Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain) - Fixing of time-limits for the filing of initial written pleadings

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PeacePalace, 2517 KJTIieHague.Tel. -39244 41). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.

- Telefax (07-36499 28). Telex 32323.
Membersof theCourt + Staff 30-10-91 (15.15) forimrnediate release
Post OfficeP.P. see Comm. 91/31

No. 91/29
16 October1991

Maritime Delimitatio and Territorial Questions
BetweenOatarand Bahrain(0at.v. Bahrain)

The following information is communicat tethe Pressby the
Registryof the International Cour of Justice:

As reportedin PressCommuniqueNo. 91/21,of 8 July 1991,the State
of Qatar filedon that same day inthe Registry of the Courtan
Application institutingproceedings against the Stao tfeBahrainin
respectof certain disputes betwee the two States relatintgo
sovereignty over theHawar islands, sovereign rights over the shoals of
Dibal and Qit'atJaradah,and the delimitation of the maritimeareasof
the two States.

In that ApplicatioiQnatar founded thjeurisdictionof the Courtupon
certain agreements between the Parties stt aothave been concludedin
December1987 and December 1990,the subjectand scopeof the cornmitment
to jurisdictionbeing determined, accordit ng Qatar,by a formula
proposedby Bahrainto Qataron 26 October1988 and acceptedby Qatar in


By letters addresset dothe Registrarof the Courton 14 July 1991
and 18 August 1991Bahrain contested the baso is jurisdictioninvokedby

At a meeting between the Presideo ntthe Courtand the
representatives of the Partiesheld on 2 October1991 it was agreedthat
questionsof jurisdiction and admissibility in this case shouldbe
separately determined before any proceedi onngshe merits; at that
meeting agreemenw tas also reachedon time-limitsfor writtenproceedings
on thesequestions.

In an Order of 11 October1991 the Presidentof the Court,
considering that it was necessary for the Courto be informedat that
stageof al1 the contentionsand evidenceof fact and law on which the
Parties relyin that connectionand takinginto account the agreement
concerning the procedure expresb sedthe Parties,consulted under
Article31 of the Rules of Court, decided that the writtenproceedings
should first be addressedto the questionsof the jurisdiction of the
Court to entertain the disput end of the admissibilitoyf the
Application,and fixed thefollowingtime-limitsfor thoseproceedings:

10 February 1992 for the Memorio althe Stateof Qatar;
11 June 1992 for the Counter-Memoriaolf the State ofBahrain.

The subsequent procedur eas been reserved for further decision.

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of time-limits for the filing of initial written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain) - Fixing of time-limits for the filing of initial written pleadings
