Costa Rica's comments on Nicaragua's written response to the question put by Judge Donoghue at the public sitting held on Friday 15 October 2010, at 5 p.m.

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Incidental Proceedings
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10/29/10 FRI 09:05 FAX 5712574754 EMBAJADA DE COSTARICA

Bogotà, D.C,- Colombla

28 0 tober 2010
ECR OL No. 10.,189



I have the honour to refer to your communication 13 671, dated 22 October 2010,

transmitting the answer of the Republic of Nicaragua to the question of the honourable
Judge Donoghue of 15 October 201O.

Costa Rica observes that while Nicaragua did not expres ly oppose Costa Rica's request

for pennission to intervenein the present case in its Wr tten Observations or in its oral
submissions, it has now formally stated its opposition to Costa Rica's intervention.
Nicaragua's opposition appears to be based on itsself r~isg but unfounded view that
Costa Rica has no interestof a legal nature that may be affected by the decisiointhis


Costa Rica wishes to note that it does have an interesta legal nature in the exercise of
its sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the Caribbean Swhich may be affected by the

delimitation decisionof the Court in the instant case. C sta Rica's legal interest and the
potential for the Court's decision to affectt interest ere demonstrated convincingly
in Costa Rica's Application and subsequent oral argume t.Hence, Costa Rica considers
that it has fully complied with the requirements for interv ntion set out in the Statute and

Rules ofthe Court.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurancesf my highest c nsideration,

His Excellency
Mr. Philippe Couvreur ·..
International Court of Justice

Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Costa Rica's comments on Nicaragua's written response to the question put by Judge Donoghue at the public sitting held on Friday 15 October 2010, at 5 p.m.
