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i 1,<' unofficial
-i ,Y' .t:t4/ b;';p,# " & {-, ,C3 ,-/ for imrnediate release
No. 90/17
2 October 1990
Land. IslandandMaritime Frontier Dispute
(El Salvador/Honduras)
The following informatio is communicated to the Pressby the
Registryof the International Courtof Justice:
reportedin Communiqué 90/16of 13 September 1990, the
Chamberof the Courtformedto dealwith the case concerning the Land,
Island and Maritime FrclntieD ris~ute(El Salvador/Honduras )ecided by
its Judgment ofthatdate thatNicaraguawas permittedto intervenein
the case withrespect t:othe legal régimeof the watersin the Gulf of
By an Orderof 14 September1990 the President of the Chamberhas
accordingly fixet dhe f'ollowint gime-limits:
- 14 December 1990 as t:hetime-limit fot rhe submission by Nicaragua of a
written statement;
- 14 March 1991as the time-limit within whichthe Parties may,if they
so desire,furnishtheirwrittenobservations on the writtenstatement
of Nicaragua.
The subsequent procedurehas beenreserved for further decision.
Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras; Nicaragua intervening) - Fixing of time-limits for the filing of additional written pleadings