Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - Hearings of June 10th, 1954

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The following information from the Registry of the I.t.rnational

Court of Justice has ben communica~e o the Press :

To-day , Junc 10th , hcarings werc opened bcf~rc the Internait onal C0ur.C
of Justice In the case concerning the Effect of décision.s of t&,United
Nations Administrativ Tribunal awardlng conpe nsationp this case was
transmitte do the Gourt for an Advisory Opinion by the &nerai
AssembLyof the United Nations.

The Court hcld two public slttings. At the open- of the
,' mornlng sitting, the President stated that, in conformity with Article
66, paragraph 2, of the Statuts, the recpest for an Opinion had been
communicate td the Mernbers ûf the United Nations and to the Inter-
national Zabeur Organisation, considered as likely to be able to
furnish information on the question; that written Statements had been
roceivedfrorn the secretmg-General of th Unilied Natidns, frcirn the

Internationa Llabour Organisation and frcimtb evernments of the
States mentioned below (in order of the dates of reception): France,
a Sweden, k he Netherlands , Greece, the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Irelarid, the United States of America, the philippines,
Mexlco, Chile, Irak,china, Guatemala, Turkey,and Ecuador; and that
the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Governments of
the United States of America, France, the Netherlands, Greece and the
United Khgdam haà designated representat ives to take part in the oral
preceedings .

The &sident noted that the representativem sent.ioried below
were present h court:

For th3 Secretary-C1&nércd of the United N3tions:

Mr , Constantin Stavropoulo ,sPrincipal Director in charge of
thc Legd Departmont

For the United Stetes of Amrica:

The Hcnorable Herman Phleger, Legal Adviser to the State

Far the French Bapublic:

Professor PaulReuter, Assistant Legal Adviser to the Ustry
for ForeignAf'fairs

Far Greece:

Professor Jean Spiropoulcs, Legal Adviser to the RoyalMinistxy
' for Forcign Affairs of Greece

For the UnLted Kingdom of Great Britavl and Northern Ireland:

The Right Honorale Sir Regina-d Manningham-Bulle r,C,, M.P.,
Solicit ut-&nerai

assisted by: Mr . F.A. Vallat, Deputy Legai Adviser to the
Foreign Office

For ... For the Netherlarids:

Professor A.J.P. Tammes, of the University of Amsterdam

assisted by: Dr,W. Biphagen, kgal Adviser to the Ministry
for Foreign Affairs,

Mr. J.J, Fekkes,of the ~eparhnent of Inter-
national Organisation sf
the Minidey

Dr.C .W. van Santen, Assistant Legal Adviser
to the ~lnistry for ForeEgn
as Dprt Counsel.

The president next called on M. Stavropoulos ,epresentative of
the Secretary-General, to address th Court.

M. Stawopoulos began his statement at the mr- sitting and
concluded it during the aftemoon sitting.

The ne& speaker was Mr. Herman Phleger, representativo ef the

United States of mrica.

:.. The next sitting of the Court will open to-morrow, June blth,
at 10.30a.m, bk. Herman Phleger wlll then continuehis
statemen .t

The Hague, June Qth, 1954,

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of June 10th, 1954

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - Hearings of June 10th, 1954
