Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Filing by Colombia of an Application instituting proceedings against Peru

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Communiqué 50/48

The following information from the Registry of
the Intcrnationai Court of Justice has been communica-
ted to the Press:

To-day, Gecernber 13, 1950, the Colombian
Govern~ent filed an application in the Registry of the
Court instituting proceedings agains t the Government
' of Peru, in dirhich it asks the Court to decide whether .
Colombia is bound to deliver hl. Raya de la Thrre, who
vlas granted açylum in the Colombian Embassy at Lima, to
the Peruviün Govêrnment .

Th€ Colombian G~vernmen t bases the jurisdic tion
of the Court on the rrotocol of Friendship and Co-opera-
tion between the hepublic of. Colombia and the Rêpublic of
Peru signed at Rio de Janeiro on hlây 84, '1934, which
entered into force between the countries on Septamber 27,
1935, as we11 as on Articles 36 and 37 of the Statute of
the Court.

The Bague, D~cember 13, 1950.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Filing by Colombia of an Application instituting proceedings against Peru
