. "\'"~ a·nc,~ P.resld,~nt of the Helsinlci Committee for Human Rights in
2. D~fining the Problèm in Ristork-al P.ers.pective

Written testimony of Witness Miloš Andrić (pseudonym) *

of25 January 1996
Of the hearing before the County Court in Sisak in the criminal proceedings against
defendants MILENKO JANJETOVIé AND JOV AN JERJNié, charged with criminal
offences from Article 120, Para 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic ofCroatia based
on the indictment issued by the Sisak County Office ofProsecutor, dated 3 October 1995,
No.: KT 35 and 34/95.
County Court Judge: Josip Budinski, Presiding Judge
County Court Judge: Ljubica Rendulié Holzer, member of the Trial Chamber

Written testimony of Witness Ivan Krylo (pseudonym)

NMY.r.rt, FA'1WIB.R1S NA!tvlE! ·lt~~l)lt, { ... }
~~'ï!a A:!ii?.,'{l~I\.GE.P.F BlRTH~ [ ... ], Skabrnja, Zadarconnty, CrQatia
·J:w.~!l??.~~:J .. !.~)t Ç~.n~i~. . .
TEI\-1P9MR:Y ~SJI?ENCJ31 ( ... ), Cro.ntta
Ëm}J)ë!Afio'N:· bigli school
PJtàlt· .. .èi~l [ . .rJ
EMP.b. . T;.
'MMtrAlt $'f.Aif'US:.
CITlZBNSmJI: Jt~püblic ofCroatia.
·NA'liJONALITY~ ~ontlan
·r giv~ th.~ fu..Uaw.ing
