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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: IntercouHaguee
Telex 32323
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Distributed 2-6-88 (12.15)
No. 88/14
P.0. Peace Palace 2-6-88 (12.30) L June 1988
Land Islandand Maritime Frontier Dispute
(El ~alvador/Honduras)
Filingof Memorials
The following informatio ins madeavailableto thePressby the
Registryof the International Courtof Justice:
Today, 1June 1988,theMemorialsof El Salvadorand Hondurasin the
abovecase werefiledin the Registryof the International Courtof
Justice,withinthe time-limit fixed by the Courthavingregardto the
termsof the Special Agreement by which the case was submitted.
The occasionwas markedby the presenceof the Ministers for
External Relationo sf both countries,namely H.E. Mr. RicardoPeralta
(El Salvador) and H.E.Mr. CarlosLBpezContreras(Honduras;.
Underthe SpecialAgreement,the Governmcnts o£ EL Salvadorand
Hondurasrequestedthe Coiirt to form a Ghambertccdeal witlithe cese,a
request accede do on 8May 1987,and specificdtheirQoi~tviewson the
timingof the proceedings, The compositionf the Chamberis as follows:
Judges Sette--CamaraPresddent of the &Lamber
SirRobert Jenndngs
Judgesa--hoc NicolasValtict,s
The next stepin thewrittenproceedings is to consistin the ffling
of Counter-Memorialb s:y1 February1989. This time linit :#asfixedby
the Chamber,takfngaccountof the tews of the SpecialAgreement.
Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Filing of Memorials