Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Reparation - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

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for tmmediate rsleass

- - / No.87/32

20 November 1987

-Mil.itary and Paramilitary Activities
in and aeainst Nic.ara~iia
-(Nicaragua v. United States of America

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

In its Judgment of 27 June 1986 in the case concerning Military and
Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v.
United States of America) the Court found (inter alia) that the
United States of ~mericawas under an obligation to make reparation to

the Republic of Nicaragua for al1 injury caused to Nicaragua by certain
breaches of obligations under customary international law and treaty-law
cornrnitted by the United States.

The Court further decided "that the form and amount of such
reparation, failing agreement between the Parties, will be settled by the

Court, and reserves for this purpose the subsequent procedure in the

In a letter dated 7 September 1987 the Agent of Nicaragua stated
that no agreement had been reached between the Parties as to the form and
arnount of the reparation and that Nicaragua requested the Court- to make

the necessary orders for the conduct of the case.

Ry a letter dated 13 November 1987, the Deputy-Agent of the

United States informed the Registrar that the United States remained of
the view that the Court was without jurisdiction to entertain the dispute
and t.hat the Nicâraguan Application was inadmissible and that :dccordingly

the United States would not be represented at a meeting, to be held in
accordance with Article 31 of the Rules of Court, for the purpose of
ascertaining the views of the Parties on the procedure to be followed.

After having ascertained the views of the Government of Nicaragua
and having afforded the Government of the United of America an

opportunlty of stating its views, the Court, by an Order of
18 November 1987, has fixed 29 March 1988 as the time-limit for the
Memorial of the Rcpubllc of Nicaragua and 28 July 1988 as the time-limit

for the Counter-Memorial of the United States of America. p$ r'"'>k;-.,5 ,; " : ,y"1 @-
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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt.The Hague
Telex 32323

fur rmtnrdiaterelease

No. 87/32 corr.
30 November 1987

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua-
-(Nicaragua v. United States of America)

The date for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the United States
of Anerica, as fixed by the Court's Order of 18 November 1987 is
29 July 1988 instead of 28 July 1988, the date given in the Communiqué
No. 87/32.

ICJ document subtitle

- Reparation - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Reparation - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings
