Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Statement by Mr. G. G. Fitzmaurice (U.K.) - Public hearing concluded


nniterpeétation of Peace Treatieswith Bulgaria,
Hungary and Romnia,

Statement by Mr. G.G. Fitzmauric (U.K.) - PublicHearing concluded.

The Hague, March 2nd,1950.

The Court in public sitting, which.oecupie tde whole day, heard
Mr.GOG. FITZMAURICE ,.M.G., deputy le@ addser of the ForeLgn Office,
gfving an oraistatement on behalf of the United Kingdom

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Order fixing the time-limits for the filing of the written pleadings



The folloilring information, emanating from the Registry of the

International Court of Justice, has been unofficiall comunlcated

to the Press:

The Acting President of th:: Court has to-day made an Order fixing

the dates for the fiLing of the pleadiqgs in the Colornbian-Peruvian

Asylum Case, brought by the ~Cvcrnment 6f Colombia against the Govern-

merit of Peru,

The Goverment of the Republic of Colombia is to file its PIemorial

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - List of Governments who have submitted written statements and who have announced that oral statements would be presented on their

Cornmun uié No, 50 8,

TG following ,hformation from the Registry of the
Internationa Court of Justice has becn commuiicate do the

The Court wlll hold publichearhgs, beginning on
Tuesday, February 28th,1950, at 11 a.m.?in the Advlsory
Case concerning certain procedural quest~ons relating to the
interpretatio on Peace Treaties &th Bulgaria ,ungary and

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - Argentina has renounced its intention of being represented at the public hearings

Communiqué 50/6

The following information from the Registrg of the

Internationa Clourt of Justice has been comnicated to the

press :

The Government of the Republicof Argentins has

renounced its previously-state idtention of being represented

at the oral hearings to be held by the Court on Thursday,

February 16th, 1950,in the advisory case concerning the

conpetence of the Ceneral Assemblyfor the admission of new

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Order extending the time-limit for the filing by Colombia of its Memorial

CommuniquéNo, 47/27.


The following informztion fromtheRegistry of the Tnter-

nntional Court of Justice hrzs been çormnunfcated tu the Press :

M. Bssdevant , President of the Internationa Clourt of

Justice, has made sn Order on December 17th,1950, extendhg from

December3Oth, 1949 to Jnnusry 1Oth, 1950, the time-lunït for

the filin?, by the Colombian Government, of its Vernarial in the

Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations - Advisory Opinion of the Court of 11 April 1949

Communiqué No, 49/12,
Unoff icial ,

The following informatioi~ issued by the Registry of the Inter-
national Court of Justice has been communicated to the Frcss.

Today,April Ilth,1949, the lntemational Court of Justice read
in a publicsittlng its AdvisoryOPiilior! on thc question of SepratTon
for injuries suffered in the serviceof the United Naticns. The question

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - The Court will hold public hearings beginning on 16 February 1950

Communiqué No. 50/4,.


The fallowîng information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been communicate to the Press:

The Caurt will hold public hearings, beginning on*Thursday,

February 16th,1950, at 11 a.m., in the advisory case'conceming the

cornpetence of the General Assembly for the admiss'ion of new Members
