Communiqué No. 50/24..
The follobJinginformatio nrom the Registryof the International
Court of Justice has been communicatsd tn the Press :
The International Court of Justice will hold a public sitting on
Tuesday, June 27, 1950, at 11 a.rn.,to hear theoralstaternents hich
may be presented regarding the second phase of the advisorg case
conceming the interpretation of the Pcace Treaties with Bulgaria,
Hungary and nomania (~uestions III and IV of the ~esolution~ of the
GeneralAssemblyof the United Nations of October 22, 1949) .
- The Court will hold a public hearing on 27 June 1950 to hear the oral statements on the second phase of the case
Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Court will hold a public hearing on 27 June 1950 to hear the oral statements on the second phase of the case