Declaration of intervention of Austria

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File

4 October 2022
To the Registrar of the International Court of Justice, the undersigned being duly authorized by
the Republic of Austria:
1. On behalf of the Republic of Austria, I have the honour to submit to the Court a Declaration
oflntervention pursuant to the right to intervene set out in Article 63, paragraph 2, of the Statute
of the International Court of Justice ("Statute"), in the case concerning Allegations of Genocide
under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime ofGenocide (Ukraine v.
Russian Federation).
2. Article 82, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court provides that a declaration of a State's desire
to avail itself of the right conferred upon it by Article 63, paragraph 2, of the Statute "shall
specify the case and convention to which it relates and shall contain:
(a) particulars of the basis on which the declarant State considers itself a party to the
(b) identification of the particular provisions of the convention the construction of which it
considers to be in question;
( c) a statement of the construction of those provisions for which it contends;
( d) a list of documents in support, which documents shall be attached."
3. These requirements are addressed in sequence below.
I. Austria's Right to Intervene
4. On 30 March 2022, the Registrar notified Austria, as a Party to the 1948 Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ("Genocide Convention" or
"Convention"), on the basis of Article 63, paragraph 1, of the Statute, that by Ukraine's
Application the Genocide Convention "is invoked both as a basis of the Court's jurisdiction and
the substantive basis of [Ukraine's] daims on the merits." The Registrar further specified that:
"[Ukraine] seeks to found the Court's jurisdiction on the compromissory clause
contained in Article IX of the Genocide Convention, asks the Court to declare that it has
not committed a genocide as defined in Articles II and III of the Convention, and raises
questions concerning the scope of the duty to prevent and punish genocide under
Article I of the Convention. It therefore appears that the construction of [the Genocide
Convention] will be in question in this case." 1
5. By the present Declaration, Austria, as a Party to the Genocide Convention, avails itself of
the right to intervene conferred upon it by Article 63, paragraph 2, of the Statute. Austria
exercises this right in accordance with Article 82, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, by filing
this Declaration "as soon as possible and well in advance of the oral proceeding". Furthermore,
in accordance with Article 63 of the Statute, Austria limits its intervention to matters of
construction of the Genocide Convention in the context of the present case.
6. If this intervention is admitted, Austria requests to be fumished with copies of the Parties'
pleadings and documents annexed thereto and reserves its right to submit its written
observations on the subject-matter of the intervention pursuant to Article 86, paragraph 1, of
the Rules of Court.
7. By this intervention, Austria does not seek to become a Party to these Proceedings. However,
Austria accepts that by intervening in this case, the construction of the Genocide Convention
given by the judgment will be equally binding upon it.
8. Finally, Austria hereby expresses its willingness to assist the Court in grouping its
intervention together with like-minded intervening States at future stages of the proceedings,
should the Court consider this conducive for the sound and expeditious administration of
II. Case and Convention to which this Declaration relates
9. On 26 February 2022, Ukraine instituted proceedings against the Russian Federation under
Article IX of the Genocide Convention. 2 The Application instituting proceedings was
accompanied by a request to the Court for the indication of provisional measures in accordance
with Article 41 of the Statute. 3
1 O. Ukraine states that its Application "concems a dispute ... relating to the interpretation,
application and fulfilment of the [Genocide Convention]".4 Specifically, it contends that
" ... the Russian Federation has falsely claimed that acts of genocide have occurred in
the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine, and on that basis recognized the so-called
"Donetsk People's Republic" and "Luhansk People's Republic", and then declared and
1 Letter from the Registrar of the International Court of Justice to the States Parties to the Genocide Convention,
n°156413, 30 March 2022.
2 Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
(Ukraine v. Russia), Application instituting proceedings of26 February 2022 ("Application").
3 Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
(Ukraine v. Russia), Request for the indication ofprovisional measures submitted by Ukraine, 26 February 2022
("Provisional Measures Request").
4 Application, para. 2.
implemented a "special military operation" against Ukraine with the express purpose of
preventing and punishing purported acts of genocide that have no basis in fact. "5
11. On 7 March 2022, the Russian Federation delivered a document to the Registry of the Court,
setting out its position regarding the alleged "lack of jurisdiction" of the Court in this case. 6 In
particular, the Russian Federation daims that its "special military operation" is "based on the
United Nations Charter, its Article 51 and customary intemational law"7, as opposed to the
Genocide Convention. In the Russian Federation's view, Ukraine's allegations fall outside the
scope ratio ne materiae of Article IX of the Genocide Convention because
"[a] reference to genocide is not equal to the invocation of the Convention or the
existence of a dispute under it, since the notion of genocide exists in customary
international law independently of the Convention ... There are no references to the
Convention in the statement of the President of the Russian Federation to which the
Govemment of Ukraine refers ... "8
12. The Court rejected this argument prima facie in its Order indicating provisional measures
of 16 March 2022, following an oral hearing and consideration of the document filed by the
Russian Federation.9 Notably, the Court pointed out that
"since 2014, various State organs and senior representatives of the Russian Federation
have referred, in official statements, to the commission of acts of genocide by Ukraine
in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. The Court observes, in particular, that the
Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - an official State organ -has, since
2014, instituted criminal proceedings against high-ranking Ukrainian officials regarding
the alleged commission of acts of genocide against the Russian-speaking population
living in the above-mentioned regions "in violation of the 1948 Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide"."10
13. The Court drew from this that
"the evidence in the case file demonstrates prima facie that statements made by the
Parties referred to the subject-matter of the Genocide Convention in a sufficiently clear
5 Ibid; see also paras. 8-11, where Ukraine inter alia refers to the Address by the President of the Russian
Federation of 21 February 2022, basing his decision to "immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty
of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic" on the "horror and genocide, which almost
4 million people are facing" (bu :// ·/ resident/transcri ts/statements/67828); and Address by
the President of the Russian Federation of 24 February 2022, stating that the purpose of the military operation is
to "protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev
regime" (; see also Allegations of Genocide under the
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation),
Provisional Measures, Ortler of 16 March 2022 ("Provisional Measures Ortler"), paras. 37-42.
6 Document (with annexes) from the Russian Federation setting out its position regarding the alleged "lack of
jurisdiction" of the Court in the case, 7 March 2022 ("Document of the Russian Federation").
7 Ibid, para. 15.
8 Ibid, para. 20.
9 Provisional Measures Order, para. 48.
10 Ibid, para. 37.
way to allow Ukraine to invoke the compromissory clause in this instrument as a basis
for the Court's jurisdiction."11
14. These observations make plain that the Genocide Convention and its proper construction
forma central part of the case at hand. As a Party to the Genocide Convention, Austria is entitled
to intervene and present its construction of the Convention under Article 63, paragraph 2, of the
Genocide Convention. Furthermore, the Court has recognized that the obligations in the
Convention are owed erga omnes partes so that any State Party to the Convention has a legal
interest in the other State Parties' compliance with the Convention. 12
III. Basis on which Austria is a Party to the Genocide Convention
15. On 19 March 1958, Austria deposited its instrument of accession to the Genocide
Convention with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of
the Convention. 13 Upon that instrument becoming effective on 17 June 1958, Austria became a
State Party to the Genocide Convention pursuant to Article XIII of the Convention.
IV. Provisions of the Genocide Convention in Question in the Proceedings
16. According to the letter of the Registrar of 30 March 2022, Articles I, II, III and IX of the
Genocide Convention are in question in the present proceedings. Although these provisions
relate both to the Court's jurisdiction and the merits of the case, Austria will limit this
intervention to jurisdictional issues, i.e. to the construction of the compromissory clause
contained in Article IX of the Genocide Convention. 14
17. However, the construction of the Convention's compromissory clause, and specifically an
interpretation in the light of the object and purpose of the Convention, requires reference to
other provisions of the Genocide Convention. Finally, Austria reserves its right to submit
further declarations conceming the construction of the Articles of the Convention that relate to
the merits of the case.
11 Ibid, para. 44.
12 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v.
Myanmar), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 22 July 2022, at paras. 107-109.
13 See Annex.
14 Neither the wording of Article 63 of the Statute nor the few precedents in the Court's case law limit the right to
intervene under Article 63 of the Statute to substantive, as opposed to jurisdictional issues of construction; see
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America)
Declaration of Intervention of El Salvador, Order of 4 October 1984, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p. 223, at pp. 235-236,
Dissenting Opinion of Judge Schwebel (stating that "intervention in the jurisdictional phase of a proceeding is
within the scope of rights with which States are endowed by the terms of Article 63."); see also Robert Kolb, The
International Court of Justice (Hart Publishing 2014), 737 ("[O]ne must begin with what is generally accepted,
namely that an intervention is possible in relation to each title of jurisdiction in a multilateral convention, for
example, a compromissory clause.")
V. Statement on the Construction of Article IX of the Genocide Convention
18. Article IX of the Genocide Convention reads as follows:
"Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or
fulfilment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a
State for genocide or for any of the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted
to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute."
19. Austria wishes to address the construction of the Court's jurisdiction under Article IX of
the Genocide Convention in the specific context of the present case. Ukraine's daims can be
grouped into two sets of jurisdictional questions.
20. The first category of jurisdictional questions concerns Ukraine' s request to the Court to
"adjudge and declare that, contrary to what the Russian Federation daims, no acts of
genocide, as defined by Article III of the Genocide Convention, have been committed
in the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts ofUkraine."15
21. The relief sought is a "negative declaration" by the Court, stating that Ukraine has not
committed genocide as defined in the Genocide Convention. This raises the question as to
whether Article IX of the Genocide Convention vests the Court with the jurisdiction ratione
materiae to adjudge and declare the absence of acts of genocide, i.e. a non-violation of
Article III of the Genocide Convention.
22. "Negative declarations" establishing the non-violation of international obligations are as
much part of the Court's competence as declaratory relief for the violation of obligations. For
instance, in the case concerning Rights of Natio nais of the United States of America in Morocco,
the applicant requested the Court to declare that it had acted "in conformity with the treaty
provisions which are ... binding on France and the United States". 16 The Court, which has to
verify its jurisdiction proprio motu, 17 did not see any jurisdictional issues with France' s request
for a negative declaration and went on to consider the merits of the claim. Likewise, in its
Lockerbie judgment, the Court confirmed its jurisdiction over the applicant' s request for a
negative declaration establishing that it had not violated the Montreal Convention. 18
23. Consequently, Austria concludes from the Court's case law that the Courtis competent to
grant declaratory relief concerning the non-violation of international obligations.
15 Application, para. 30(a).
16 Rights ofNationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America), Judgment
of27 August 1952, I.C.J. Reports 1952, p. 176, at p. 182.
17 Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the !CAO Council (lndia v. Pakistan), Judgment of 18 August 1972, I.C.J.
Reports 1972, p. 46, at p. 52, para. 13.
18 Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident
at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 27 February
1998, I.C.J. Reports 1998, p. 9.
24. The second category of jurisdictional questions relates to Ukraine' s claim that
"the Russian Federation's declaration and implementation of measures in or against
Ukraine in the form of a "special military operation" declared on 24 February 2022 on
the basis of alleged genocide, as well as the recognition that preceded the military
operation, is incompatible with the Convention ... ". 19
25. This category of daims is contingent on the Court's jurisdiction over the question as to
whether the Russian Federation's conduct is contrary to its obligations regarding the
interpretation, application and fulfilment of the Genocide Convention.
26. In Austria's view, the core jurisdictional question of the second category is whether Article
IX of the Genocide Convention vests the Court with the competence to sit over a dispute
concerning certain declarations and acts undertaken on the basis of abusive allegations of
genocide that contradict the letter and spirit of the Genocide Convention.
2 7. The following sections set out Austria' s statement of the construction of Article IX of the
Genocide Convention in line with the rule of interpretation stated in Article 31 of the 1969
Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties ("VCLT"): "a treaty shall be interpreted in good
faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their
context and in the light of its abject and purpose." Although the VCL T is not directly applicable
ratione temporis in the present case, it is well established that Article 31 of the VCLT reflects
customary international law.20
1. Ordinary Meaning of the Terms of Article IX
28. The point of departure of the general rule of interpretation is an interpretation of the terms
of the treaty by their ordinary meaning.21
29. According to the plain wording of Article IX of the Genocide Convention, the Court has
jurisdiction over "disputes" that relate to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the
Convention. This notion of a dispute - "a disagreement on a point of law or fact, a conflict of
legal views or of interests"22
- takes centre stage in the construction of Article IX.
30. A dispute exists if the two parties "hold clearly opposite views concerning the question of
the performance or non-performance of certain international obligations."23 In this connection,
19 Application, paras. 26, 30(b)-30(d).
20 See, e.g., Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v. Venezuela), Jurisdiction of the Court, Judgment of 18
December 2020, I.C.J. Reports 2020, p. 455, at p. 475, para. 70.
21 E.g. Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad), Judgment of 3 February 1994, I.C.J. Reports 1994, p.
6, at p. 22, para. 41.
22 Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions (Greece v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 30
August 1924, P .C.I.J. Series A, No. 2, at p. 11.
23 Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia),
Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 17 March 2016, I.C.J. Reports 2016, p. 3, at p. 26, para. 50.
"the positive opposition ... need not necessarily be stated expressis verbis",24 as long as "the
respondent was aware, or could not have been unaware, that its views were 'positively opposed'
by the applicant."25 Likewise, "it is not necessary that a State must expressly refer to a specific
treaty in its exchanges with the other State to enable it later to invoke that instrument before the
31. The dispute must in principle exist on the date on which the application is submitted to the
Court.27 In the present case, Ukraine refers to statements that manifested the opposing views of
the Russian Federation and Ukraine prior to the filing of Ukraine's Application.28 Further, the
document submitted to the Court on 7 March 2022, in which the Russian Federation reiterated
the allegations of genocide that form the core of Ukraine' s claim, 29 and other "[ c ]onduct
subsequent to the application ( or the application itself)" may be used "to confirm the existence
of a dispute [or] to clarify its subject-matter". 30
32. A dispute only falls under the jurisdiction of the Court pursuant to Article IX of the
Genocide Convention if it relates to the "interpretation, application or fulfilment" of the
33. Austria submits that the Court' s jurisdiction over the "fulfilment" of the Convention - an
unusual feature among compromissory clauses, which are commonly limited to the
"interpretation and application" of the respective treaty- further substantiates a construction of
Article IX that renders declarations of the absence of genocide under its purview. Opposing
views between State Parties regarding allegations of genocide plainly constitute a dispute not
only about the interpretation and application of the Genocide Convention but also as to whether
or not the accused State has "fulfilled" the Convention.
34. The Court recently held that
24 Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria), Preliminary Objections,
Judgment of 11 June 1998, I.C.J. Reports 1998, p. 275, at p. 315, para. 89.
25 See, e.g., Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear
Disarmament (Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 5 October 2016, I.C.J.
Reports 2016, p. 833, at p. 850, para. 41.
26 Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia
v. Russian Federation), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 1 April 2011, I.C.J. Reports 2011, p. 70, at p. 85,
para. 30.
27 Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear
Disarmament (Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 5 October 2016, I.C.J.
Reports 2016, p. 833, at p. 851, paras. 42-43.
28 See Application, paras. 8-11.
29 Document of the Russian Federation, para. 20.
30 Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear
Disarmament (Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 5 October 2016, I.C.J.
Reports 2016, p. 833, at p. 851, para. 43.
"[ c ]ertain acts may fall within the ambit of more than one instrument and a dispute
relating to those acts may relate to the "interpretation or application" of more than one
treaty or other instrument. "31
35. Accordingly, the fact that a Party's claims may simultaneously relate to other legal or
political questions in addition to the "interpretation, application or fulfilment" of the Genocide
Convention does in no way abrogate Article IX. Even if the larger dispute gives rise to questions
under the UN Charter or customary international law in parallel to questions under the
Genocide Convention, the Court "cannot infer the subject-matter of a dispute from the political
context" but must "bas[ e] itself on what the applicant has requested of it"32 under the Genocide
36. Ukraine requests the Court to adjudge and declare whether certain declarations and acts
undertaken on the basis of abusive allegations of genocide are in conformity with the Genocide
Convention. Thereby, Ukraine calls upon the Court to assess the Russian Federation's conduct
in the light of the provisions of the Genocide Convention and the principle of pacta sunt
servanda. In view of Ukraine's claims, the Russian Federation cannot escape its obligations
under the Genocide Convention since State Parties cannot pick and choose whether they apply
a treaty or customary intemational law in a given situation. Rather, obligations under a treaty
take precedence over customary intemational law in accordance with the interpretive maxim of
lex specialis. 33
3 7. Moreover, disputes under Article IX "includ[ e] those relating to the responsibility of a State
for genocide or for any of the acts enumerated in article III".
38. As the Court has noted, this clause "does not exclude any form of State responsibility"34
and thus, the Court' s jurisdiction under the Convention covers State responsibility for any form
of conduct, including false allegations of genocide. In the same vein, the Court has confirmed
that Article IX also pertains to disputes conceming obligations that are "not expressly imposed
by the actual terms of the Convention."35 Accordingly, the subject of the dispute may also
concem Article IX itself, as well as the Convention read as a whole. 36
31 Alleged Violations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economie Relations, and Consular Rights (Islamic Republic of
Iran v. United States of America), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of3 February 2021, I.C.J. Reports 2021, p.
9, at p. 27, para. 56.
32 Ibid, para. 59.
33 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America),
Judgment of 27 June 1986, I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 14, at p. 137, para. 274 ("ln general, treaty rules being !ex
specialis, it would not be appropriate that a State should bring a claim based on a customary-law rule if it has by
treaty already provided means for settlement of a such a claim.")
34 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 11 July 1996, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 595, at p.
616, para. 32.
35 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment of26 February 2007, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p.43, at p. 113, para.
36 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 11 July 1996, I.C.J. Reports 1996, p. 595, at p.
39. Finally, Article IX authorizes "any of the parties to the dispute" to seize the Court with the
matter. Thus, the State Party accused of genocide has the same right to seize the Court and ask
for declaratory relief as the State that has made the accusation. As a consequence, the plain
wording of Article IX vests the Court with jurisdiction to grant a negative declaration
establishing the non-violation of the Genocide Convention.
2. Good Faith Interpretation of the Genocide Convention
40. The Court has observed that the principle of good faith, reflected in Article 31 of the VCLT,
"obliges the Parties to apply [ a treaty] in a reasonable way and in such a manner that its purpose
can be realized".37 Put differently, the obligation to interpret in good faith serves as a safeguard
against any misuse of the terms of the treaty. In this sense, the principle of good faith constitutes
the positive side of the prohibition of abuse of rights, so that a bad faith interpretation amounts
to an abusive interpretation. 38
41. In light of the above, a State Party fails to interpret, apply and fulfil the Genocide
Convention in good faith if its accusations of genocide, and any ensuing actions with the stated
purpose of preventing and punishing such genocide, are not objectively supported by any
factual and legal foundation.
42. A dispute as to whether a State Party has disregarded the principle of good faith and has
thereby engaged in an abusive interpretation and application of the Genocide Convention falls
under the purview of Article IX.
3. Ohject and Purpose of the Genocide Convention
43. Article 31 of the VCLT requires a treaty to be interpreted in the light of its object and
purpose, which may be reflected in its preamble. 39 The preamble of the Genocide Convention
indicates the object and purpose to further "the spirit and aims of the United Nations". This
object and purpose entails that in their efforts to interpret, apply and fulfil the Convention, State
Parties may not act in a manner that contradicts the spirit and aims of the UN Charter. In the
616, para. 33 ("[The Court] would moreover observe that it is sufficiently apparent from the very terms of
[Yugoslavia's preliminary] objection that the Parties not only differ with respect to the facts of the case, their
imputability and the applicability to them of the provisions of the Genocide Convention, but are moreover in
disagreement with respect to the meaning and legal scope of several ofthose provisions, including Article IX.")
37 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia), Judgment of25 September 1997, I.C.J. Reports 1997, p. 7,
at p. 79, para. 142.
38 WTO, United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WT/DS58/AB/R, Report of
the Appellate Body of 12 October 1998, para. 158.
39 E.g. Question of the De/imitation of the Continental Shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200
Nautical Miles from the Nicaraguan Coast (Nicaragua v. Colombia), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 17
March 2016, I.C.J. Reports 2016, p. 100, at p. 118, para. 39.
same vein, the Court has already affirmed that "it is clear that every State may only act within
the limits permitted by intemational law".40
44. The Court has further noted that
"[t]he high ideals which inspired the Convention provide, by virtue of the common will
of the parties, the foundation and measure of all its provisions."41
45. The Convention's object and purpose to protect the most elementary principles ofmorality
also necessitates the possibility of recourse before the Court for States that claim to be a victim
of another State Party' s abusive invocation of genocide. Hence, the object and purpose of the
Convention strongly militates in favour of an interpretation of Article IX according to which
disputes relating to the interpretation, application and fulfilment include disputes about abusive
allegations of genocide contradicting the letter and spirit of the Convention.
VI. Conclusion
46. For the reasons given in this Declaration, Austria respectfully requests the Court to
recognize the admissibility of this Declaration and that Austria is availing itself of its right
under Article 63, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court to intervene in these proceedings.
4 7. Austria reserves the right to amend or supplement this Declaration in the course of written
and oral observations and by filing further declarations with the Court.
VII. Annex: Documents in Support of this Declaration of Intervention
For the Republic of Austria
Ambassador Helmut Tichy, Agent
40 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishrnent of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment of26 February 2007, I.C.J. Reports 2007, p.43, at p. 221, para.
41 Reservations to the Genocide Convention, Advisory Opinion of28 May 1951, I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 15, at p.
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Nachdem die am 9. Dezemher 1948 von der Generalversammlung der
Vereinten Nationen einstimmig genehmigte Konvention über die Verhütung
und Bestrafung des Volkermordes, 'Y'elche also lautet:
The Contracting Parties •
Having considered the declaration
made by the General
Assembly of the United Nations
in its resolution 96 (I) dated
11 December 1946 that genocide
is a. crime under international
law, contrary to the
spirit and aims of the United
Nations and condemned by the
civilized world;
Recognizing that at · all
periods of histôry genocide has
inflictèd great· losses on humanity;
and · ·
Being convinced that, in order
to libèrate mankind · from such
an odious scourge, international
co-operation is required,
Hereby agree as hereinafter
Article I
The Contracting Parties con~
rm that genocide, whether
committed in tîme of peace or
in time of war, is a crime under
international law which chey
undertake to prevent and to
Article II
Les Parties Contractantes,
Considérant que l'Assemblée
générale de !'Organisation des
Nations Unies, par sa résolution
96 (I) en date du 11 décembre
1946, a ètéclaré que
le génocide est un crime du
droit des gens, en contradiction
avec l'esprit et les fins des Nations
Unies et que le monde
civilisé condamne ;
Reconnaissant qu'à toutes les
périodes de l'histoire le génocide
•a infligé de grandes pertes à
Convaincues que, pour libérer
l'humanité d'un fléau aussi
odieux, la coopération internationale
est nécessaire;
Conviennent de ce qui suit:
Article premier
Les Parties contractantes confirment
que le génocide, qu'il
soit commis en temps de paix
ou en temps de guerre, est un
crime du droit des geo.s, qu'elles
s'engagent à prévenir et à punir.
Article II
Nacb Erwagung der Erklarung,
die von der Generalversammlung
der Vereinten Nationen
in ihrer Resolution 96 (I)
vom 11. Dezember 1946 abgegeben
wurde, daB Volkermord
ein Verbrechen nach Vol.kerrecht
ist, das dem Geist und den
Zielen der Vereinten Nacionen
zuwiderlauft und von der zivilisierten
Welt verurteilt wird,
In Anerkennung der Tatsache,
da!! der Vol.kermord der
Menschheit ia allen Zeiten der
Geschichte groBe Verluste zugefügt
hat, und
In der Oberzeugung, daB zur
Befreiung der von
einer solch v-erabscheuungswürdigen
Geifiel internationa.le Zusammenarbeit
erforderüch ist,
si.nd die VertragschlieBenden
Parteien hiemit wie folgt überci
Artikel I
Die VertragschlieBenden Parteien
bestatigen, dafi Volk.ermord,
ab ia Friedens- oder in
Kriegszeiten begangen, ein Verbrechen
nadi Volkerrecht ist, zu
dessen Ver.hütung und Bestrafung
sie sich verpflichcen.
Artikel II
In the present Convention, Dans la présente Convention, ln dieser Konvention bedeu.-
genocîde means any of the, le génocide s'entend de l'un tet Volkermord eine der fol2
fo llowing acts comrnicced with quelconque des acres ci-après,
intent co destroy, in whole or commis dans l'intention de déin
parc, a national, ethnical, rruire, en tout ou c.n partie, un
racial or religious group, as groupe nationa l, ethnique, ra
such: ou re ligieux, comme tel :
(a) Killing members of the a) Meurtre de membres du
(b) Causing serious bodily or
mental harm co members
of che group ;
(c) Deliberaccly inflicting on
the group conditions of
life calculated to bring
about its physical destruction
in wohle or in parc;
(d) lmposing measures intended
to prevent births
within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children
, of the group to
another group.
Article III
The following acts shall be
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit
(c) Direct and public incitement
to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.
Article IV
Petsons committing genocide
or''ariy· M the otlier acts enumerated
in article III shall
be punished, whether they
are constitutionally responsible
rulers, public of:ficials or private
. Ariicle V
The Contractihg Parties
undertake . to. enact, in accordance
with their respective
Constitutions, the necessary
legislation · to -give effect to the
b) Atteinte grave à l'intégrité
physique ,ou mentale de
membres du groupe;
c) Soumission intentionnelle
du groupe à des conditions
d'existence devant entraîner
sa destruction physique
totale ou partielle;
d) Mesures visant à entraver
l<,s naissances au sein du
e) Transfert forcé d'enfants
du groupe à un autre
Article III
Seront punis les actes suivants:
a) Le génocide;
b) L'entente en vue de commettre
le génocide;
c) L'incitation directe et publique
à commettre le génocide;
d) La tentative de génocide;
e) La complicité dans le génocide.
Article IV
Les personnes ayant commis
le génocide ou l'un quelconque
des autres actes énumérés à l'article
III seront punies, qu'elles
soient des gouvernants, des
fonctionnaires ou des particuliers.
Article V
Les Parties contractantes s'engagent
à prendre, conformément
à leurs constitutions res•
pectives, les mesures législatives
nécessaires pour· assurer l'appligenden
Handlungen, die in der
Absicht begangen wird, eîne na
·cionale, erhnische, rassisd1e ·oder
religiose Gnippe ais solche gan2
oder ceilweise 2u zerstoren:
a) Tèitung von Mitgliedern
der Gruppe;
b) Zufügung von schwerem
korperlichem oder seelischem
Schaden an Mitgliedern
der Gruppe;
c) vors.atzli-che Unterwerfung
der Gruppe unter Lebensbedingungen
mit dem Ziel,
ihre korperliche Zerstêirung
ganz oder teilweise
d) Verhângung von MaBnahmen,
die auf die Geburtenverhinderung
der Gruppe gerichtet
e) gewaltsame Oberführung;
yon Kindern der Gruppe
in eine andere Gruppe.
Artikel III
Die folgenden Handlungen
werden hestraft:
a) Volkermord;
b) Verschworung zur l3ege~
hung von Vëlkermord;
c) unmittelbare und offentliche
Anreizung zur Begehung
von Volkermord;
d) Versuch des Volkermordès;
e) Beteiligung · am Vôlkermord.
Artikel IV
Personen, die Vêilkermord
oder eine der sonstigen in Artikel
III angeführten Handlungen
begehen, werden bestraft,
gleichviel ob sie nach der Verfassung
verantwortliche regierende
Personen, offentliche
Beamte oder Privatpersonen
sind .
Artikel V
Die VertragschlieBenden Parteien
verpflichten sich, in Obereinstimmung
mit ihren V erfassungen
die notwendigen gesetzgeberischen
MaBnahmen zu erprovmons
of the present Convention
and1 in particular, to
provide effective penalties for
persons guilty of genocide or
of any of the other acts enumerated
in article III.
Article VI
Persons charged with genocide
or any of the other acts
enumerated in article III s11all
be tried by a competent tribunal
of the State in the territory
of which the act was
committed, or by such international
penal tribunal as may
have jurisdiction with respect
to those Contracting Parties
which shall have accepted its
Article VII
Çenocide and the other acts
enumerated in article III sha!J
not be considered as political
crimes for the purpose of extradition.
The Contracting Parties
pledge themselves in such cases
to grant extradition in accordance
with their laws and
treaties in force.
Article VIII
Any Contracting Party niay
. call upon the competent organs
of the United Nations to take
such action under the Charter
of the United Nations as they
consider appropriate for the
prevention and suppression· of
.acts of genocide or any of the
other acts enumerated in article
Article IX
Disputes between the Co.ntracting
Parties relating to the
interpretation, application r)r
fulfilment of the present Convention,
includmg rhose relating
to the responsibility of a State
for genocide or for any of rhe
other acts enumerated in arcation
des dispositions de la
présente Convention, et notamment
à prévoir, des sanccions
pénales efficaces frappant les
personnes coupables de génocide
ou de l'un quelconque des autres
actes énumérés à l'ardcle Ill.
Article VI
Les personnes accusées de génocide
ou de l'un quelconque
des autres actes énumérés à l'article
III seront traduites devanc
les tribunaux compétents de
l'Etat sur le territoire duquel
l'acte a été commis, ou devant
la Cour criminelle internationale
qui sera compéte'nte à l'égard
de celles des Parties conctractantes
qui· en auront reconnu
la juridiction.
Article VII
Le génocide et les autres actes
énumérés à l'article III ne. seront
pas considérés comme des
crimes politiques pour cc qui
est de l'extradition.
Les Partjes contractantes
s'engagent en pareil cas à accorder
l'extradition conformément
à leur législation et aux traités
en vigueur.
Article VIII
Tollte Partie contractante
peut saisir Jes organes compétents
des Nations Unies afin que
ceux-ci prennent, conformément
à la Charte des Nations Unies,
les._ mesures qu'ils jugent appropriées
pour la prévention et la
répression des actes de ~nocide
ou de l'un quelconque des autres
actes énumérés à l'article III.
Article IX
Les différends entre les Parties
contractantes relatifs à
l'i nterprétation., l'application ou
l'exécution de la présènte Convention,
y compris ceux relatifs
à la responsabilité d'un Etat en
matière àe génocide ou de l'un
quelconque des autres ,actes
greifen, um die Anwendung der
Bestimmungcn dieser Konvention
sicherzustellen und insbesondere
wirksame Scrafen für
Personen vorzusehen, die des
Volkermordes oder einer der
sonstigen in Artikel III angeführcen
Handlungen schuldig
Artikel VI
Personen, denen Volkermord
oder eine de.r sonstigen in Artikel
III angeführten Handlungen
zur Last gclegt w.ird, werden
-vor ein zusta.ndiges Gericht
des Staates, in dessen Gebiet die
Handlung begangen worden ist,
oder vor das incemationale
Scrafgericht gestellt, das für jene
V ertragschlieBende11 Pa rteien
zustandig Îst, die seine Gerichtsbarkeit
anerkannt haben.
Artikel VII
Volkermo rd und die sonstigen
in Arti.kel m angeführten
Handlungen werden be.i der
AusEeferung nid1t ais politisd1e
Straftaccn angesehen.
Die Venragsd1lieBenden Parteien
verpflichren sid,, in derartigen
Fallen die Auslieferung
gemaB i.hren geltenden Gesetzen
und Vercragen zu bewilligcn.
Artikel Vlll
Jede Verrragsd11ieBende Parrei
kann die zusrandigen Organe
der Vereinten Nationen damit
befassen , gemaB der Charta der
Ve.reinten Nacionen jene Ma.B nahmen
zu ergreifen, die sie für
die Verhütung und Bekampfung
von Véilkermordhandlungen
oder eincr der sonst.igen in Artikel
III angefübrten Handlungen
hir geeignet erachten.
Artikel IX
Streitigkeicen zwischen den
Vertragsd,lieBenden Parteien bezüglid1
der Auslegung, Anwendung
oder Durchführung dieser
Konvention, einschliefüich derjenigen
die sid1 auf di.e Verantwortlichkeit
eines Staates for
Volkermord oder eine der son4
ticle III, shall be submitted to
the lntern~tional Court of
Justice at the request. of any of
the parties to the dispute.
Article X
The present Convent.ion, of
which the Chinese, Engfüh,
French, Russian, and Spanish
texts are equally auchentic, shaU
bear the date of 9 Decembcr
Article XI
The present Convention shaU
be open until 31 December 1949
for signature on behalf of any
Member of the United Nations
and of any non-member Stare to
which an invitation to sign has
been addressed by the General
The present Convention shall
be ratified, and the instruments
of ratification shall be deposited
with the Secretary-General of
the United Nations.
A fter 1 Jan uary 1950 the
present Convention may be
acceded to on behalf of any
Member of the United Nations
and of any non-member State
which has received an invitation
as aforesaid.
énumérés à l'article ID, seront
soumis à la Cour internationale
de Justice, à la requête d'une
Partie au différend.
Article X
La présente Convention dont
les textes anglais, chinois, espagnol,
français et russe feront
également foi, portera la date
du 9 décembre 1948.
Article XI
La présence Convention sera
ouverte jusqu'au 31 décembre
1949 à la signature au nom de
cout Membre des Nations Unies
et de toue Etat non membre à
qui l'Assemblée générale aura
adressé une invitation à cet
La présence Convention sera
ratifiée et les instruments de
ratification seront déposés auprès
du Secrétaire général des
Nations Unies.
A partir du l" janvier 1950,
il pourra être adhéré à la présente
Convention au nom de
tout Membre des Nations Unies
et de tout Etat non membre
qui au_ra reçu l'invitation susmentionnée.
Instruments of accession shall Les instruments d'adhésion
be deposited with the Secretary- seront déposés auprès du SecréGeneral
of the United Nations. taire général des Nations Unies.
Article XII Article XII
Any Contracting Party may Toute Partie contractante
at any cime, by notification pourra, à tout moment, par
addressed to the Secretary- notification adressée au SecréGeneral
of the United Nations, taire général des Nations Unies,
ex tend the application of the 'étendre l'application de la prépresent
Convention to ail or sente Convention à tous les
any of the terricocies for the :territoires ou à l'un quelconque
conduct of whose foreign rela- : des territoires dont elle dirige
tions that Contracting Party is : les relations extérieures.
Article XIII Article XIII
On the day when the first , Dès le jour où les vingt pretwenty
instruments of ratifi- miers instruments de ratificacacion
or accession have becn tion ou d'adhésion auront été
deposited, the Secretary-General déposés, le Secrétaire général en
shall drilw up a procès-verbal .dressera procès-verbal. Il cransstigen
in Artikel Ill angeführten
Handlungen beziehen, werden
auf Antrag einer der an dem
Streitfall beteiligten Parteien
dem Internationalen Gerichtshof
un ter brei cet.
Artikel X
Diese Konvention, deren chinesischer,
englischer, franzosischer,
russischer und spanischer
Text gleicherma.Ben authencisd1
ist, tragt das. Datum des 9. Dezember
Arti.kel XI
Diesc Konvention stehc bis
zum 31. Dezember 1949 jcdem
Mitglied der Vereinten Nation.
en und jedem Nicht-Micglied,.
staat, an den die Generalversammlung
eine Einladung zur
Unterzeichnung gerichtet bat,
zur Unterzeichnung offen.
Diese Konvention bedarf der
Ratifikation; die Racifikationsurkunden
werden bei dem Generalsekrecar
der Vereinten Nati.
onen hincerlegt.
Nad, dem 1. Janner l 950
kann jcdes Mitglied der Verein
cen Nationen und jeder
Nichc-Mitgliedstaat, der, wie
obcn erwahnt, . eine Einladung
erhalten hat, der Konvention
Die Beitrittsurkunden werden
bei dem Generalsekrecar der
Vereincen Nationen hincerlegc.
Artikel Xll
Eine Vertragschlie.Bende Partei
kaon jede.rzeit durch Mitteilung
an den Generalsekretar
der Vereinten Nationen die
Anwendung dieser Konvention
auf aile oder eines der Gebiete
erstrecken, für deren internationale
Beziehungen diese Vertrag- .
schlieBende Partci verantwortlich
Artikel Xill
An dem Tag, an dem die
erscen zwanzig Ratifikationsoder
Beicrittsurkunden hinterlegc
sind, errichtet der Generalsekretar
ein Protokol1 und überand
transmit a copy thereof to
· each Member of the United
Nations and to each of the
non-member States contemplated
in article Xl.
The present Convention shall
corne into force on the ninetieth
day following the date of
deposit of the twentieth instrument
of ratification or accession.
Any ratification or accession
effecced subsequent to the latter
date shall become effective on
the ninetietb day following the
deposic of the instrument of
ratification or accession.
Article XIV
The presenc Convention shaU
remain in effect for a period of
ten years as from the dace of
its coming into force.
1t shall chereafcer remain m
force for successive pcriods of
fîve years for such Contracting
Parties as have not denounced
ic ac least six months before tbe
expiration of the current period.
mettra copie de ce procès-verbal
à tous les Etats Membres des
Nations Unies et aux non-membres
visés par l'article XI.
La présente Convention entrera
en vigueur le quatre-vingtdixième
jour qui suivra la date
du dépôt du vingtième instrument
de ratification ou d'adhés10n.
Toute ratification ou adhésion
effectuée ultérieurement à la
dernière date prendra effet le
quatre-vingt-dixième jour qui
suivra le dépôt de l'instrument
de ratification ou d'adhésion.
Article XIV
La présente Convention at1ra
une durée de dix ans à partir de
la date de son encrée en vigueur.
Elle restera par la suite en
vigueur pour une période de
cinq ans et ainsi de suite, vis-àvis
des Parties contractantes
qui ne l'auront pas dénoncée six
mois au moins avant l'e.xpirati.on
du terme.
mittelt jedem Mitglied der Vereinten
Nationen und jedem der
in Artikel XI erwa.hnten NichtMitgliedstaaten
cine Abséhrift
Diese Konvention tritt am
neunzigscen Tag nad:i dem
Zeitpunkt der Hinterlegung
der zwanzigsten Ratifikationsoder
Beitrimurlrunde in Kraft.
Ratifikationen oder Beitritte,
die nach letzterem Zeitpunkt
erfolgen, werden am neunzigsten
Tag nach der Himerlegung
der Ratifikations- oder
Beitrittsurkunde wirksam.
Artikel XIV
Diese Konvention bleibt für
die Dauer von zehn Jahren vom
Zeitpun.kt ihres Inkrafttretens
an in Kraft.
Danach bleibt sie für die
Dauer von jeweils we1teren
fünf Jahren für jene VertragschlieBenden
Parteien in Kraft,
die sie nicht mindestens sechs
Monace vor Ablauf des laufenden
Zeitraumes gekündigc
Denunciation shall be effectcd La dénonciation se fera par Die Kündigung erfolgt durch
by a written notification notification écrite adressée au schriftliche Mitteilung an den
addressed co the Secretary- Secrétaire général des N atiom Gencralsekretar der Vereinten
General of the United Nations. Unies. Nationen.
Article XV
If, as a result of denμnciations,
the number of Parties to
the present Convention should
become Jess chan sixteen, the
Convention shall cease co be in
force as frorn the date on whicb
the Jase of these denunciations
shall become effective.
Artide XVI
A request for the revision of
the present Convention may be
made ac any cime by any Contracting
Party by means of a
notification in writing addrem::d
to the Secretary-General.
The General Assembly shall
decide upon the steps, if any,
to be taken in respect of sucb
Article XV
Si, par suite de dénonciations,
le nombre des Parties à la présente
Convention se trouve
ramené à moins de seize, la Convention
cessera d'être en vig·ueur
à partir de la date à laquelle la
dernière de ces dénonciations
prendra effet.
Article XVI
Une demande de revision de
la présente Convention pourra
être formulée en tout temps par
toute Partie contractante, par
voie de notification écrite adressée
au Secrétaire général.
L'Assemblée générale statuera
sur les mesures à prendre, s'il
y a lieu, au sujet de cette demande.
Artikcl XV
Wenn infolge von Künd.igungen
die Zahl der Parteîen dicser
Konvention auf weniger ais
sechzehn sinkt, tritt die Konvention
mit dem Zeitpunkt
au.fier Kraft, in dem die letz.te
dieser Kündigungen wirksam
Artikel XVI
Ein Aotrag auf Revision dieser
Konvention kann jederzeit
von einer VertragschJieRenden
Partei durcb schriftliche
Mitteilung an den Geoe.ralsekreclir
gestellt werdcn.
Die Gencralversammlung entscheidet
über die Schritte, die
gegebenenfalls auf einen solchen
Antrag hin zu unternehmen
Article XVII·
The Secretary-General of the
United Nations shall notify ail
Members of.n he United Nations
and the ~ on-member States
contemplated in article XI of
the following:
(a) Signatures,· ratifications
and accessions received
in· accordance with article
(b) Notifications received in
accordance . wiih article
XII; .
(c) The date upon which the
present Convention cornes
into force in accordancc
with article XIII;
(d) Denunciations rcceived in
accordance wich article
(e) The abrogation of the
Convention in accordance
with article XV;
(f) Notifications received in
accordance wirh article
Article XVIII
The original of the present
Convention shall be deposited
in the archives of the United
A cercified copy of the Convention
shall be transmitted to
each Member of the United
Nations and to each of the nonmember
States contemplated in
article XI.
Article XIX
The present Convention !.hall
be registered by the SecretaryGeneral
of the United Nations
.on the date of its coming into
Article XVII
Le Secrétaire général des Nations
Unies notifiera à tous les
Etats Membres des Nations
Unies et aux Etats non membres·
visés par l'article XI:
a) Les signatures, ratifications
et adhésions reçues
en application de l'article
b) Les notifications reçues
en application de l'article
c) La date à laquelle la présente
Convention entrera
en vigueur, en application
de l'article Xill;
d) Les dénonciations reçues
en application de l'article
e) L'abrogation de 1~ Convention,
en application de
l'article XV;
f) Les notifications reçues en
application de l'article
Article XVIII
Artikel XVII
Der Generalsekretar der Vereinten
Nationen macht allen
Mitgliedern der Vereinten Nationen
und den in Anik.el XI
erwahncen Nicht-Mitgliedstaaten
über die folgenden Angelegenheiten
a) Unteri.eichnungen, Ratifi.kationen
und Beitritte, die
gema..B Artikel XI cingegangen
b) Mitteilungen, die gemaB
Artikel XII eingegangen
c) den Zeitpunkt, zu dem
diese Konvention gemaB
Artikel XIII in Kraft tritc;
à) Kündigungen, die gemal!
Artikel XIV eingegangen
e) AuBerkraf ttreten der Koovention
gemal! Artikel
f) Mitteilungen, die gemaB
Artikel XVI eingegangen
Artikel XVIII
L'original de la présente Con- , Das Original dieser Konvenvention
sera déposé aux archives tion wird in den Archiven der
de l'Organisation des · Nations Vereinten Nationen hinterlegt.
Une copie certifiée conforme
sera adressée à tous les Etats
Membres des Nations Unies et
aux Etats non membres visés
par l'article XI.
Article XIX
La présente Convention sera
enregistrée par le Secrétaire
général des Nations Unies à. la
date de .son entrée en vigueur.
Eine beglaubigte Abschrift
der Konvemion wird jcdem
Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen
und jedem der in Artikel
XI erwahnten Nicht-Mitgliedstaaten
Artikel XIX
Diese Konvention wird am
T ag ihres Inkrafttretei:J.s bcim
Generalsekretar der Vereinten
N ationen registriert.
die verfassungsmafüge Genehmigung des Nationalrates erhalten hat, erklart der
Bundesprasident im Name11 der Republik Osterreich dieser Konvention beizutreten
und verspricht im Namen der Republik Osterreich die gewissenhafte
Erfüllung der in dieser Konvention enthaltenen Bestimmungen.
Zu Urkund dessen ist die vorliegende Beitrittsurkunde vom Bundesprasidenten
unterzeichnet, vom Bundeskanzler, vom Bundesminister for Inneres,
vqrn Bundesminister für Justiz un:d vom Bundesminister für die Auswartigen
Angdegenheiten gegengezeichnet und mit dem Staatssiegel der Republik
Osterreich versehen word .n. ·
Geschehen zu Wien, den ZJ Feber 1958.
Der Bundesprasident:
Der Bundesminister für Inneres:
Der Bundesminister für Justiz:
Der B~desminister für die Ausw1irtigen Angelegenh~;~J)/i S%MJ

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of intervention of Austria
