PermanentMissionofthe Maldives
to the UnitedNationsOfficeat Geneva
15April 2009
Dear Sir,
I would like to forward herewith a copy of a statement by the
Republic of Maldives in support of the independence of the Republic of Kosovo,
signed by Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
I would also like to inform you that the original of the enclosed
statement will be forwarded to you at the earliest.
I would appreciate itif you could kindly acknowledge receipt of
this letter and its enclosed statement.
Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Chargé d'Affaires a.i.
Mr. Philippe Couvreur
Registrar of the International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517KJThe Hague
The Netherlands
Rue de Lausann45-4ï(3rd floor) Tel: +4-1(0) 22 ï32 63 3ï
1201 Geneva Fax: +41 (0) 22 ï32 63 39
SwiRuedeLausae5-47 CH- 1201GenevaT: +41227326337 F: +41227326339 ichw.maldivesmission.w
_.:vvww.malclive.s.rm..___.? MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
15 April 2009
Statemcnt by the Republic of Maldives in Support of the Indcpendcnce of the
Republic of Kosovo
The Republic of Maldives recognizes the independence of the Republic of
Kosovo as representing a sui generis case which does not create a prececlenl. The
Maldives believes that the declaration of independcnce by Kosovo reflected a remedy of
last resort that embodied the best prospects for pcace and stability in the rcgion. The
Maldives also believes that the independence of Kosovo brings a final resolution and an
end to the conflicts arising from the violent and non-consensual break-up of the fom1er
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
ln reaching thest"! conclusions,the Republic of Maldives considered
numerous factors including the history of ethnie cleansing and crimes against Kosovars
which constituted grave human rights violations; the extended period of international
administration of Kosovo; the proposition of a "final status" for Kosovo in the United
Nations Security Council Rcsolution 1244 (1999) and the subsequent recommendations
of the United Nations Special Envoy on Kosovo; the total breakdown and abandonmcnt
or the UN process on the future political status of Kosovo; the evolution of Kosovo both
politically and lcgally, including the spccial autonomous powers enjoyed by Kosovo
within the Socialist Fcdcral Republic of Yugoslavia; the right to national self
determination entrenchcd in the United Nations Charter; and the fulfillmentby Kosovo of
the criteria for statehood under international law.
The Republic of Maldives did not take part in the vote in the United
Nations General Assembly on 8 October 2008 on the rcferencc to the lnternational Court
of .Justice for an Advisory Opinion on the legality of the dcclaration of independencby - 2 -
Kosovo. The Resolution appeared lo be politically motivated and designecl to delay the
speed with which the independcnce of Kosovo was being recognized by the international
cmmnunity. The Maldives took note of the fact that more countries opposed or abstained
in the vote on the Resolution lhan vote in the affin11ative.
ln recognizing the indepcndcncc of Kosovo on 19 Fcbruary 2009, the
Maldives also took note of developrnents within Kosovo during its first year of
indcpendcnce including the provisions made within the Constitutional frarne\vork or
Kosovo for the protection of the rights of minorities within the Republic of Kosovo. The
Maldives fürther took note of the fact that the Republic of Kosovo enjoyed widespread
recognition in the international conununity as an independent state, including most of its
ncighbours and states from all continents.
Ahmed Shaheed
Written Statement of Maldives