Intervention proceedings 2024

Document Number
Intervention proceedings 2024
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document

Document Long Title

Intervention proceedings 2024

By its Judgment dated 2 February 2024, the Court found that it had jurisdiction to entertain one of the claims made by Ukraine and that this claim was admissible. Further to that Judgment, the Registrar invited those States that had previously filed declarations of intervention pursuant to Article 63 of the Statute of the Court to indicate, by 2 August 2024, whether they wished to file a new declaration or maintain their original declaration (with or without adjustments) for the purposes of the merits phase. A number of States filed new declarations of intervention under Article 63 of the Statute (Austria, Czechia, Finland and Slovenia (jointly); Bulgaria; Estonia; Germany; Poland (which also filed an Application for permission to intervene under Article 62 of the Statute); and Spain). Others indicated that they wished to maintain their previous declarations without modification (Canada and the Netherlands (jointly), France, Italy, Portugal and Romania), while a third group made adjustments to their original declarations (Australia, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom). The new and adjusted documents are available below in the order in which they were submitted.
