Letter dated 20 June 1995 from the Ambassador of India, together with Written Comments of the Government of India

Letter dated 20 June 1995 from the Ambassador of India, together

with Written Comments of the Government of India MOST URGENT

NO: Ei~G/POL/443/2/95 June 20, 1995

As you are aware, the UN General Assembly Resolution
No. 49/75 K requested the International Court of Justice for
an advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of
nuclear weapons.
2. 1am enclosing with this letter a 7-pages submission
by India relating to this subject.

Written Statement of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany

Written Statement of the Governmentof the FederalRepublicof


ExposéécritduGouvernementde la République fédérale
d'Allemagne Statementbv the Governmentof the FederalRevublicof Germany
for the InternationalCourt of Justice

From the standpointof the Federal Government, WHO'Srequescfor an advisoryopinion on the
use of nuclearweapons isbound to failbecausesucha request is not admissible.

Letter dated 14 June 1995 from Minister at the Embassy of Japan, together with Written Statement of the Government of Japan

Lettedated14June 1995hm Minkkr at.thEmbassyofJapan,together
withWrim Statemen otfthGoverment ofJapan EMBASSY OFJAPAN


The Eague
Sune 14, 1995

Mr. Eduarda Valencia-Ospina
InternationalCourt of Justice
Pezce Palace
2517 KI The Sague

9ear Mi. Valencia-Ospina,

Written Comments of the Government of the Solomon Islands

WrittenCommentsof the Governmentof SolomonIslandsRequest by the United Nations GerieralAssembly
for an Advisory Opinion on the-Legality

of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons

Further Writteii Observations Submitted
by the Government of Solomon Islands

to the International Court of Justice

Governmenrof SolIslands

70 Septernher 199s' Ccnerni AssembiylSoiomon Isiands' FuWrniicn Observaiions


Letter dated 22 June 1995 from the Permanent Representative of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations, together with Written Statement of the Government of the Marshall Islands

Lettdate 2June 1995.m thePermanenwtve ofthe
ofthGovemmen ottheManhaliIslands-. --. .~.~..-,-..r-y..-=.:.. .< .T ..'-----. -.:-.--- --
-- ->.- -
6. -2: 3:3j ?ld K42S24 LLZIPXDS 4IiSJN i?. NXO.2!?983 3202 ?. !


1have the honor to submit the following statement for consideration
