Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo) - Question of compensation - The Court fixes time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

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Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 302 2323 Fax: +31 (0)70 364 9928
Website: www.icj-cij.org

Press Release

No. 2011/27
23 September 2011

Ahmadou Sadio Diallo
(Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Question of compensation

The Court fixes time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

THE HAGUE, 23 September 2011. The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
, the principal
judicial organ of the United Nations, has made an Order fixing the time-limits for the

filing of written pleadings on the sole question of compensation due from the Democratic Republic
of the Congo to the Republic of Guinea under paragraph163 and 165 (7) of its
Judgment of 30November2010 in the case concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of
Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo).

In the Order, dated 20 September 2011, the Court fixed 6 December 2011 and
21February2012 as the respective time-limits for th e filing of the Memorial of the Republic of
Guinea and the Counter-Memorial of the Democrat ic Republic of the Congo on the question of
compensation. These time-limits were fixed taking account of the views expressed by the Parties at

a meeting which the President of the Court held with their representatives on 14 September 2011.

It is recalled that the Court delivereds Judgment in the case on 30November2010 (see
Press Release 2010/39). In that Judgment, the Court found that in carrying out the arrest, detention
and expulsion of Mr. Diallo in 1995-1996, the De mocratic Republic of the Congo had violated his

fundamental rights. The Court also found that the Democratic Republic of the Congo was under
obligation to make appropriate repa ration, in the form of compensation, to the Republic of Guinea
for the injurious consequences of the violations of international obligations committed by the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. Finally, the Court also decided unanimously in the Judgment
that it would settle the question of compensation if the Parties failed to agree on the matter within

six months from the date of the Judgment.

In its Order of 20September 2011, the Court noted that the time-limit it had fixed in the
operative part of its Judgment had expired on 30 May 2011. It alsorecalled that it had decided in
its Judgment that, having been sufficiently informed of the facts of the case, a single exchange of

written pleadings by the Parties would be sufficient in order for it to decide on the amount of
compensation due to the Republic of Guinea.

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Judge Cançado Trindade appended a declaration to the Order.


The full texts of the Order and Judge Cançado Trindade’s declaration, as well as this press
release, can be found on the Court’ s website at: www.icj-cij.org , under the heading
“Cases/Pending Cases”.


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It was
established by the United Nations Charter in June 1945 and began its activities in April 1946. The
seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of the six principal organs of
the United Nations, it is the only one not located in New York. The Court has a twofold role: first,

to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States (its
judgments have binding force and are without appeal for the Parties concerned); and, second, to
give advisory opinions on legal qu estions referred to it by duly authorized United Nations organs
and agencies of the system. The Court is compo sed of 15judges elected for a nine-year term by

the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations. It is assisted by a Registry,
its international secretariat, whose activities are both judicial and diplomatic, as well as
administrative. The official languages of the Court are French and English.


Information Department:

Mr. Andrey Poskakukhin, First Secretary of the Court, Head of Department (+31 (0)70 302 2336)
Mr. Boris Heim, Information Officer (+31 (0)70 302 2337)

Ms Joanne Moore, Associate Information Officer (+31 (0)70 302 2394)
Ms Genoveva Madurga, Administrative Assistant (+31 (0) 70 302 2396)

ICJ document subtitle

- Question of compensation - The Court fixes time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo) - Question of compensation - The Court fixes time-limits for the filing of written pleadings
