Written Observations of Colombia

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File


The Hague, 26 May 2010

Dear Sir,

I refer to your letter dated 25 February 2010 informing that the Court has fixed
26 May 2010 as the time-limit for the filing ofwritten observations by the Parties in
the case concerning Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia) with

regard to Costa Rica's Application for permission to intervene.

Colombia notes that Costa Rica's Application is grounded on Article 62 of the
Statute of the Court. Colombia also notes that, according to the Application, "itis
only the maritime boundary aspect of the case with which Costa Rica is concemed,

and only that partof the maritime boundary that might affect Costa Rica's legal rights
and interests". The purpose of Costa Rica's intervention, as disclosed in the
Application, is to inform the Courtof its interests of a legal nature which it considers
may be affected by the decision in the instant case.

As the CoUrt is aware, Colombia and Costa Rica signed the Treaty on
Delimitation of Marine and Submarine Areas and Maritime Cooperation on 17 March
1977 (Femandez-Facio Treaty). Despite the fact that the Treaty has not yet been

ratified by Costa Rica, the parties have complied in good faith with its provisions,
without a single incident having ever arisen.

On the basis of the above, I have the honour to inform you that the Govemment

of Colombia has no objection to the intervention of Costa Rica.

Notwithstanding the fact that Colombia considers that Costa Rica has satisfied
the requirements of Article 62 of the Statute and Article 81 of the Rules of Court,

Colombia wishes to emphasize that it disagrees with certain points raised in Costa
Rica's Application. Colombia reserves its position on these points which it will
explain at the appropriate stagef the proceedings.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

To His Excellency

Mr. Philippe Couvreur
International Court of Justice
The Hague

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Written Observations of Colombia
