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Commun -----
7- -
Members of Court+ Staff29-6-92 unofficial
P.O. Peace Palace 30-6-92 for immediatercleose
No. 92/16
24 June 1992
Case concerninnPassagethroughthe Great Belt
IFinland v. Denmark)
The following informatio is communicatedto the Pressby the
Registryof the International Courtof Justice:
Public sittings to hear the oralargumentsof the Partiesin the
caseconcerning Passanethrounh the GreaB telt (Finlandv. Denmark)will
openat 10.00 a.m. on Monday14 September1992in the GreatHall of
Justiceof the Peace Palace at The Hague.
1. The publicsittingwillbe held in the GreatHall of Justice of
the PeacePalace. Membersof the Press will be entitledto attend after
presentation of a press identificatio cardor an admission card, which
may be obtainedupon application. The tablesreservedfor themare
situatedon the far left of the public entranceto the courtroom.
2. Photographs maybe takenbeforethe openingand duringthe first
few minutesof a sitting; alsoa fewminutes towardt she end. Filming
for cinemaor television purposesis howeversubjectto special
3. In the Press Room,locatedon the ground floor of the
Peace Palace(Room 5), the Court'sproceedings will berelayedthrougha
4. Membersof the Pressmay use the public telephones in the Post
Officein the basementof the Palace.
5. Mr. A.Th.Witteveen, Secretar of the Court(telephone
extension233),or, in his absence,Mrs. N.C. El-Erian (telephone
extension234)willbe availableto dealwith any requestsfor
information by member of the Press.
- Opening of Hearings
Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Opening of Hearings