Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements on the second phase of the case

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Communiqué No,' 50/21.,

The following Information ssued by the Registry of the

International Court af Justice, ha$ been communicate td the Press :

In the advisory case concerning tho interpretation of the

Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Aungary and Rornania, the Sccretary-

General of the United Nations has advisedthe Internationa Court

of Justice that, withln thirty dzys frorn 30th March, 1950, - the

date on which the Court delivered itsAdvisory Opinion on the

first phase of this case - neithzr the Goverment of Bulgaria,

Hungaryor Romania had dcsignated its representativ to the

Comrriissions provided for in the above Treaties, In these conditions,

the 3 esidentof the Court has appointed Monday, June Tth, 1950, as

the date of expiry of tnc the-limit within which written statements

on the secondphase of this case may be filcd by the interested


The date of the opening of Lhc oral proceedings in this case

will be announced shortly,

The Hague, 6th &y, 1950,

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements on the second phase of the case

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements on the second phase of the case
