Peace Palace, 2517 KThe Hague.Tel92 44 41.Cables: IntercouThe Hague
Telex 32323
ufor rmmediare release
No. 8712
9 February1987
The UnitedStatesbringsa caseagainstItaly
The following informatioins made availableto the Pressby the
Kegistryof the International Courtof Justice:
On 6 February1987 the UnitedStatesfiledin the Registry of the
International Courtof Justicean Applicationinstitutingproceedings
againstItaly. The Application alleget shat Italy has violated the Treaty
of Friendship,Commerceand Navigationsignedby the twoStatesin Kome on
2 Pebruary1948,as well asthe supplementary agreementto that Treaty. It
foundsthe jurisdiction of the Court upon ArticlXeXVI of the Treaty.
The UnitedStates contendsthat Italy'sactions withrespectto an
Italian Companywhollyownedby two UnitedStates corporationst ,he
KaytheonCompanyand Machlett Laboratories Inc.,violatedcertainof the
provisionsof the Treatyof 1948 and its supplement,and that consequently
Italyis liableto paythe UnitedStates compensationi ,n an amountto be
determinedby the Court,as measuredby the injuriessufferedby the
UnitedStates compan.ieass a resultof the said violations.
The UnitedStateshas requestedthat the case shouldbe dealtwith by
a Chamberof the Court. Article26, paragraph3, of the Statuteof the
Courtenablesthis procedureto be followedat the request of the Parties.
The United States brings a case against Italy