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Press Release
No. 2002/16
12 June 2002
Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan
Conclusion ofthe public hearings
Court ready to consider itsjudgment
THE HAGUE, 12 June 2002. The public hearings in the case conceming Sovereignty over
Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (lndonesia/Malaysia) were concluded today. The Court will now
start its deliberation.
During the hearings which opened on 3 June 2002, the delegation of Indonesia was led by
H.E. Dr. N. Hassan Wirajuda, Minister for Foreign Affairs, as Agent; the delegation of Malaysia
was led by H.E. Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Mohamad, Ambassador-at-large, as Agent.
The Court's judgment, binding and without appeal, will be delivered at a public sitting on a
date tobeannounced at a later stage.
Final submissions ofthe Parties
At the conclusion of the oral proceedings the Parties presented the following submissions to
the Court:
For Indonesia:
"On the basis ofthe facts and legal considerations presented in Indonesia's written pleadings
and in its oral presentation, the Govemmentof the Republic of Indonesia respectfully requests the
Courtto adjudge and declare that:
(i) sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan belongs to the Republic oflndonesia; and
(ii) sovereignty over Pulau Sipadan belongs to the Republic oflndonesia."
For Malaysia:
"The Govemment of Malaysia respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare that:
sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan belongs to Malaysia."
* -2-
Internai Judicial Practice of the Court with respect to deliberation
The Court will first hold a preliminary discussion, at which the President will outline the
issues which, in his view, require discussion and decisionby the Court. Eachjudge then prepares a
written Note setting out his views on the case. That Note is distributed to the ether judges. A full
deliberation is then held, at the endof which, taking into account the views expressed, a drafting
committee is chosen by secret ballot. The committee will in principle consist of two judges
holding the majority view of the Court, together with the President, if he shares that view.
The committee will then prepare a draft text, which will first be the subject of written
amendments and will then go through two readings. In the meantime, judges who wish to prepare
a declaration, a separate opinion or a dissenting opinion, will do so.
The final voteistaken after adoption of the final text of the judgment at the second reading.
The full transcriptsof the hearings of 3 June to 12June 2002 can be found on the Court's
website ( under "Docket".
Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, First Secretary of the Court (tel: +31 70 302 2336)
Mrs. Laurence Blairon and Mr. Boris Heim, Information Officers (tel: +31 70 302 2337)
E-mail address: [email protected]
- Conclusion of the public hearings - Court ready to consider its judgment
Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia) - Conclusion of the public hearings - Court ready to consider its judgment