Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Request for the indication of provisional measures - Conclusion of the public hearings

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Peace Palace, 2517' KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

Teiex 32323

for ~mmediaterelease

6 NO. 841 i0
28 April 1984
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ji Military and paramilitary activities
in and against Nicaragua
(Nicaragua- v. United States of America)

'l'he following information is communicated to the press by the
Kegis try of the International Court of Justice :

At two public hearings held by the Court on 25 April 1984,
Mr. Carlos Arguello Gomez, Agent of Nicaragua, Professor Abram Chayes
and Professor Tan Brownlie, Counsel and Advocates , presented observations
on behalf of the Government of Nicaragua in support of the request for

the indication of provisional measures filed by that Government.

At the public hearing held on the nioming of 27 April 1954,
Mr. Davis R. Robinson, Agent of the United States of America,

Messrs. Michael G. Kozak, Special Counsel, and Daniel W. McGovern,
Deputy Agent of the United States presented the views of the Govemment ot
the United States on the request submitted by Nicaragua.

At the public hearing held during the aftemoon of 27 April, the
Court heard replies given on behalf of Nicaragua by Mr. Carlos Arguello GomeL.
Agent of Nicaragua, and Mr. Ian Brownlie, Counsel and Advocate and on
behalf of the United States, by Mr. Davis R. Robinson, Agent of the

United States. The Court will now deliberate in private.

The provisional mleasures which Nicaragua requests the Court to
indicate under article 41 of the Statute of the Court are as follows:

"Tfiat the United States should immediatëly cease and desist

£rom providing, directly or indirectly, any support - including
training, arms, ainmuni tion, supplies, assis tance, finances,
direction or any other form of support - to ariy nation, group,
organization, movement or individual engaged or planning to

engage in military or paraniilitary activities in or against
Nicaragua; That the United States should immediately cease and desist
£rom any military or ~aramilitary activity by its own officials,
agents or forces in or against Nicaragua and from any other use
or threat of force in its relations with Nicaragua."

The United States has requested the Court to remove the case from
the list on the ground that, in the contention of the United States,
Nicaragua's Application manifestly falls outside the Court's juridiction.

The date on which the Court will deliver its decision will be
announced in due course.

It should be recalled that the Registry of the Court does not accept
responsibility for any statements other than those contained in Press

Communiqués. Furthe more, press Communiqués in no way involve the
responsibi li ty of the Court.

ICJ document subtitle

- Request for the indication of provisional measures - Conclusion of the public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Request for the indication of provisional measures - Conclusion of the public hearings
