East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) - Sitting of the Court of 30 January 1995

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for inmadiatarelea~e

18 January 1995

of the Court of 30 Januarv 1995

Further to Press Communiqué 94/22 of 31 October 1994, which announced
the opening on Monday 30 January 1995, at 10.00 a-m., of the hearings in

the case concerning F a s t v. -, the foll.owing
information is communicated to the Press by the Registry of the
International Court of Justice:

At 10.00 a.m. on Monday 30 January 1995, the Court will begin by
holding a short sitting during which tribute will be paid to the memory

of Judge Nikolaï K. Tarassov (Russian Federation), who died on
28 September 1994.

Judge ad ~QÇ Santiago Torres Bernardez, chosen by Qatar in the case
concerning Maritime Delimitation and Territorial OuestiQns between OatbE

and v. Bahrain) to fill the vacancy caused by the death on
7 July 1994 of Judge a$ hoc José Maria Ruda, will, on that occasion, make
the solemn declaration provided for in Article 20 of the Statute of the

After a very short break the sitting to hear theoral arguments of

the Parties in the case concerning East Timor (Portuaal v. =ia)
will open.

At the beginning of that sitting Mr. K. J. Skubiszewski and
Sir Ninian Stephen, the Judges ad hoc chosen by Portugal and Australia

respectively, will also make the solemn declaration provided for in
Article 20 of the Statute of the Court.

As elections to fill the vacancy caused by the death of

Judge Tarassov will be held on 26 January 1995, it is expected that the
newly-elected Member of the Court will make the solemn declaration
provided for in Article 20 of the Statute of the Court at a morning
sitting to be held not earlier than 1 February 1995.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sitting of the Court of 30 January 1995

Document file FR
Document Long Title

East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) - Sitting of the Court of 30 January 1995
