I.C.J. Comuniaué No. 57/43
(unof ficaal)
The following inf ormaiion from the 3egistry of the Internztional
Court of Juutice is cofimnicated, to the Prcss :
On ijctober 28th, 1957, the United States ~mbassador transmitted
to tne Registrar of the Internztionzl Court of Justice an Application
by his Govcrmeizt Inst ituting proceeOings before the Court against
e the C-overr~rnentof the ~e'oplei s 3e::ubliç of Ihlgaria in respect of an
3~ïial incident mich occurred on Juiy 27th, 1955.
The aircraft shot dow on that date b3longed to an Israeli civil
airlbe caizpany ar?dkias c2,rrylng sevkral Unit cd States nationals , &O,
lilrcthe othtir passengers aiid the r~embers of the crew, were killed,
As set forth in the inplication aridamexed documents(exchange
of Botes betwecn.the two Gover'ments concariied), the 3uLgarian Govern-
ment acceptedliability to the United States Goverriment for the damage
thus causcdto its naitionals and prornised compença.t ion, but; subseo,uently
went hack on thst decision,
The Hague, October 29th, 1957.
The United States Government files an Application instituting proceedings against the People's Republic of Bulgaria