Libya-Chad territorial dispute submitted to the International Court of Justice

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PeacePalace,517 KJ The Hague. Tel. -0392 44 41). Cables: Intercourt,TheHague.

- Telefax (07-36499 28). Telex 32323.
for imrnediate release

No. 90/14
4 September1990

Libya-Chadterritorialdis~utesubmittedto the
-Internati~nalCourt of Justice

The following information is communicat edthe Press by the
Registryof the International Couro tf Justice:

By a Notificationin English dated31 August 1990, and filed in the
Registryon that date,the Governmentof the SocialistPeople's Libyan
Arab Jamahiriyainstituted proceedings against the Republ ofcChad on
the basis of a SpecialAgreementcontainedin or constituted by an
"Accord-Cadresur le Règlementdu Différend Territorial entr la Grande
JamahiriyaArabe LibyenriPopulaireet Socialisteet la Républiquedu
Tchad", signedin Algiers on 31 August 1989. Accordingto this

Notification, the question pu to the Court is in the followingterms:

"In furtheriniplementatio nf the Accord-Cadre,and taking
into account the territorial dispute between P areties, to
decide upon the liniitof their respective territorie in
accordancewith therules of internationallaw applicablein
the matter."

By an Applicationin French dated1 September1990, and filed in the
Registryon 3 September1990 (a copy of the texthaving alreadybeen
communicatedto the Registryby facsimilieon 1 September1990), the
Republicof Chad institcitepdroceedings against the SocialistPeople's
LibyanArab Jamahiriya respecof the frontier disputebetween the two
States. The Applicationwas also basedon the Accord-Cadreof
31 August 1989, as wellas, by way of subsidiarybasis of jurisdiction,a
Treatybetween Franceand Libya dated 10 August 1955. By that
Application,Chad requeststhe Court:

"to determine thec.ourseof the frontierbetween the Republic
of Chad and the LibyanArab Jamahiriya, in accordanc with the
principlesand ru1e:sof internationallaw applicablein the
matter as between the Parties" [translatiobny the Renistrvl.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Libya-Chad territorial dispute submitted to the International Court of Justice
