Right of Passage over Indian Territory - Definite composition of the Parties' delegations

Les renseignements suivants, eïiian%3rrru Greffe de la Gour inter-

nationale de Justice, sont rois 5 la disposition de la presse.

A la date du 18 septemb~e 1959, l'agentdu Gouvernement du Forbu-

gaL, d'une part, et l'agent du Gouvernement de liLndeJ,dlautre part, ont

notifié au Gseffe la cornposition dSfinitive de leur représentatior nes-

pective devant la Caur en Sfaffaire du dmit de passage sur territoire

indien (seconde phase).

Aerial Incident of 7 November 1954 (United States of America v. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) - The Government of the United States of America files an Application against the Union of Soviet S

Cornuniud No.

The folloninginformation from the International Courtof Justice
if3 communicated to thePress:

On 7 July 1959, the Goverment of the United States of herica
filed in the Registryof the Court an Application againstthe Union of
Soviet Socialist Repubficsrelatingto an aerial incident which
occurred on 7 November 1954, over the territory of Japan.

Aerial incident of 27 July 1955 (United Kingdom v. Bulgaria) - The case is removed from the Court's List

The folloming infonfiation from the Begistry of the International
Court of Justice has been co1municated to the Press;

On 3 S1Ugus-t1959 the President of the International Court of
Justicenade an Order directing the removal from the Court" llist of
the caseconcerning the Aerial Incidentof 27 July 1955 (~nited
Xingdom 2, ~uglaria), tirhich hadbeen brought before the Court on

Compagnie du Port, des Quais et des Entrepôts de Beyrouth and the Société Radio-Orient - The Government of Lebanon files Preliminary Objections

Les renseignements siiivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour interna-
tionale de Justice sont communiqliés& la. presse ;

Dans le délai, expirarit le 29 decembre 1959, f ké par 1 'ordonnance
du 15 octobre 1959 pour le dép8t du contre-mémoire du Liban en I 'affaire
de la Compagnie du Port, des Quais et des Errtrepbts de Beyrouth et de
la Société Radio-Orient r ran c.e~iban), le Gouvernement libanais a

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on March 16th, 1959

Thefollowing information fron the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has Seen coiimnicated to the press:

The Iuternational Court of Justice will met on lbndzy the 16th
of Iflasch1359 at 4 p.m, at the Peace Palaceat the Hague.

Right of Passage over Indian Territory - The Court decides that the case will be heard after the judicial summer vacation

Communiqué n* 5913
on officiel)

Les renseignentents suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour

hternationale de Justice ont été mis à la disposition de la presse :

La Cour vient de décider que 1 "affaire du droit de paszage

(PorLugal cm Inde) , qui est en état depuis le dépst par L'Inde de la

dernière pièce de le procédureécrite, viendrait à lvaudience non

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Judgment (Preliminary Objections)

Communi ué No,

The following informatio nrom the Begistry of the International

Court of Justtce has been communlcatedto the Press:

Today, May 26th, 1959, the International Court of Justice delivered

its Judgmant in the cEse conceming the Aerial Incident of July 27th,

1955 (1srael -v. ~ulgasia) (~relirninar~0b jections).

The case was submitted by m Applicationof the Goverment of
