Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - The Court fixes the date for the opening of the oral proceedings

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I.C.J. CommunigpéNo,. 23.
(Unofficial T

The fo1lowing informatio em~anating from the Hegistry of the

International Court of Justice bas been communicated to the Press

As already announced, the General Assembly of the United Nations

has asked the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion

regarding the conditions of admission of a State to membership in the

United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations).

In accordance with Article 66 of the Statute of the Court,

Members of the United Nations had been notified,by means of an Order

made by the President of the Court, that they might, as signatories of

the Charter, submit a vŒitten statement on this question by February

9th, 1948. The following States ·have avai1ed themselves of this right

Canada, Honduras, Yugoslavia, India, Salvador, Guatemala, China,

Belgium, U.S.A., Australia, Ukraine S,S.H., Greece, Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics, Iraq.

The President of the Court bas now fixed April l5th, 1948, as the

date for the opening of the oral proceedings in regard to this question

and the Governments of States Members of the United Nations have been

asked ta inform the Registrar of the Court by April Bth, 1948, whether

they intend ta present oral statements on this occasion.

The Hague, l6th February, 1948.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court fixes the date for the opening of the oral proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - The Court fixes the date for the opening of the oral proceedings
