Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Sittings of March 25th, 1953

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Communiqué 53/~
I.C. J,
(unof ficiel)

The following information from the Registry of the Inter-

national Court of Justicehzs ben comicated to the Fress:

So-day, 1.i~rch25th, 1953, the Intern?+tion~l Court of Justice

held two sittings in tbo Ambatidos cEse (~reece -. United ~in~dom).

,ittha bcginningof the rnorning sitting, the Vice-President of
the Court, who is Acting Prosident in the case, spoke as fallowg
-r hlh?.lf cf ihc Zfiurt :

'IThe Court has heard with grief the news of the death
of H.M. Qucen Mary, It joinssin~erely in ths rnourning of
the Royal Fmily and that of al1 the people of the Comon-

Throughout her long life,a life of dignity and greatness,
fiïled -cith so nany joys and sarrows, the Sovereign wha has
justpassed away won the respect and zdmiration of the
whole world.

The COU% desires to expressits condolences io the
British representcltivcs now beforc the Court, und would nçk
' them to transmit these condolences to their Crovement.
It wishes too to express its feelings of affectionate
sppathy to its Fresident, Sir Arnold McNair.

After the Depukg-Agent of the Hellenic Governent hnd stated
that hc wished to bo associaied in the expressions of syinpathy which
hnd been conveyed by the !~cting-President, "te Agent of the United
Kingdom Governmcnt thankzd the President and stated tkat he would pass
the Gourtis messngc of sympathy to his Govzm-mnt.

The ;?cting-Presidetn htn cslled upon Mr. G.G. Fitmriurice,
Counsel for the Govsrnni~nt of the United Kingdom.

The noxt sitting of the Court wfll be held t6-morrow, Mûrch 2&h, * .
clt 4 p.m, N4, Pitmaurice ~511 then continuehis speech.

The Hague, Much 25th, 195'3.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of March 25th, 1953

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Sittings of March 25th, 1953
