Case concerning the Status vis-à-vis the Host State of a Diplomatic Envoy to the United Nations (Dominica v. Switzerland) - Case removed from the Court's List at the request of Dominica

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel: +31 (0)70 302 23 23. Cables: Intercourt,
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Press Release

No. 2006/23
12 June 2006

Case concerning the Status vis-à-vis the Host State of a Diplomatie Envoy

to the United Nations
(Commonwealth ofDominica v.Switzerland)

Case removed from the Court's List at the reguest of Dominica

THE HAGUE, 12 June 2006. The case brought by the Commonwealth of Dominica against

Switzerland, on 26 April 2006, before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial
organ of the United Nations, has been removed from the Court's List at the request of Dominica.

By letter of 15 May 2006, received in the Registry by facsimile on 24 May 2006 under cover
of two letters from the Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of Dominica to the United
Nations, and the original of which reached the Registry on 6 June 2006, the Prime Minister of the
Commonwealth of Dominica informed the Court that his Government "d[id] not wish to go on with

the proceedings instituted against Switzerland" and requested the Court to make anrder
"officially recording [their] unconditional discontinuance" and "directing the removal of the case
from the General List".

By letter of 24 May 2006, received in the Registry by facsimile the same day, the
Ambassador of Switzerland in The Hague advised the Court that he had duly informed the
competent Swiss authorities the discontinuance notified by the Prime Minister of Dominica.

The Court, on 9 June 2006, made an Order, in which, after noting that the Government of the
Swiss Confederation had not taken any step in the proceedings in the case, recorded the
discontinuance by the Commonwealth of Dominica of the case instituted by the Application filed on
26 April 2006 and ordered that it be removed from the List.


The dispute submitted by Dominica to the Court concerned alleged violations of the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatie Relations and other rules and instruments of international law in relation
to a diplomatie envoy of Dominica to the United Nations in Geneva.

The complete textof the Order delivered by the Court will shortly be available on the
Court's website (

Information Department:

Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Head of Departme+31 70 302 23 36)
Messrs. Boris Heim and Maxime Schouppe, Information Office+31 70 302 23 37)
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Document Long Title

Case concerning the Status vis-à-vis the Host State of a Diplomatic Envoy to the United Nations (Dominica v. Switzerland) - Case removed from the Court's List at the request of Dominica
