Letter dated 15 June 1995 from the Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations, together with Written Statement of the Government of Samoa

Lettedate d5June1995fi-omthPemanent.&p~entative ofSamoato
Govanment ofSamoa ?ZRTOTE c?lrZL >.C?OYS
63Sewnc.+.re,Sea ?or!i.YI:Wii:
Tei.:212) j99.0i46?z i2:'2:j99.;797

Letter dated 16 May 1994 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Letter dated16 May 1994 from the Ministerfor ForeignAffairs

of Ukraine :I)c!~ii.Mr. .lt!iiiiiiig.s,

Tlic (':ovi:i.iiiii(!iit.ol' Il!iriii~i<, i.lioroiiglily st,iidicd tlic Orrlnr of the

1ut~riitilioii;il I I I II~ .Tiisi.ic:c: of 13 L:IIC~ 1!W3 t:oiiccriung tlie

WIlO's i.c:qii(ii.I 11, Llit. Iii1:~ir~riiili~iii;i1 (:oiirl of .liinticc to give nn

Letter dated 18 May from the Permanent Representative of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations

Lettedzit18May1995 hm thePemmnenbpresx&ve ofthe
DemoaaîicPeopleRepubliofKoreatotheUnitNations Democratic People's Republic of Kores
PermanentMissionto the UnitedXations
515East RnStree38F3ew YorkKY. 10021
Tel. (2772-0712 (07FAX (213) 772-0735

18 May 1995
