Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
The United Nations Administrative Tribunal was established by the General Assembly to hear applications alleging non-observance of contracts of employment of staff members of the United Nations Secretariat or of the terms of appointment of such staff members. In its Advisory Opinion of 13 July 1954, the Court considered that the Assembly was not entitled on any grounds to refuse to give effect to an award of compensation made by the Administrative Tribunal in favour of a staff member of the United Nations whose contract of service had been terminated without his assent. The Court found that the Tribunal was an independent and truly judicial body pronouncing final judgments without appeal within the limited field of its functions and not merely an advisory or subordinate organ. Its judgments were therefore binding on the United Nations Organization and thus also on the General Assembly.
This overview is provided for information only and in no way involves the responsibility of the Court.