Document (with annexes) from the Russian Federation setting out its position regarding the alleged lack of jurisdiction” of the Court in the case

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Russian Federation
1. On 28 February 2022, the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the
Netherlands received under a cover letter of the Registrar of the Court of the same date
a copy of an Application by Ukraine instituting proceedings against the Russian
Federation entitled "Dispute relating to Allegations of Genocide" (the "Application")
as well as a Request for the indication of provisional measures dated 26 February 2022
(the "Request").
2. On the same day (28 February 2022), the Ambassador of the Russian
F ederation was consulted by the Registrar of the Court regarding possible dates of oral
proceedings for consideration of the Request. The Ambassador of the Russian
Federation indicated that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to take all necessary
decisions regarding the participation in the proceedings and conduct proper analyses of
the Request in five working days. On 1 March 2022, the Ambassador of the Russian
Federation received a letter of the Registrar of the Court informing him that the oral
proceedings had been scheduled for 7-8 March 2022.
3. The Government of the Russian Federation regrets that despite its express
indication against it the hearings were scheduled on such a short notice. On 5 March
2022, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation informed the Registrar of the Court
that the Government of the Russian Federation would not participate in the oral
proceedings. At the same time, out of deference to the Court, the Russian Federation
has decided that its position regarding the lack
of competence of the Court in this case should be hereby brought to its attention.
4. The Government of Ukraine is seeking to bring before the Court the issues of
legality of the use of force by Russia in Ukraine and the recognition by Russia of the
Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples' Republics using the 1948 Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the "Convention") as a vehicle
for this purpose.
5. With reference to the dispute resolution clause of the Convention, the main
purpose of which is "to prevent and to punish" the crime of genocide and related
crimes, Ukraine is seeking an immediate prescription for Russia to "halt all military
actions in Ukraine"1
, "immediately suspend the military operations commenced on
24 February 2022", "immediately ensure that any military or irregular armed units ...
take no steps in furtherance of the military operations"2
. The last two provisional
measures are of a general nature3
1 Request, para. 1.
2 Request, para. 20 (a-b).
3 Request, para. 20 (c-d).
6. The Court cannot entertain a claim, even at a provisional measures stage,
without first ascertaining that it has jurisdiction over it. As the Court has repeatedly
stated, "one of the fondamental principles of its Statute is that it cannot decide a
dispute between States without the consent of th ose States to its jurisdiction"4
, " ... on
a request for provisional measures the Court ... ought not to indicate such measures
unless the provisions invoked by the Applicant or found in the Statute appear, prima
facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be established"5
7. The only basis for jurisdiction referred to by the Government of Ukraine is the
dispute resolution clause of the Convention, which "is not a general provision for the
settlement of disputes"6
. Even though both Russia and Ukraine are Parties to the
Convention without reservations, for the Court to have jurisdiction it must establish
that the "subject-matter of the dispute relates 'to the interpretation, application or
fulfillment' of the Convention"7
8. As the Court stated, " .. . in order to determine, even prima facie, whether a dispute
within the meaning of Article IX of the Genocide Convention exists, the Court
cannot limit itself to noting that one of the Parties maintains that the Convention
applies, while the other denies it; ... the Court must ascertain whether the breaches
of the Convention alleged [ ... ] are capable of falling within the provisions of that
instrument and whether, as a consequence, the dispute is one which the Court has
jurisdiction ratione materiae to entertain pursuant to Article IX"8
9. The Court must also ascertain that the rights Ukraine is seeking to protect fall
under the Convention. As the Court held "having established the existence of one basis
on which its jurisdiction might be founded, namely Article IX of the Genocide
Convention" the Court "ought not to indicate measures for the protection of any
disputed rights other than those which might ultimately form the basis of a judgment in
the exercise of the jurisdiction, thus, prima facie established"9
10. It is clear from the plain language of the Convention that it does not regulate
either the use of force between States or the recognition of States. The Convention
4 East Timor (Portugal v. Australia), Judgment, I.C.J Reports 1995, p. 90, para. 26.
5 Application of the Convention on the Prevent ion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Provisional Measures, Order of 8 April 1993, I.C.J Reports 1993, p. 3,
para. 14.
6 Application of the Convention on the Prevent ion and Punishment of the Crime ofGenocide (Croatia v. Serbia),
Judgment, 1.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 3, para. 93.
7 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Provisional Measures, Order of 8 April 1993, J.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 3,
para. 26.
8 Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. /ta/y), Provisional Measures, Order of2 June 1999, J.C.J. Reports 1999,
p. 481, para. 25.
9 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Provisional Measures, Order of 13 September 1993, I.C.J. Reports 1993,
p. 325, para. 36.
defines genocide for the purposes of the Convention 10
, obliges the Parties "to enact ...
the necessary legislation" 11
, to punish persons committing genocide or related
, "to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties"13
. The
Convention provides for a possibility for any Contracting Party to call upon the
competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the United Nations
Charter, as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of
11 . The reference to prevention in Article I of the Convention or the reference to
the United Nations Charter in Article VIII of the Convention can neither make the
United Nations Charter part of the Convention, thus, bringing issues related to Article
51 under the Court's jurisdiction, nor make Article IX of the Convention "a general
provision for the settlement of disputes" 14 by the Court.
12. Nowhere in the Convention may one find any reference to the use of force
between States or recognition of States, which are regulated by the United Nations
Charter and customary international law. To read them into the Convention by
implication would be to substantially amend and distort the object and purpose of the
Convention. This is what Ukraine's submissions are aiming at. In the practice of the
Court disputes arose as to whether the use of force by one State against other States in
itself may be qualified as a crime of genocide under the Convention 15
, but this is
clearly not the case of Ukraine.
13. In order to "glue" the Convention to the use of force and recognition of States
for the purposes of invoking its dispute resolution clause, the Government of Ukraine
suggests in its Request that "the Russian Federation . .. commenced an unprovoked
invasion throughout Ukrainian territory" "[ o ]n the basis of [the] claims of genocide"16,
in its Application it requests the Court to "[a]djudge and declare that the "special
military operation" declared and carried out by the Russian Federation on and after
24 February 2022 is based on a false claim of genocide and therefore has no basis in
the Genocide Convention" (emphasis added), "the Russian Federation's recognition of
the independence of . . . "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Luhansk People's
Republic" ... is based on a false claim of genocide and therefore has no basis in the
1° Convention, Article Il.
11 Convention, Article V.
12 Convention, Article IV.
13 Convention, Article VII.
14 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide {Croatia v. Serbia),
Judgment, J.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 3, para. 93.
15 Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium), Preliminary Objections, Judgment, J.C.J. Reports
2004, p. 279, para. 1; Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
(Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment, J.C.J. Reports 2007, p. 43, paras. 245-261, 276-
277; Application of the Convention on the Prevent ion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia),
Judgment, J.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 3, para. 411.
16 Request, para. 2.
Genocide Convention" (emphasis added) 17
• However, the fact is that the Convention
does not provide a legal basis for any military operation or recognition of a State
simply because they are beyond its scope of application.
14. The Court confinned that if it is not in a position to find that the acts imputed to
a respondent "are capable of coming within the provisions of the Genocide
Convention", the Convention "cannot ... constitute a basis on which the jurisdiction of
the Court couldprimafacie be founded" 18

15. The special military operation conducted by Russia in the terri tory of Ukraine is
based on the United Nations Charter, its Article 51 and customary international law.
The legal basis for the military operation was comrnunicated on 24 February 2022 to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council
by the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in
the form of a notification under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The relevant
letter addressed to the UN Secretary-General with the request to circulate it as a
document of the UN Security Council forwarded "the address of the President of the
Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin to the citizens of Russia informing them
of the measures taken in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter in exercise of
the right of self-defense" ( emphasis added) (attached).
16. In his address the President of the Russian Federation, in particular, stated:
"They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people,
other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we
have to take bold and immediate action. The people's republics of
Donbass have asked Russia for help. In this context, in accordance with
Article 51 (Chapter VII) of the UN Charter, with permission of Russia's
Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties of friendship and
mutual assistance with the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk
People's Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22, I
made a decision to carry out a special military operation."19
17. The recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples' Republics is a sovereign
political act of the Russian F ederation. It is related to the right of self-determination of
peoples under the United Nations Charter and customary international law as reflected
in the statements of the President of the Russian Federation and the Permanent
Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, who in this regard
specifically quoted from the principle of self-determination of peoples as reflected in
17 Application, para. 30(c-d).
18 Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium), Provisional Measures, Or der of 2 June 1999, 1. C.J Reports
/999, p.124,para.41.
19 President of the Russian Federation official website, "Address by the President of the Russian Federation",
24 February 2022, available at:
the 1970 Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations
and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
18. In particular, the President of the Russian Federation stated:
"The outcomes of World War II and the sacrifices our people had to make to
defeat Nazism are sacred. This does not contradict the high values of
human rights and freedoms in the reality that emerged over the post-war
decades. This does not mean that nations cannot enjoy the right to selfdetermination,
which is enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter. Let me
remind you that the people living in territories which are part of today's
Ukraine were not asked how they want to build their lives when the USSR
was created or after World War II. Freedom guides our policy, the
freedom to choose independently our future and the future of our children.
We believe that all the peoples living in today's Ukraine, anyone who
want to do this, must be able to enjoy this right to make a free choice."20
19. Referring to the right of self-determination of peoples the Permanent
Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York
"I would like to remind that the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity
of states, of which violation we are being accused with regard to Ukraine,
as stipulated in [the] 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law
concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States, must be
strictly observed with regard to states that are ' conducting themselves in
compliance with the principle of equal rights and self-determination of
peoples and thus possessed of a government representing the whole people
belonging to the territory without distinction as to race, creed or colour.'
The current Government of Ukraine is not like this. By the way, the
tragedy of Ukraine started after the illegitimate Mai dan coup in 2014,
when instead of talking to the Russian-speaking population, new
Ukrainian authorities confronted them with guns and aviation. There is
enough information and evidence on that matter, however, our Western
partners prefer to not notice it. "21
20. A reference to genocide is not equal to the invocation of the Convention or the
existence of a dispute under it, since the notion of genocide exists in customary
20 President of the Russian Federation official website, "Address by the President of the Russian Federation",
24 February 2022, available at: htt.p://
21 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations official website, "Statement and reply by
Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on Ukraine", 23 February 2022, available at:
international law independently of the Convention. lt also exists in national legal
systems of States including in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. There are no
references to the Convention in the statement of the President of the Russian
Federation to which the Government of Ukraine refers. The analysis of the dire
situation in Donbass, including atrocities and genocide, provides a general
humanitarian environment along with other factors and considerations. Ukraine first
mentioned the Convention in the context of reference to genocide in Donbass, in a
statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine posted on its website on the
day Ukraine filed its submissions to the Court with the obvious purpose to devise a
basis for jurisdiction22
, although two days earlier, on 24 February 2022, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Ukraine characterised the special military operation in terms of the
use of force without any reference either to the Convention or genocide.23
21. As it was stated by the Court, "since Article IX provides for jurisdiction only
with regard to 'the interpretation, application or fulfillment of the Convention,
including . . . the responsibility of a State for genocide or for any of the other acts
enumerated in Article III', the jurisdiction of the Court does not extend to allegations
of violation of the customary international law on genocide."24
22. The Government of Ukraine insists on the urgency of the measures of
protection in light of the current situation. However, the urgency must pertain not to
the situation in general, but to the protection of rights provided for by the Convention.
As the Court has previously decided it must "confine its examination of the measures
requested, and of the grounds asserted for the request for such measures, to those
which fall within the scope of the Genocide Convention"25
23. Accordingly, the Application and Request manifestly fall beyond the scope of
the Convention and thus the jurisdiction of the Court.
24. In view of the above the Govemment of the Russian Federation respectfully
requests the Court to refrain from indicating provisional measures and to remove the
case from its list.
22 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine official website, "Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
on Russia's False and Offensive Allegations of Genocide As a Pretext For Its Unlawful Military Aggression",
26 February 2022, available at: htt_ps://
23 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine official website, "Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
on the new wave of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine", 24 February 2022, available at:
24 Application of the Convention on the Prevent ion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia),
Judgment, J.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 3, para. 87.
25 Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, (Bosnia and
Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Provisional Measures, Order of 8 April 1993, I.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 3,
para. 35.
The President of the Security Council presents
his compliments to the members of the Council and has
the honour to transmit herewith, for their
information, a copy of a letter dated 24 February 2022
from the Permanent Representative of the Russian
Federation to the United Nations addressed to the
Secretary-General, and its enclosure .
This letter and its enclosure will be issued as a
document of the Security Council under the symbol
S/2022/154 .
24 February 2022
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P/10111:. {212) SM -1900
Fm:: (2/2J 6~8 0252
No . - ~- 0- ,-:-, -/n
Permanent Rcprescntativc
of fhe Russian Fcùcnition
to the United ~ations
/36 E"<t 6 7'• Street
.\'(.'Il" York . . vr /()065
New York," _: --1 " Februaiy 2022
Attachment I have the honor to forward hereby the text of the address
of the Pres ident of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin
to the citizens of Russia informing them of the measures taken
in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Chaiter in exercise of the right
of self-defense.
I would ask you to circulate the present letter and its attachment
as an official document of the UN Security CounciL
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest
consideration. // , r
f7, ~~
Vassily Nebenzia
H.E. ML Antonio Guterres
United Nations
New York
Address by the President of the Russian
February 24, 2022 06:00 The Kremlin. Moscow
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,
1 consider it necessary today to speak aga in about the tragic events in Donbass
and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia.
1 will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. 1 spoke about
our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which
irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely
and unceremoniously from year to year. 1 am referring to the eastward expansion
of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian
lt is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to corne
to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles
of equal and indivisible security in Europe. ln response to our proposais, we
invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure
and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our
protests and concerns. lts military machine is moving and, as I said, is
approaching our very border.
Why is this happening? Where did this insolent manner of talking down from
the height of their exceptionalism, infallibility and all-permissiveness corne from?
What is the expia nation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to our
interests and absolutely legitimate demands?
The answer is simple. Everything is clear and obvious. ln the late 1980s,
the Soviet Union grew weaker and subsequently broke a part. That experience
should serve as a good lesson for us, because it has shown us that the paralysis
of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. We
lost confidence for only one moment, but it was enough to disrupt the balance
of forces in the world.
As a result, the old treaties and agreements are no longer effective. Entreaties
and requests do not help. Anything that does not suit the dominant state,
the powers that be, is denounced as archaic, obsolete and useless. At the same
time, everything it regards as useful is presented as the ultimate truth and forced
on others regardless of the cost, abusively and by any means available. Those
who refuse to comply are subjected to strong-arm tactics.
What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia is not the only
country that is worried about this. This has to do with the en tire system
of international relations, and sometimes even US allies. The collapse
of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the world, and the norms of international
law that developed by that time - and the most important of them.
the fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII and largely formalised
its outcome - came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners
of the Cold War.
Of course, practice, international relations and the rules regulating them had
to take into account the changes that took place in the world and in the balance
of forces. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly,
patiently, and with due regard and respect for the interests of all states and one's
own responsibility. lnstead, we saw a state of euphoria created by the feeling
of absolute superiority, a kind of modern absolutism, cou pied with the low
cultural standards and arrogance of those who formulated and pushed through
decisions that suited only themselves. The situation took a different turn.
There are many examples of this. First a bloody military ope ration was waged
against Belgrade, without the UN Security Council's sanction but with combat
aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities
and vital infrastructure went on for several weeks. 1 have to recall these facts,
because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them, and when we
mentioned the event, they prefer to avoid speaking about international law,
instead emphasising the circumstances which they interpret as they think
Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya and Syria. The illegal use of military power
against Libya and the distortion of all the UN Security Council decisions on Libya
ruined the state, created a huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed
the country towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil war,
which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was created for hundreds
of thousands and even millions of people not only in Libya but in the whole
region, has led to a large-scale exodus from the Middle East and North Africa
to Europe.
A similar fate was also prepared for Syria. The combat operations conducted
by the Western coalition in that country without the Syrian government's approval
or UN Security Council's sanction can only be defined as aggression
and intervention.
But the example that stands a part from the above events is, of course,
the invasion of Iraq without any legal grounds. They used the pretext of allegedly
reliable information available in the United States about the presence
of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. To prove that allegation, the US Secretary
of State held up a vial with white power. publicly. for the whole world to see,
assuring the international community that it was a chemical warfare agent
created in Iraq. lt later turned out that ail of that was a fake and a sham, and that
Iraq did not have any chemical weapons. lncredible and shocking but true. We
witnessed lies made at the highest state level and voiced from the high UN
rostrum. As a result we see a tremendous loss in human life, damage,
destruction, and a colossal upsurge of terrorism.
Overall, it appears that nearly everywhere, in many regions of the world where
the United States brought its law and order, this created bloody, non-healing
wounds and the curse of international terrorism and extremism. 1 have only
mentioned the most glaring but far from only examples of disregard
for international law.
This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastwards even by an inch.
To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to put it simply, they have played us. Sure,
one often hears that politics is a dirty business. lt cou Id be, but it shouldn't be
as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. This type of con-artist behaviour is
contrary not only to the principles of international relations but also and above ail
to the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics. Where is justice and truth
here? Just lies and hypocrisy ail around.
lncidentally, US politicians, political scientists and journalists write and say that
a veritable "empire of lies" has been created inside the United States in recent
years. lt is hard to disagree with this - it is really so. But one should not be
modest aboutit: the United States is still a great country and a system-forming
power. Ali its satellites not only humbly and obediently say yes to and parrot it
at the slightest pretext but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept
the ru les it is offering them. Therefore, one can say with good reason
and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc formed by the United
States in its own image and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same "empire
As for our country, after the disintegration of the USSR, given the entire
unprecedented openness of the new, modern Russia, its readiness to work
honestly with the United States and other Western partners, and its practically
unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to put the final squeeze on us,
finish us off, and utterly destroy us. This is how it was in the 1990s and the early
2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively supporting separatism
and gangs of mercenaries in southern Russia. What victims. what lasses we had
to sustain and what trials we had to go through at that time before we broke
the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus! We remember this and will
never forget.
Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests never ceased
until quite recently: they sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us
their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they
have been aggressively imposing on their countries. attitudes that are directly
leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to hum an
nature. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor
will they succeed now.
Despite all that, in December 2021, we made yet another attempt to reach
agreement with the United States and its allies on the principles of European
security and NATO's non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain. The United States
has not changed its position. lt does not believe it necessary to agree with Russia
on a matter that is critical for us. The United States is pursuing its own objectives,
while neglecting our interests.
Of course, this situation begs a question: what next, what are we to expect? If
history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went
to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. To this end,
the USSR sought not to provoke the potential aggressor until the very end
by refraining or postponing the most urgent and obvious preparations it had
to make to defend itself from an imminent attack. When it finally acted, it was too
As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi
Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring
war. The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it. but this came
at a tremendous cost. The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great
Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people.
ln the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories
of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. We will not make this mistake
the second t ime. We have no right to do so.
Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their
enemy. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no reason to act
this way. lt is true that they have considerable financial. scientific, technological,
and military capabilities. We are aware of this and have an objective view
of the economic threats we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this
brash and never-ending blackmail. Let me reiterate that we have no illusions
in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments.
As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing
a considerable part of its capabilities, today's Russia remains one of the most
powerful nuclear states. Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cuttingedge
weapons. ln this context. there should be no doubt for anyone that any
potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly
attack our country.
At the same time, technology, including in the defence sector, is changing rapidly.
One day there is one leader, and tomorrow another, but a military presence
in territories bordering on Russia. if we permit it to go ahead. will stay for decades
to corne or maybe forever, creating an ever mounting and totally unacceptable
threat for Russia.
Even now, with NATO's eastward expansion the situation for Russia has been
becoming worse and more dangerous bythe year. Moreover. these past days
NATO leadership has been blunt in its statements that they need to accelerate
and step up efforts to bring the alliance's infrastructure closer to Russia's
borders. ln other words, they have been toughening their position. We cannot
stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely
irresponsible thing to do for us.
Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance's infrastructure
or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are
unacceptable for us. Of course. the question is not about NATO itself. lt merely
serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in territories adjacent
ta Russia, which I have to note is our historical land, a hostile "anti-Russia" is
taking shape. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract
NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.
For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with
obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death,
a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is
a fact. lt is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence
of our state and to its sovereignty. lt is the red line which we have spoken about
on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.
This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that
staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with
the help of orna mental election procedures and have abandoned the path
of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have
been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means.
Everything was in vain.
As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is
happening there. lt became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity,
that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes
on Russia, on ail of us. lt is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these
people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise
the independence of the Donbass people's republics.
1 would like to additionally emphasise the following. Focused on their own goals,
the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neoNazis
in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea
and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia.
They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done
in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units
of Ukrainian nationalists and Hitler's accomplices did du ring the Great Patriotic
War. They have also openly laid claim to several other Russian regions.
If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown
between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. lt is only a matter of time.
They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover. they went
as far as aspire to acquire nuclear weapons. We will not let this happen.
1 have already said that Russia accepted the new geopolitical reality after
the dissolution of the USSR. We have been treating ail new post-Soviet states
with respect and will continue to act this way. We respect and will respect their
sovereignty, as proven by the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan when it
faced tragic events and a challenge in terms of its statehood and integrity.
However, Russia cannot feel safe. develop, and exist while facing a permanent
threat from the territory of today's Ukraine.
Let me remind you that in 2000-2005 we used our military to push back against
terrorists in the Caucasus and stood up for the integrity of our state. We
preserved Russia. ln 2014, we supported the people of Crimea and Sevastopol.
ln 2015, we used our Armed Forces to create a reliable shield that prevented
terrorists from Syria from penetrating Russia. This was a matter of defending
ourselves. We had no other choice.
The same is happening today. They did not leave us any other option
for defending Russia and our people. other than the one we are forced to use
today. ln these circumstances. we have to take bold and immediate action.
The people's republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help.
ln this context, in accordance with Article 51 (Chapter VII} of the UN Charter, with
permission of Russia's Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties
of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People's Republic
and the Lugansk People's Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly
on February 22, 1 made a decision to carry out a special military operation.
The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now. have
been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated bythe Kiev regime. To this end,
we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine. as well as bring to trial those
who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against
citizens of the Russian Federation.
lt is not our plan to occupy the Ukrainian territory. We do not intend to impose
anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we have been hearing
an increasing number of statements coming from the West that there is no need
any more to a bide by the documents setting forth the outcomes of World War Il,
as signed by the totalitarian Soviet regime. How can we respond to that?
The outcomes of World War Il and the sacrifices our people had to make to defeat
Nazism are sacred. This does not contradict the high values of human rights
and freedoms in the reality that emerged over the post-war decades. This does
not mean that nations cannot enjoy the right to self-determination. which is
enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.
Let me remind you that the people living in territories which are part of today's
Ukraine were not asked how they want to build their lives when the USSR was
created or after World War Il. Freedom guides our policy, the freedom to choose
independently our future and the future of our children. We believe that all
the peoples living in today's Ukraine. anyone who want to do this, must be able
to enjoy this right ta make a free choice.
ln this context I would like to address the citizens of Ukraine. ln 2014. Russia was
obliged to protect the people of Crimea and Sevastopol from those who you
yourself call ''nats.'' The people of Crimea and Sevastopol made their choice
in favour of being with their historical homeland, Russia, and we supported their
choice. As I said, we cou Id not act otherwise.
The current events have nothing to do with a desire to infringe on the interests
of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the defending
Russia from those who have ta ken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it
against our country and our people.
1 reiterate: we are acting to defend ourselves from the threats created for us
and from a worse peril than what is happening now. 1 am asking you, however
hard this may be, to understand this and to work together with us so as to turn
this tragic page as soon as possible and to move forward together, without
allowing anyone ta interfere in our affairs and our relations but developing them
independently, sa as to create favourable conditions for overcoming all these
problems and to strengthen us from within as a single whole, despite
the existence of state borders. 1 believe in this, in our corn mon future.
1 would also like to address the military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Comrade officers.
Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazi occupiers
and did not defend our corn mon Motherland to allow today's nec-Nazis to seize
power in Ukraine. You swore the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people
and not to the junta, the people's adversary which is plundering Ukraine
and humiliating the Ukrainian people.
1 urge you to refuse to carry out their criminal orders. 1 urge you to immediately lay
down arms and go home. 1 will expia in what this means: the military personnel
of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to freely leave the zone
of hostilities and return to their families.
1 want to emphasise aga in that all responsibility for the possible bloodshed will lie
fully and wholly with the ruling Ukrainian regime.
1 would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted
to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand
in our way or ail the more so create threats for our country and our people, they
must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be
such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events
unfold, we are ready. Ail the necessary decisions in this regard have been ta ken.
1 hope that my words will be heard.
Citizens of Russia,
The culture and values, experience and traditions of our ancestors invariably
provided a powerful underpinning for the wellbeing and the very existence
of entire states and nations. their success and viability. Of course. this directly
depends on the ability to quickly adapt to constant change, maintain social
cohesion, and readiness to consolidate and summon all the available forces
in order to move forward.
We always need ta be strong, but this strength can take on different forrns.
The "empire of lies," which I mentioned in the beginning of my speech. proceeds
in its policy primarily from rough, direct force. This is when our saying on being
"ail brawn and no brains" applies.
We ail know that havingjustice and truth on our side is what makes us truly
strong. If this is the case, it would be hard to disagree with the fact that it is our
strength and our readiness to fight that are the bedrock of independence
and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable
future for your home, your family, and your Motherland.
Dear compatriots,
1 am certain that devoted soldiers and officers of Russia's Armed Forces will
perform their duty witl1 professionalism and courage. 1 have no doubt that
the government institutions at all levels and specialists will work effectively
to guarantee the stability of our economy, financial system and social wellbeing,
and the same applies to corporate executives and the entire business
community. 1 hope that all parliamentary parties and civil society take
a consolidated. patriotic position.
At the end of the day, the future of Russia is in the hands of its multi-ethnic
people, as has always been the case in our history. This means that the decisions
that I made will be executed, that we will achieve the goals we have set,
and reliably guarantee the security of our Motherland.
1 believe in your support and the invincible force rooted in the love for our
Publication status Published in sections: News. Transcripts
Publication date: February 24. 2022. 06:00
Direct link: d/67843
06paw_eHHe npe3v1AeHra PoccHvtcKovt
$e.Qepa l.\H H
24 <!Jcnpa/1!1 2022 rona 06:00 MocKna. Kpe1.111h
B.nyn1H: Yaa>1<aeMb1e rpa>1<AaHe Pocrn1i1! Aoporne APY365l!
CerOAH5l BH0Bb Clll.ffalO He06X0Al1MblM sepHyrbCfl K Tparw-1eCKli1M co6blTli1 5lM,
npoY1CX0AflLUr1M Ha ,QoH6acce. 11 KfllOYeBblM aonpocaM 06ecneYeH11fl
6e3onacHocrn caMoCi Pocc1-11-1.
HaYHy c rnro. o YëM rosop1,111 s csoëM 06pall..\eH11v1 or 21 cj)eapami ret<yLuero roAa.
Pe'ib 0 TOM. YT0 Bbl3btBaeT y Hac oco6yi0 03a6oYeHH0CTb v1 rpesory, 0 TeX
cpy1-it.taMeHranbHb1x yrpo3ax, K0T0Pble 1-13 ro.aa a ro.a war 3a u1aroM r py6o
r1 6ecuepeM0liH0 C03AalOTCfl 6e30TB8 TCTBe HHblMl1 nom-1T1-1K8Ml1 Ha 3ana,[le
a 0THoweH\111-1 HaweÇj crpaHb1. v1Me10 B Bl-1AY pacw1-1peHv1e 6noKa HATO Ha B0CT0K.
np1-16n11>HeHv1e ero ooeHHOi:i !>1H(j)pacTpyKTyPbl I{ POCCMCICKI-IM rpaHv1~aM.
Xopowo v13secrHo. YT0 Ha nponn1<eH1-11-1 30 ner Mbl Hacroi:fy1-1so 11 repnemrno
nb1Tanr1cb A0roaopv1TbCH c se,Ayll.l11M11 crpaHaM1-1 HATO o np11HLi11nax paoHoi'.i
v. HeAefll-1M0i:\ 6e3onacH0CH1 B Eapone. B 0TBeT Ha H8Wl-1 npe.Q/l 0>iOEHl-151 Mbl
noCTOSlHH0 CTanKt..1B8/H'1Cb fl \1160 C l~"1HvlYHblM 06M8H0M 1-1 spaHbëM, ni-160
c nonb1TKaMt..1 AasneHi-1 5! 1-1 wa1-1ra>1<a . a Cesepoarnat-1TwiecKv1 t.1 anb51HC reM
speMeHeM, HeCM0Tp5! Ha sce H8Wl1 nporecrbl YI 03a6o4eHHOCT"1, HeyKJl0HH0
pacw1-1pHeTCSl. BoeHHa51 Maw11Ha AB1'1»<eTC5l 11, nosropiO, npv16nv1maercs:i K HaurnM
rpaHv1uaM sn11orny10.
noYeMy scë 3TO npo1-1cxo;:u,n? OrKyAa 3Ta r1arnafl Ma1-1epa pa3rosap111sarb
C fl031'1Ul'1V1 co6cTBeHHOi1 Y1CKJllO"l"1Te11 bHOCf\il, HenorpeWYIMOCT\11
YI BCeA03B0JleHHOCTH? ÛTKYAa HanneBaTe/lbCK0e, npeHe6pem1,1renbH0e
OTHOWem,e K HaWl.1M lilHTepecaM YI a6cornorno 3aKOHHblM Tpe60BaHY1flM?
ÛTBeT HCeH. acë noHSJTHO 1-1 OYeBvl.llHO. CoaeTCK\11"1 C0I03 B HOHUe 80-x ro.aoa
npownoro aeKa ocna6, a 3areM 1,1 soBce pa3oa11t-111cH. Becb XO/J. npov1cx0Al-1Bwv1x
rorga C06blîv1i:1 - 3TO xopow1-11'.:i YPOK A/lH Hac 1,1 cerOAH5l. OH y6eAvtTe/lbHO noKa3a J1,
YTO napa11w-1 snacrn, soni.-, - 3TO nepBbf}i war K nonHoi:i Aerpa.aau1-1Y1 v1 3a6seH\.110.
Crov1no liaM rorga Ha Kat<oe-ro apeMR norepmb yaepeHHOCTb s ce6e. 1,1 scë -
6aflaHc Cvl/1 8 Ml-lpe OK83clf1C}l HapyweHHblM.
3TO np1-iaeno K TOMy, YTO npe>KHY1e AOrOBOPbl, cornaweHl>lfl y>t<e Q)8Kn-tYeCt<l1
He .aei:1cTBylOT. YroBOPbl 1'1 npocb6bl He nOMOralOT. Bcë. l!TO He ycrpa1-1saer
rereMoHa, snacrb npet1ep>t<a~1-1x. 06bHsn,1ercH apxa1-14HblM. ycrapesw1-1M.
HeHy>KHblM. vl Hao6opor: acë. YTO Ka}l{eTCH l-1M Bblrü,llHblM. npenO.llHOC"1TC5l K8K
1'1CTl-1Ha B nocneAHe/;1 MHCTaH\ , npOA88/ll-1BaeTCfl rno6oi1 u,eHoi::i, xaMCKl-1, BCeMvÎ
CP€ACTB8MM. HecornaCHblX /10Mat0T Yepe3 KO/leHO.
or a6comornoro npesocxo,acrna. csoero poAa cospeMeHHoro BMtla
a6con10rn3Ma, Aa eU,\ë 11 Ha cj)oHe im3Koro ypoeHR o6U,\ei1 KYllb1)'Pbl 1-1 4BaHcrsa
rex. KTO roros1-1n. np1-1Hi-1Man 1-1 npogasmOEan BblrOAHb1e llHWb ,Qm1 ce6si peweH111H.
CMrya41--1r. HaYa11a pa3s11saTbCS1 no .apyroMy cue11ap1-1t0.
3a np1t1MepaM1-1 ,QafleKo XOAl1Tb He HYH<HO. Cnepaa 6e3 BCRKO~ caHKUl-11-1 Cosera
5e3onacHocrn OOH np0Be111-11{posonpon1-1THyt0 aoeHHYlO onepa41-1t0 nporns
5enrpaAa, v1cno/lb30Ban1-1 as1-1a4v110. paKeTbt npsiMo s caMOM t_teHrpe Eaponb1.
HecKO/lbl<O He,Qeflb HenpepbiBHblX 6oM6ë»<eK no M"1pHblM ropo.QaM.
no >Kl-13Heo6ecne41-1sat0U,\eCI 1-1Hq>pacrpyKrype. npi-1xo,Q~1TcR HanoM1-1HaTb 3m
cpaHTbl, a TO HeKOTOPble 3ana1tHb1e l<Oflflerl-1 He /l!OÔ5lT BCnOMt,1H8Tb Te C06btnrn.
a KOr,!\a Mbl rosop1-1M 06 3TOM, npe.QnOYt-1TalOT YKô361B8Tb He Ha HOPMbl
Me>î<AYH8POAHOro npasa, ô Ha OÔCTOSHe/lbCTBa. KOTOPble TpaKTYfOT T8 1{. KaH
C41-1TélfOT Hy>KHblM.
3areM Hacrynv1na vlpa1OE. ni.1s1-11-1. C1-1p111-1 . HenernrnMHoe
1-1cnonb30BaH1-1e aoeHH011 cv111b1 nporna J11,1ai,,v1, 1-13spaU,\eH11e scex peweH1-1i1
Casera 5e3onacHocrn OOH no 1111s1-111c1<0My sonpocy 11pv1Beno K nonHOMY
pa3pyweHv1fO rûCY/.lôPCTBa, K TOl\1Y. 4TO 803Hl-1K orpOMHblC'I OYa r Me>HAyHapo,aHoro
reppop1-13Ma, K TOMY, 'ITO crpaHa norpy3Wl8Cb B ryMaHl-1T8PHYIO HaTacrpoct,y,
B nyyi,,Hy He npeKpau.1,a10U,\ei1CR AO Cl-1X nop MHOronerne11 rpa>!<,QélHCKOCi 8011Hbl.
TpareAl-1$1, Ha KOTOPYIO o6peKfll-l COTHl-1 Tb!Cs:lY , MYl /l/ll-10Hbl nl0Ael71 He TOnbHO
B llv!Bvll-1, HO YI BO BCëM 3TOM pernoHe, nOPOA"1f18 M8CCOBbll1 M1-1rpaL.1,"10HHbll1
i,,cxoA 113 CesepHoiil Acpp1-1 1<11 1-1 5nv1>!<Hero Bocrn1<a s Espony.
no.ao6Hyf0 CYAb6y yroTOBl-1!11-1 1-1 Cv1p1-1 v1 . 5oeBbfe /l811CTBv15l 3ana,QHOl1 l<Oam1uv11-1
Ha rcpp111op1,11--1 31011 crpaHbl 6e3 cornac11s, c11p1-1Cic1<oro npas1-1renbCTBa
YI caHKL\1-11-1 Cosera 5e3onaCHOCH1 OOH - 3TO He YTO 11HOe. K8k arpeCCI--IR,
ÜAHaKO oco6oe MeCTO B 3TOM ps:i,Qy 3aHI-IMaeT, KOHe4HO >l<e, BTOp>KeH1-1e B VlpaK,
TO>!<e 6e3 BC5lKl-1X npaBOBblX OCHOBaHl-111. B KaYeCTBe npe,!\11ora Bb16pan11 5'K06bl
1'1Mel0t.UYIOC51 y CWA AOCTOBepHyiO 1,1H(Î)OPM3UHIO O Han1-1Yv1Y1 B v1paKe opy>1<1t1>1
Maccosoro nopa>t<eH1-111. B .aoKa3arenbcrso 3TOMY ny6nw-iHO, Ha rna3ax y scero
Mv1pa rocceKper apb CWA rps:ic KaKoi:i-10 npo6YopKoi:i c 6eflblM nopowKoM, yeepsrn
scex. YTO :no 11 ecrb xv1Mw-1eowe opy>+rne. pa3pa6aTb1BaeMoe e vlpaKe. A noTOM
OK838f10Cb, 4TO scë 3TO - 110.QTaCOBKa, 6neô: HviK8KOro Xl-1MY14eCKOro opy}+<v1Sl
B ltlpaKe HeT. HesepoflTHO. Y,lll-1Blt1T€116HO. HO cj)aKT ocraërc~ q>aKTOM. V!Meno
MeCTO spaHbë Ha CaMOM BblCOHOM rocy,aapcrneHllOM YPOBHe y, C BblCOKOi:i
rp116yHbl OOH. A a pe3ynbraTe - orpo:>.1Hb1e ~epTBbl. pa3pyu1e~u-rn, HesepoS1THb1i1
scn11ec1< reppopl-13Ma.
Boo6~e CK.fl8Ab1B8eTCSl aneYarneHi-1e, lJTO npal<TWleCKvl Be311e. 80 MHOrnx
pernoHax M1-1pa, Ky.Qa 3anaA npv1XOAJ.1T ycrnHaamrnaTb caoi::i nops:iAOK, no 11roraM
ocra10rcs:11<poaaab1e, r1e3a>KY1Ba10~v1e paHbl. Sl3Bbl Me>t<AYH8POAHOro
reppop113Ma 1-1 3KcrpeMvi3Ma. Bcë, o 'lëM cKa3an, :no Hai-16onee aom1101H11e.
HO A8J1€KO He €.Ql-lHCTBeHHble npviMepbi npeHe6pe>HeHl-1H Me>l<A)'H8POAHblM
8 3TOM PflAY vi o6ew,aHl-15l Haweç, crpaHe He paCUJltlpflTb Hl'1 Ha OAl-1H AIOi1M HATO
Ha BOCTOK. nosropfO - 06MaHy111-1 , a 8blpa>1<a5lCb HapOJ:\HblM fl3blKOM, npocTO
l<vlHY/111. fJ.a, qacro MO>l<HO CJlblWaTb , YTO nom1T111<a - rpfl3HOC .ueno. 803MO>l<HO,
HO HC HaCTO/lbKO >Ke. He AO T8 KOÎ1 ~e c1e11eHY1, BeAb TaKOe wynepCKOe
noBeAeHl'1e npornsope41t1T He TOJlbKO npl'1HLV•inaM Me>t<AYH8POAHblX OTHOWeHl-1ç, ,
HO npe>+<Ae scero 06u~enp1-13HaHHblM HopMaM Mopam, 1-1 HpaacraeHHocrn. rtie >t<e
3A0Cb cnpaoc1:v111oocTb "1 npaBAa? Üj.\Ha Jl11LDb CIIJlOWHélS'I JIOH<b v1 JH-1L\8Mepi-1e.
Kcrarn. caM1-1 aMep1-11<aHcK1-1e non1-1rn1<11. nomnonorv1 :,, >+<YPHa11v1crb1 n1-1wyr
1-1 rosopHT O TOM, YTO BHyTPvl CWA C03/,laHa 8 nocne,QH\,le rü,llbl HaCT05l W,a fl
•1-1Mnep11fl n>+<1-1 ... îPYAHO c ::::irnM He cornac11TbCfl - TaK oHo 1,1 ecrb. Ho He HaJ10
CKPOMHl-1Y8Tb: CWA - 3TO scë-TaKl-1 Befl l-1K85l CTpaHa, Cl-1CTeM006pa3ylOW.a5l
Aep~aaa. Bce eë caTeflfü1Tbl He TOJlbl{O 6e3ponOTHO f.1 nOHOPHO nOM8Kl-1BalOT,
noAnesalOT ei:i no rno6oMy nosoAY, HO eu~ë 1-1 Kon1-1py10T eë noBeAeHv1e.
C BOCTOproM npv1Hv1Ma10T npeAnaraeMble l-1M npaa1-111a. no3TOMY C nOflHblM
Hél TO OCHOBaHl-ieM, ysepe1-1HO MO>KHO Ct<a3BTb, 4TO BeCb T3K Ha3bl83eMbl l71
3ana.QHbll1 6 /lOK , CqJOPMl-1POB8HHbll1 CWA no CBOeMy o6pa3y 11 rtOAOÔ11!0, secb OH
ll€/lv1KOM 11 ecTb Ta caMaH •l1Mnep 1-1H ll>f<\1•.
Yrn Kacaerci:i HaweCi crpaHbl, ro n ocne pa3sana CCCP n p11 acei1
6ecnpeueAeHTHOi::t OTKPblTOCH1 HOBOl71 cospeMeHHOl4 POCCl-1"1, roTOBHOCTvt 48CTHO
pa60TaTb C CWA YI llPYrl1Ml1 3ana.aHblM"1 naPTl-iëPâMYI YI 8 YCllOBYISlX cpaKrnYeCKl1
OAHOCTOPOHHero pa3opy>l<eHl-l5l Hac ryT }!{8 nonb1 ram1Cb A0»<8Tb. A06v1Tb
1-1 pa3pyWY1Tb y>i<e OKOH'-iaTellbHO. vlMBHHO TaH 1-1 ÔblllO 8 90-e rüAbl, B HaYane
2000-x fO.llOB, HOrAa Tal< H83b1B8eMbli:i l{OllllCl<TvtBHbll1 3ana.a caMblM aKTIABHblM
o6pa30M n0Mep>+<1-1san cenaparn3M v1 6aHAbr HaëMH111<013 Ha iore Pocc1-11-1. Ka1<1-1x
>t<eprn, Karrnx norepb HaM rorAa scë :no cr o11no. •1epe3 Ka 1<1-1e v1cnb1TaH1-1si
npl-1W/l0Cb n p0Cir11, n pe}!{,Ae 4eM Mbl OKOHl!aTellbHO CllOM8Jll,1 xpe6eT
Me»<AYH8POAHOMy reppop1131v1y Ha KasKa3e. Mbt noMHvtM 3ro 1-1 H11KorAa
He 3a6y,aeM.
/J,a. COOCTBeHHO, VI /J.O nOC/lC,QHero opeMCHl1 He npeHp8lL\a/111Cb nonb1TKl1
11cnol1b3088Tb Hac B C8011X Y1HTepecax. pa3pyw vtTb H8Wl-1 rpaP,111..(110HHble
u,eHHOCTvt l'1 HaBH38Tb H8M CBOl1 n ces.aoueHHOCTl1, KOTOPble pa3be,Qam 1 6 bl Hac.
Haw Hapo,a l-13HyTp1-1, Te YCTaHOBKl-1. KOTOPble OHl-1 Y>He arpeCCl18HO Haca»<,naior
B CBOl1X crpaHax 11 KOTOpb1e np>lMO se11yr I{ 11erpanauY111 "1 BblPO»<AeHl-1!0,
nOCKO/lbKY npornsopeYaT CaMoi1 npt,ipO}le 4enoBeKa. 3 TOMY He 6btBaTb, HVIKOr,Aa
11 Hl-1 y Koro :Haro He nony4anocb. He no11y411TCH 11 cei1Yac.
HeCMOTP51 Hl-1 Ha 4TO. B AeKa6pe 2021 ro~a Mbl BCë·Tal<vl B 04epeAHOÇ\ pa3
npe,Anp11Hs:im1 nonb1TKy Aorosop11rbcs:i c CWA 1-1 11x cot03H11KaMvt o np1-1Hu1-1nax
06ecneYeH1-1fl 6e3onacHocrn a Espone 1-1 o HepacwvrpeH1-11-1 HATO. Bcë TlJ..\eTHO.
no31141-1s:i CWA He MeHs:ieTcs:i . OH1-1 He CYl-1Ta!OT 11y>«Hb1M .Qo r osap1-1aaTbCH
c Poccvieei no 3TOMY KJ110YeB0My .AMI Hac aonpoc y, n pecne.ays:i cao1-1 u en11,
npe1-1e6perat0T Haw1-1M11 11HrepecaMv1.
v1 KOHe4HO, B 3Toi1 c v1ryau111-1 y Hac B03Hi-u<aer sonpoc: a •no »<e AenaTb ,Qanbwe.
Yero }KnaTb? Mbl XOPOUJO 3HaeM 113 ~1CTOP1'1\,1, H8K B 40-M ro.ay vt B 11aYane 41-ro
ro,qa npowno, o se Ka Coaer cK1-111 Co103 BC51Yec Kv. crpeM1,1nc51 npe,QorsparnTb 1,1111,1
xorn 6bl OTT5lHYTb Hallano BOl71Hbl. /J.IHl 3TOro 6 TOM '-H1Clle crapancR 6yKBallbHO
AO nocneAHero ,~e npoBOLJ.1-1poearb nor eHUYlallbHOro arpeccopa, 1-1e ocy~ecran5ln
1,1111-1 onrna{.lblBan C8Mble He06XOAIAMble, 0 4e81-1/\Hble f\el1CTBl'15l Jlll5I nonroT08X111
K orpa}KeHvitO He1-136e}K11oro HanaAeH115l. A r e warn. KOTOPbte scë }Ke 6b1m1
B HOHL~e t<OHu,oa npe,Qnp11HS1Tbl, y>«e 1<ar acrpocpw-iecK1-1 3an oJ,Aan\ll.
B pe3ynbraTe crpaHa oKa3anacb He roroaa K TOMY, ,-no6b1 s n o11Hy10 c1,111y
8CTpeT11Tb HawecTBHe HBUIACTCKOi:i repMaHl-111, HOTOpa51 6e3 06b5l6JleHl1H BOl1Hbl
Hanan a Ha Hawy POAIAHY 22 Y110H51 1941 rona. Bpara y,naJIOCb OCTaHOBI-ITb ,
8 3aTeM 1-1 COKPYWl-1Tb, HO KOJ1 0CC8JlbHOlll l...\8HOi:ï. nonb!TKa y6 f18}1{1,lîb arpeccopa
B npe.unsepi,11,1 Ben1t1KOCi 0Te4eCTBeHHOh BOhHbl OK838Jl8Cb OW"16KOIÏI. KOTOpafl
AOporo CTOl1Jl8 HaWeMy H8POAY, 8 nepBble >1<e M8C51U,bl 6oeBblX 14eÇfcrn1-1Ci Mbl
norepsrn1-1 orpoMHbte, crparern4ec1<1-1 Ba>+<Hbte 1epp11ropv11-111 MIMIIll-lOHbt JJIO/lei71.
Bropo11 pa3 Mbl Ta1<011 OWJ.16Kv1 He AOnyCTl-1M, He l-1MeeM npasa.
Te. KTO npereHf\YIOT Ha M"1POBOe rocnOACTBO. ny6nw-JHO, 6e3HaKa3aHHO 11.
nOAYepKHY, 6e3 BCHK11X Ha TO OCHOB8HY1 11\ 06bSl8Jl5HOT Hac, POCC11IO, CB0"1M
sparoM. ÜHIA, AeÇicrB11TeJ1bHO. pacnon a r af()T cerOAHSl 60flbWl-1Ml-1 Q)l1HatiCOBblMl-1,
H8Y'H·IO·T8XHOJ10r1-14eCKIAMl-1 11 soeHHblMl-1 803MO>KHOCHlMv1. Mbl 3HaeM 06 3TOM
1-1 06bel<TIABHO ou,eHv1BaeM nOCTOSlHHO 36yYauiv1e B Haw aApec yrpo3bl B ccpepe
3KOHOMl-1l{1-1 - TaK >«e. KaK Y1 CBOl-1 803MO>l<HOCT"1 n pOH1BOCT05lîb ::noMy HarnoMy
1-1 nepMaHeHTHOMY waHTa>+<y. nosrop!O, Mbl o ueHv1saeM 111x 6e3 v1nrno31-1i1,
npe,nenbHO pean1,1crw-1Ho.
'-ho Hacaercsi soeHHoÇi c<!>epbt. ro cospeMc1111a 51 Pocc i,,51 t.ta>+<e nocne pa3aana
CCCP 1-1 yrparb1 3HatJ1-1TeflbHoi:'l Yacrn ero noreHu,1-1ana HBMercH ceroAHH OAHOi:i
113 caMblX MOU\HblX 5l/l€PHblX A8P>l<88 M1-1pa \.1, 6onee Toro, o6naAaer
onpen enëHHblMl-1 npe1,1My11iecTBaMM B PS1A8 HOBC11Wl-1X 8"1.L\08 Boopy>1<eH11S1. 8 3TOl1
CB5l311 Hl-1 y KOro He AOJl}l{HO 661Tb COMHeHIAÇj B TOM, 1-ffO npHMOe Hanat:1eHv1e
Ha Hawy crpaHy np1-1seAëT K pa3rp0My 1-1 y>1<aCH btM noc11eACTBlo1HM Af15l mo6oro
noreHl...(l-1a11bHoro arpeccopa.
BMecre C TeM rexHonorn11. B TOM '·i11Clle o60POHHble, MeH51IOTC5l 6btCTPO.
n11t1epcrno B :no11 o6nacrn nepexOf.1"1T 11 6yAer nepexo.[ll-1Tb 113 pyK B pyHv1, a BOT
BOeHHOe OCBOeHvie np11nerat0~1-1x K HaWI-IM rpaH114aM repp11ropv111. ec1111 Mbl
no3son1-1M :no c,Qenarb. ocraHercsi Ha nec~mtflen-rn snepëJ.J., a MO}l{eT. v1 Hascerna
11 6yner C03AélBaTb ami PocCl•H-1 nocTORHHO HapacrnlO~YIO, a6C0/110THO
Y»oe ce~Yac. no Mepe pacw1-1peH11fl HATO Ha BOCTOH. Cv1tyél~v151 J.J,Jlfl Hawe:::t CTPélHbl
c Ka>t<.QblM ro.QoM CTaHOB"1TCfl acë xy>t<e 11 onacHee. 5onee roro, B nocne14H1-1e AHl1
PYKOBO)lCTBO HATO nps:tMO rosopt-n O Heo6XO,lll-1MOCH1 ycKOpv!Tb, <j)opc1-1posaTb
llPOJlBl1>t<eH1-1e YIH(j)pacrpylCT)'Pbl NlbflHCa K rpaHl-1U8M POCCYll-1. ,l),pyn1Ml1 Cf10B8MYI.
OHl1 Y>HeCTO'-iBIOT CBOIO 1103111...(11!0, npo,AO/l>iOETb npocro H86!110.[\élîb 38 TeM. 1-iTO
npoMCX0.[11-1T, Mbl 60JlbWe He MO>t<eM. 3TO 6blfl0 661 C Hau1e111 CTOPOHbl a6COfllOTHO
,l],anbHet::iwee pacwl-1peH1-1e 11H(j:>pacrpy1<Typb1 CesepoarnaHrwiec1<oro anbS1Hca .
HaYaBUJeecs:i BOeHHOe OCBOeHl-1e reppvnop111171 YKPal-1Hbl ,ansi Hac Henp1-1eMJ1eMbl.
,l],eno. KOHeYHO, He s caMoi1 opraHv13a111,1111 HATO - :no TOllbHO 1-1Hcr pyMeHr
BHewHeiil nomn1-11<1-1 CWA. npo6neMa B TOM, YTO ria np1-1ner a10~i,ix K HaM
repp1,1rop1-1six, - 3aMeYy. Ha Haw1-1x >+<e 1'!CTopi-1'-lecKv1x reppi-nop11s:ix. - C03Aaërcs:i
apa>t<.llCÔHa51 H8M .. aHr11 -Pocc1-rn~. t<OTOpa51 noCTa!3lleHa noA nOJlHblç, BHeWH11j;i
KOHTpOllb, yc1-111eHHO 06>H11BaeTCS1 Boopy>t<ëHHblMY! C1'111aMl1 H8TOBCKl1X crpaH
111 Hat<aYl1BaeTCS1 C8MblM cospeMeHHblM opy>1<v1eM.
,0,Jtfi CWA 11 "1X C0103Hl-1KOB 3TO TaK H83bl8aeMaS1 nomm-1Ka c,uep>1<1-1BaH1,,rn POCCl-11'1,
oyes11AHb1e reonom1T1-1'-leCK1-1e ,a1-1s1-1,qeH.Qbt. A .LillS. Hawei:i crpaHb1 - 3TO B 1-1rore
aonpoc >fü13Hl1 111 CMeprn, sonpoc Hawero 1-1crnpw1ec1<oro 6y,ay~ero HaK Hapoaa.
VI 3TO He npeysen1-14c 111-1e - 3TO rai< 1-1 ecTb. 3ro peanbHas. yrpo3a He npocrn
Haw11M 1-1HrepecaM, a caMoMy cy~ecrnosaH1110 Hawero rocy.napcraa. ero
cysepeH1-1rery. 3ro 1-1 eCTb Ta caMaA KpacHafl Yepra, 0 KOTOPOl1 HeOAHOKpaTHO
BpeMeH1i1: QHl,1 roTOBATCÇJ, OHM >+<AYT YA06Horo 4aca. Tenepb npereH/lYIOT ell(ë
1-1 Ha 06naAaH11e 51AePHbIM opy>t{11eM. Mb1 He no3aom1M ::noro CAenaTb.
KaH yme roaop1-111 paHee. Pocc1,151 nocne pa3sa11a CCCP npv1Hçina H0Bbte
reonon111Tw-1ec1<111e pea111,11,1, Mb1 c ysa>t<eH11eM OTHOCl1MC5l 1,1 6y}leM TaK .>t<e
0TH0Cl1TbCS1 KO BCeM BH0Bb o6pa306élHHblM Ha nocrcoseTCK0M npocrpaHcTBe
crpaHaM. Mb! yea.>t<aeM 1-1 6y)leM YB8Ji<8Tb l'IX Cy8epeHHTeT. 11 np1-1Mep TOMY -
n0M0U\b, K0T0PYIO Mbl 0K338/11,1 Ka3axcraHy, H0T0PblÇi CWJlt{HyflC>l C Tparw-;eCKI-IMl,1
co6b1Tf1S1Ml,1, C 6bl30B0M CBOeH rocy,aapcrseHHCCT\11 11 we11ocrnocrn. Ho P0CCl'lfl
He M0>t<eT YYBCTB0B8Tb ce6S1 B 6e3onacH0CH1, pa3Bv1B8TbCS1, cy(l\eCTB0B8Tb
C noCT051HH0Ï1 yrpo30~. v1CXOAS1ll\eÏ1 C Tepp1,nop1-11-1 cospeMeHH0CÎ YKP8Y1Hbl.
HanoMHIO. YT0 a 2000-2005 ro.aax Mbl A8JH'1 ooeHHblÇj ornop TeppopJ.1CTaM
Ha Kaa1<a3e, orcTOS11111 L\enocTH0CTb Hawero r ocy,qapcTBa. coxpaHvim, Pocc1-110.
B 2014 r0AY n0Mep»<a1111 HPblM'-laH v1 ceaacrnnonoues. 8 2015-M np1-1MeH1,1m1
Boopy>t<ëHHble CYl/lbl. YT06bl nocras~m, Ha.në»<Hblç, 33Cfl0H np0Hl-1HH0B8H11IO
reppop11cros 113 C1-1p11111 s Poccv110 . .LJ,pyroro cnoco6a 3è:lll\l-lTIHb ce6fl y Hac
He 6bl/10.
ÎO ,t<e caMoe npo11CX0Al1T 11 ceÇi,iac. HaM C BBMl-1 npocro He 0CT8B"1Jll.1 Hl-1 0AH0\1
APYrül1 B03M0>i<H0CTll1 3all\11H1Tb P0CC11IO, H8LUI-IX fllOAei:i , KpoMe TOC1, K0T0PYIO Mbl
BblHY»<AeHbl 6yt1eM 1-1cnof1b3088Tb cero,UHfl. O6CT0flTe/lbCTBa rpe6ylOT OT HaC
pew11reJ1bHblX l'1 He3aMeJl/ll1Te/lbHblX ,neiiCTBJ.111. Hap0,QHble pecny6m11<v1 ,QoH6acca
06paT11J11!1Cb K P0CCl-111 C npocb60C1 0 noM0tl(l-1.
B C8n31-1 c :)TI-IM 8 C00TBeTCTBYIJ.1 CO CTaTbëii 51 Yacrn 7 Ycraaa OOH. c caHKUl,1"1
Coaera <t>e,1J.epauv11,1 Pocc1111-1 1-1 so 1-1cnonHeH1-1e parncp1-1u1-1posaHHbIX
cPeAepanbHblM Co6paHv1eM 22 q)eapanfl cero roAa A0rosopoa o APY»<6e
J.1 B3a!i1M0n0M0Ull1 C ,QoHeL\1<011 Hapo,QHoi:-i Pecny6n1-1K0l1 v1 nyraHCKOH HaP0AH011
Pecny6nJ.1KOl1 MH0IO np1itHS1T0 peweH1-1e 0 npoBe,(\eHl-11-1 cnel..("18/lbH0H B0eHHOl1
Eë l\enb - 3aU\1-ITa /llOAe~. KOTOPble Ha nponn~eHl'1l'1 BOCbMI-I fleT nOABepra1orcsi
\.13,QeBaTeflbCTBaM, reHOUI-IAY CO CTOpOHbl Kl-le8CHOro pe»H1Ma. v1 AJHl 3TOro Mbl
6yAeM CTpeM"1TbCfl I{ AeM"1J1"1Tapv13al..\"1"'1 1,,1 AeHaLJ.H(pl-lKaL\"11-1 Y1<pav1Hbl, a Tal<>He
npe,aaHi-110 CYAY rex. 1<TO coaepw 1-1n M11or o-;1-1c11eHHbIe 1<poBaBbIe npecry1111e1111si
nporne Ml'IPHblX m1.1r eneÇi, B TOM -;1-1cne 1,1 rpa>1<,AaH Poccv1i::tcKoi::t ct>e,a_epaqt-11,,1.
np11 3TOM B 11aw1-1 nnaHbl He 6XOA11T OKl<ynal..\1-151 yKpal1HCHHX repp1-1rnp1-1v.. Mbl
HI-IKOMy "1 H11Yero He co61,1paeMC5l Ha85l3blRaTb C"1flOCi . BMeCTe C reM Mbl CJlblW11M,
4TO s nocne,aHee speMfl Ha 3anaAe acë YaU\e ~3By-;ar cnoaa o TOM. YTO
noAn11caHHble COBeTClü1M roramnapHblM penrnMOM AOI<yMeHTbl, 33Kpen/1SHOU\l'1e
l'1TOr1-181opo(;i Ml'1POBOV. BOCiHbl, He cn e,nyeT y>+<e "1 BblnO/lHHTb. Hy YTO >He. 'JTO
vlrnn,, Br opoei M~1POBOÏ1 BOi71Hbl, KaK 11 mepTBbl, npl'1HecëHHbl€ H8Wl-1M Hapo/~OM
Ha amapb no6eAbl HaA Hal.{"'13MOM, C(HlU\eHHbl. Ho 3TO He npornsopeY"1T
BblCOKl-1M ueHHOCHlM npas 1-1 CBOÔO,ll YenoseKa, v1CXO,llSl 1-13 rex peam1i::i. KOTOPbte
cno>i<111111cb Ha cerOAHfl 3a sce nocneooeH11b1e Aecmv111ernsi. Tat<»<e He orMefrner
npasa Ha~11'1 Ha caMoonpeAeneH1-1e. 3aKpennëHHoe s crarbe 1 Ycrasa OOH.
HanoMHIO, cno Hl1 npl'1 C03AaH111'1 CCCP. Hl-1 nocne Bropoi;.; M"1posoi::i BOl1Hbl J110J1eiil.
npo>t<1-1BaBw11x Ha rex v1fl"1 1-lHblX repp1-1rop1-rnx, BX0f,5lll.\11X B cospeMeHHYIO
Y1<pa1-1Hy, Hl-1KTO Hl'IKOrJJ,a He cnpaWl'1BaJl O TOM, KaK OHl-1 CBMl-1 xornr o6yCTp0"1Tb
CBOlO >t<l-13Hb. B OCHOBe Hawei.'1 no1111Tv1K"1 - CB06o.aa. cso6o,na 8bl6opa A/Hl Bcex
caMocromeflbHO onpeAellflTb CBOë 6yAyl.L(ee vt 6yAyU\ee CBOvlX AeTei:i. v1 Mbl
CYI-ITaeM 88}!{HblM, YT06bl 3H1M npaBOM - npaBOM Bb16opa - MOr/1\.-1
BOCl10/lb3088TbCSl sce HapO,!lbl , npo>i~v1BalOLU11e Ha repp1,nop1-1i-1 cerO.[IHfHlJHeii
YHpa"1Hbl, ace, l<TO 3TOro 3axoc1er.
8 3TOi::i CB5l31,1 oôpaU\alOCb 1-1 K rpan<,naHaM YKP81-1Hbl. B 2014 rüAY POCCl-1fl 6b1na
o6H3aHa 38U\\.1î"1Tb »<1,1Te11e~ Kpb1Ma 1-1 Cesacronomi or rex, 1<oro Bbl caMv1
H83b1Baere ••H a~i-11<8Ml1 •. KpblMYaHe 11 cesacrononb~bl C;:\8/18/11-1 CBOl'I Bbl60p -
661Tb CO CBOei7111cTopw-;ecKoiil P0,!111HOiil , C Pocc1-1ei1. 11 Mbl 3TO OOAA€P>tOE/111.
no1nop10. npocr o He Mornv1 nocrynv1Tb 1,1HaYe.
CeroAHmUHl-18 C06blîlt1Sl C8fl38Hbl He C }!{eflaHvl eM yw.eM1t1Tb \;IHTepeCbl Y1<pa"1Hbl
"1 YKP81-1HCKo ro HaPOAa, Û Hl-1 CBfl3aHbl C 3aLl("1TQÇi caMOi:i POCCl-111 OT Tex, t<TO B3fl/1
YKpa1,1Hy B 38f10»<Hl-1Kv1 YI nbnaeTC51 MCnOflb30B8Tb eë nporns Hawetil c r paHbl !i1 eë
nosropK), Haw1-11-1ei;,crsvrn - 3ro caMo3at.U1-11a or C03AaBaeMblX HaM y rpo3
11 OT e14ë 60/lbWei:i 6e.[lbl, YeM Ta, ' ITO np01-1CXOAIAT cero,aHf1. KaK 661 rn>1<e 110
Hl-1 6bl/10, npowy n OHflTb 3TO 1-1 npl-\3blBaK) I{ B3al-lMOAei:iCTBl-1!0, 'IT06 bl K8K MOiKHO
cKopee nepesepHyrb :ny rparn1.1ec1<y10 crpaH111..ty 1-1 BMecre ABMraTbCfl snepëA,
HI-\KOMY He n0380/lf!Tb BMew1<1BaTbC5l B Hawi-1 Aefla, B HaWl-1 OTHOWeHl-1A,
a BblCTPSl-1BaTb vlX caMOCT05lT8JlbHO - TaK. 4T06bl 3TO C03,Qa sa110 He06xO,Ql1Mbte
y cnoa11fl Aflfl npeo1.1oneH11fl scex npo6neM 111 , HeCMOTPfl Ha 1➔ an1-1,rne
rocyAapcrseHHblX r paHl-\lt, y1<penmi110 661 Hac 113Hyrp1-1 1<aK e,a11Hoe l...lenoe. çi sep!O
B 3TO - l,,1MeHHO 8 TaKOe Hawe 6YAYU.lee.
Aoml<eH o6pan1TbC51 l'1 I< BOeHHOCfly}!{all..ll-1M aoopy}!{ëHHblX Cl-111 Yi<pa1,1Hbl.
Ysa>t<aeMble T0 8 8Pl-1l.Uv1 ! Baw11 OTL(bl, JlC/lbl. npaaeAbl He A/1Sl TOro cpaH<8Jl l-1Cb
C H3U11CTaMl-1 , 3all..li1~aSl Hawy OÔll.\Y!O POAl-1HY, '-ITOÔbl cero,QHSlWHvle H80Hal...ll-1CTbl
3axsarnn1-1 BflaCTb Ha YKpa1-1He. Bbl ,naBa/11-1 np11cmy Ha aepHOCTb YKP81-1HCKOMY
HapoJly, a He aHrnHaPOAHOi:i XYHTe. KOTOpafl rpa6v1T Y1<pa 11Hy YI 113AesaeTCSl Ha,q
3Tl-1M C8MblM Hapo,llOM.
He 1-1cnomrn!Ïrre eë npecrynHb1x np111<a3os. np113b1s a10 s ac HeMe,D,JleHHO CflO}K l-1Tb
opy>t<"1e \,\ l,IJlTl-1 AOMoi::i. n oS1CH10: sce BOeHHOCllYnOEU\1,1€ Yf<P81-1HCKOC1 apMi-11-1 ,
KOTOpble BbtnO/lHSH 3TO rpe6osaH1-1e, CMOryr 6ecnpernncrseHHO nOKJ.1HYTb 30HY
6oeBblX JleHCTBl-1~ 1-1 BePHYTbCSl H CB0v1M ceMbSlM.
Ell..lë pa3 H8CT0~1-MBO nOA4epKHy: BCSl OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb 38 B03MO»<HOe
Kposonpo11vm-1e 6y;:\eT l\eJllAKOM 1-1 nonHOCTblO Ha cosecn1 npaem.4ero
Ha 1eppI,11op1111 YKpa11Hb1 pe>K11Ma.
Tenepb HeCKO/lbKO Ba>KHblX, OLfeHb B8}KHblX cnoa AfHl rex, y KOro MOH<eT
B03H1'1HllyTb co611a3H CO CTOPOHbl BMewalbCfi B npo11CXOA>l lJ.lY1€ C06blTY1>l. Kra Obi
Hl-1 n bITa/1C>l noMewaTb HaM. a TeM 6011ee C03JlaBaTb y r p03bl /lflfl Hawei,1 crpaHbl,
Llnfl Hawero Hapona. !lO/l>i{Hbl 3Hôîb, 'iTO OTBeT Pocc1111 6yi:1eT He3aMeLlfll'1Te/lbHblM
11 np1-1BeJ:iëT sac K TaK11M noc ne/,lCTBlrnM. C HOTOPblMl1 Bbl B CBOe~ 11CTOPl•111 ewë
H"1KOrAa He cra11K11Ballt-1Cb. Mbl rüTOBbl K /ll060MY pa3811Tl1!0 C06blH1M. Bce
He06XO,Ql1Mble 8 :noi::i CB513~1 peweH11fl npl1HflTbl. HaAelOCb. 'ITO 51 6yJJ,y YCllblWaH.
611ar onony'-l111e, caMo cyll(ecrsosaH11e ue11bIX rocyAapcTB 11 HaPOAOB, 11x ycnex
11 >+<113Hecnoco6HOCTb scer/,la 6epyr HaYa no s MOUlH011 1<op 1-1esoi:1 c11creMe csoei1
KYflbTypbl 11 ueHHOCrei::i. onbITa "1 TP8/.l11U11M npe,QKOB 11, KOH€4HO, npçtMO 38B1-1CSH
OT cnoco6HOCT"1 6blCTpo aAanrnpoBaTbC5l I{ n oCT051HHO MeH5HOLJ.leiiic5l lt<113H"1,
OT c nJlOLfëHHOCTl1 06ll,\eCTBa, ero roTOBHOCTl-1 KOHCOn1'1A11POBBTb, cofü1paTb
BOe,lll-lHO Bce Cl1nbl' LfT06bl 1-1AH1 snepëA.
C11flb1 HY>KHbl scerAa - scerAa, HO cw1a MO>t<e r 661Tb pa3Horo Ka4ecrsa. B ocHose
nom1rnI<1-1 «11Mnepv11-1 mt<11 .. , o Koropoi:i rosop1-111 B HaYa11e csoero BbIcryn11e1-1r151, ..
n pe>l<,/le Bcer o ne>+rnr rpy6as:i. np11MOJ1MHei71Has-1 cwio. B raIrnx cnyYas:ix y Hac
, osopm: «C1-111a ec rb. yMa He Ha,no,,.
A Mbl C B8MYI 3HaeM. 4TO HaCTOflLJ.\aH c1111a - 0 cnpaee.41111BOCTl1 1-1 npaBAe.
l(OTOpa51 Ha Hawei:i CTOPOHe. A eC/1"1 3TO TaH, TO rpy,QHO He c o rnacvi fbC~ C Te M. LfTO
vlMeHHO CYi/la 11 roTOBHOCTb K 6opb6e 11e>1<aT B OCHOBe He3aBYICl1MOCH1
v1 cysepe1-11-1rera, 5lB/lfüOTC5l TeM He06XOAl1MblM <PYH.LlaMeHTOM, Ha l<OTOPOM TO/lbl<O
1-1 MO}l{HO HaAë>HHO CTPOl1Tb CBOë 6y,Qyli(ee, CTPOYITb CB0'71 AOM, CBOIO ceMblO, CBOIO
Ysa>1<aeMble COOTe4eCTBeHHHKvl!
YaepeH. •no npeaaHHb1e csoei1 crpaHe con,narb1 11 ocp114epb1 BoopymëHHblX Ci-111
Poccv111 npocpeccl-loHallbHO 1-1 MY»<ecrneHHO 11cnonmn cooi:i Aonr. He COMHeBaK)Cb,
YTO cnaH<eHHO 1-1 3(j)cpe1<nOEHO 6y1.wr ,ueC1crnoBaTb Bce ypo sHvi snacrn.
cneL(11anv1CTbl, OTBe48lO(Ultle 3a YCTOCiYvtOOCTb HaLUeÇi 3KOHOMl-1K11 . cf)1-1HaHCOBOCi
Cl1CTeMbl. co411a/lbH0H cct,epbi, PYKOBOtll1Tem1 Haw11x H0MnaH11i:i 1-1 aecb
pocc1,11ï1cK11Ci 61-13Hec. PaCCY!tlTblBato Ha KOHC0/111AHPOBaHHylO, n arpHOTlt14eCKylO
no311u11t0 scex napnaMeHTCK1-1x naprv.ç, 11 o6wecTBeHHbtX c11n.
B KOHe'-fHOM CYëTe, IOEH 3TO Bcer[.\a 11 6 bt!10 B 11C rop1-111, cy.nb6a Pocc1111 -
B HaAë>l<HblX pyKax Hawero MHOfOHau1-10HaJ1bHOrO HaPOAa. A :no 3H8411T, YTO
np11Hs:nb1e peweH11S1 6y.uyr BbtnonHeHb1. nocraon eHHb1e u.envi - .uocrnrnyrb1.
6e3onacHOCTb Haweç, POAI-IHbl - Ha,llë>KHO rapaHTI-IPOBaHa.
Bep/0 B aawy n0Mep>1<Ky, B Ty Heno6e,ll1-1Myt0 Cl-1/ly, KOTOpylO Aaër HaM Hawa
JIIOÔOBb I< ÜTeYecrny.
Ony6m-1Kouau B na311en;:1x: Hooocrn. 8b1crynnei;i.11 i. crei;orpaMMul
A,na 11y61n11<<1L ,11,: 24 tl>t?upa1111 2022 ro11a. 06:00
Ccb 111<0 "il Mnrep,1a11: , d / 67843

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Document (with annexes) from the Russian Federation setting out its position regarding the alleged “lack of jurisdiction” of the Court in the case
