Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearings of March 23rd, 1959

Communiqué no 59/U
(non officiel)

Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour

internotionale de Justice ont étémis à la.disposition de la

La Gour international de Justice a tenu aujourdlhui
23 mars 1959 deux audiencesconsacr-&es aux exceptions prQlimi-
mires soulev6es par la.Bulgarie en lTaifaire rela.tive
l'incident aérien du 27 juillet 1955 (Israël c. 3ulgarie).

Right of Passage over Indian Territory - Judgment

The following informatio rom the Registry of the
Internationa Court of Justice is communicate o the Press;

Today (12iipril 1960) the International Court of Justice
delivered its Judgment on the Meritç in the case concerning
Righk of Passageover Indim Territory (portugal x. ~ndia) .

This dispute was roferredto the Court bg an Application
f ZLed on 22 Dccember 1955. In that iippliçction, the Governent
of Portugal staead thatits territory in the Indian Penbnsda
