
Written proceedings

Letter dated 15 June 1995 from counsel appointed by Nauru, together with Written Statement of the Government of Nauru

Leüerdate15June 1995hm caurtsel-appointed t-bt-erwimh,
WiitteStaîementftheGovw ofNauni Registrar
International Cour: of Justice
Peace Palace

2517 KJTne Hague
ïhe Netherlanàs

Dear Regi*ar,

Enclosed please ~d two Responses to Submissions of Other States by .

the Republic oi Nauru in the case concerning TheLegai;!ryof the LiseofiVuclear
.vVenpansy StatcsinArrnedConJicf and one .Mernorialin the case conceming
the Legaliiyofihe Useand Threatof UseofNuclear Mienpons.

Letter dated 15 June 1995 from the Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations, together with Written Statement of the Government of Samoa

Lettedate d5June1995fi-omthPemanent.&p~entative ofSamoato
Govanment ofSamoa ?ZRTOTE c?lrZL >.C?OYS
63Sewnc.+.re,Sea ?or!i.YI:Wii:
Tei.:212) j99.0i46?z i2:'2:j99.;797

Letter dated 16 May 1994 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Letter dated16 May 1994 from the Ministerfor ForeignAffairs

of Ukraine :I)c!~ii.Mr. .lt!iiiiiiig.s,

Tlic (':ovi:i.iiiii(!iit.ol' Il!iriii~i<, i.lioroiiglily st,iidicd tlic Orrlnr of the

1ut~riitilioii;il I I I II~ .Tiisi.ic:c: of 13 L:IIC~ 1!W3 t:oiiccriung tlie

WIlO's i.c:qii(ii.I 11, Llit. Iii1:~ir~riiili~iii;i1 (:oiirl of .liinticc to give nn

Letter dated 18 May from the Permanent Representative of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations

Lettedzit18May1995 hm thePemmnenbpresx&ve ofthe
DemoaaîicPeopleRepubliofKoreatotheUnitNations Democratic People's Republic of Kores
PermanentMissionto the UnitedXations
515East RnStree38F3ew YorkKY. 10021
Tel. (2772-0712 (07FAX (213) 772-0735

18 May 1995
