
Document Number
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Annex 1
Decision of the Council of1he International Civil Avi:ation Organization on the
Preliminary Objection in the Matter:
The State of Qatar and the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Kingdom of Bahrain,
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (2017) -
Application (A). 29 June 201 :8
CiVil Avialion
de rav,ation civlle
de Aviaci6n Civil
Ref.: LE 6n .CONF
Agenl for the Arab Republic of Egypl
Agent for the Ki.ngdorn of Bahrain
Agent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Agent for the United Arab Emirates
President of the Council
Secretary General
t.'.)~I ~
J J-211 ~.i.JI
3 July 2018
00 ~ffe ~ ffl
f.Di: ~ rn t.R
J refer to the matter the State of Qatar and the Arab R,epublic of Egypt, the Kingdom of
Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the U,1ited Arab Emirates (2017) - Application (A), which is
before the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICA.O).
Please find attached a certified copy of the decision rendered by the Council on
29 June '.2018 regarding the preliminary objection of the Respondents in the above-mentioned
999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
Montreal. Quebec
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Tel.: 514--954--8041
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Yours sincerely,
Fang Liu
ACTING under Article 84 of the Convention on International Civfl AvfaJ/on (Chicago Convention)
and the Rule~· for the Se1t/ement of Differences:
COMPOSED of the following Representatives entitled to vote: Mr. A.D. Mesroua (Algeria),
Mr. G.E. Ainchil (Argentina), Mr. S. Lucas (Australia), Mr. 0. Vieira (Alt.) (Brazil), Mr. C. Monteiro
(Cabo Verde), Mr. M. Page (Canada), Mr. S. Yang (China), Mr. A. Munoz G6mez (Colombia),
Mr. R.M. Ondzotto (Congo), Mrs. M. Crespo Frasquieri (Cuba), Mr. l. Arellano (Ecuador),
Mr. P . Bertoux (France), Mr. Li. Schwierc7inski (Germany), Mr. A. Shekbar ()ndia), Mrs. N. O'Brien
(Ireland), Mr. M.R. Rusconi (ltaly), Mr. S. Matsui (Japan), Ms. M.B. Awori (.Kenya). Mr. K.A. Ismail
(Malaysia), Mr. D. Mendez Mayora (Mexico), Mr. M.S. Nuhu (Nigeria), Mr. G.S. Oller (Panama),
Mr. Y.J. Lee (Republic of Korea), Mr. S. Gudkov (Russian Federation), Mr. T.C. Ng (Singapore),
Mr. M.D.T. Peege (South Africa), Mr. V.M. Aguado (Spain), Ms. H. Jansson Saxe (Sweden),
Mr. A.R. Colak (Turkey), Mr. D.T. Lloyd (United Kingdom), Mr. R.W. Bokango (United Republic of
Tanzania), Mr. T.L. Carter (United States), Mr. :vi. Vidal (Uruguay).
THE PARTIES being: the State of Qatar (Applicant), represented by H.E. Jassem Bin Saif
AISulaiti, Authorized Agent, assisted by Mr. Essa Abdulla A l-Malki (Rep.), H.E. Abdulla Nasser
AISubaey, H.E. Fahad Mohammed Kafood, H.E. Yousef Sultan Laram, Mr, Mohammed AbdullaAIHajri,
Mr. Talal Abdulla Almalki, Mr. Essa Ahmed Mindney, Mr. Abdulla Altannimi. Mr. John Augustin on one
hand; and the Respondents: tne Arab Republic of Egypt represented by H.E. Hany EL-Adawy,
Authorized Agent, assisted by H.E. Amal Salama, Mrs. Salwa El \IJ.owaii, Mrs. Yara Hussein Mokhtar
Elbedewy, the Kingdom of Bahrain represented by H.E. Kamal Bin Ahmed Mohammed, Authorized
Agent. assisted by Mr. Mohammed Tharrier Al Kaabi, Mr. Salim Moh1:1mmcd Hassan, Mr. Devashish
Krishan, Mr. Georgios Petropoulos, Ms. Amelia Keene, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by
H.E. Dr. -:-.labeel bin Mohamed AI-Amudi, Authorized Agenr, assisted by H.E. Abdulhakim M. A!tamimi,
Mr. Naif Bin Bandir Alsudairy, H.E. Wael M. AJmadani Alidrissi, and the United Aub Emirates
represented by H.E. Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori, Authorized Agent, as:;isted by H.E. Saif Mohammed
Al Suwaidi, H.E. Mohammed Saif Helal Al Shehhi, H.E. Mr. Falwd Al Raqbani, Mr. Mohamed
Al Shamsi, Dr. Ludwig Weber, Mrs. Laura Coquard-Pat1·y. Mrs. Shiva Aminian, Mrs. Sarah Kirwin on
the other hand;
CONSIDERING that an Application and Memorial by the Applicant under Article 84 or the
Chicago Convention was fi led on 30 October 2017; that a Statement o"r preliminary objections was filed
by the Respondents on l 9 March 2018; tbat a Response to the Statement of preliminary objections was
filed by the Applicant on 1 May 2018; and that a Rejoinder was filed by the Respondents
on 12 June2018;
, 2 -
HAVING HEARD the Parties in the above matter on the preliminary objection and having held its
deliberations at the eighth meeting of its 214th Session on 26 June 2018;
HAVING CONSIDERED the preliminary objection of the Respondents, namely that the Council
lacks jurisdiction to resolve t!Je claims raised by the Applicant in Applic.ation (A); or in the alternative,
that the Applicant's Glaims are inadmissible;
CONSIDERJNG that the question before the Council was whe:ther to accept the preliminary
objection of the Respondents;
BEARING IN J.tJJND A1ticle 52 of the Chicago Convention which provides that decisions by the
Council shall require approval by a majority of its Members and the consistent practice of the Council in
applying this provision in previous cases;
HAVING DECLINED a request by one of the Respondents to reconsider the above-mentioned
majority of 19 Members required i11 Lhe curi:ent Council for the approval O:fits decisions;
DECIDES that the preliminary objection of the Respondents is nor accepted.
The above Decision, on the question whether to accept the preliminary o~ject1on of the Respondents, was
taken by a secret ballot with 4 Members voting in favor, 23 Members voting against, and 6 Members
The ti roe-balance of 7 days remaining for the Respondents to file their Cow1ter-memoriaJs shall begin to
run from the date of receipt by the Respondents of this Decision of the Council.
By mutual agreement between the Parties, the commencement of the running of the said time-balance of
7 days shall be suspended for a period of 5 days from the date of receipr by the Respondents of this
Decision of the Council. Taking into account the expectation thar this Decision will be received by the
Parties on or before 3 July 2018, the suspension for 5 days will end on 8 July 2018, and the said timebalance
of 7 days shall now run from 9 July 2018 until 16 July 20 J 8, as 15 July 2018 falls on a nonbusiness
Rendered on 29 June 2018 in Montreat.
Certified to be a true and complete copy
Copie ccrtificc conformc
Es copia fie! y autcntica
Kon.115!. TO'lliall H nom,:..'1
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Annex 2
first Riyadh Agreement, Riyadh. 23 November 20 13
First Riyadh Agreement
On Saturday, 19/ I /1435 (Hijri Calendar. November 2013). the Custodian of the Two Holy
Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz Al-Saud. the King of Saudi Arabia. and his brother His
Highness Sheikh Sabbah Al-Ahmad Al-Jabber Al-Sabbah, the Prince of Kuwait. and his brother
His Higness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. the prince of Qatar. met in Riyadh.
They held extensive deliberations in which they conducted a full revision or what taints the
relations between the [Gulf Cooperation] Council states. the challenges facing its security and
stabi lity. and means to abolish whatever muddies the relations.
Due Lo the importance of laying the foundation for a new phase of collective work between the
Council's states. in order to guarantee it operating within a unified political framework based on
the principles included in the main system of the Cooperation Council, the following has been
agreed upon: (here there three signature)
1. No interference in the internal affairs of the Council's states. whether directly or
indirectly. Not to give harbor or naturalize any citizen of the Council states that has an
activity which opposes his country's regimes. except with the approval of his country~ no
support to deviant groups that oppose their states: and no support for antagonistic media.
2. No support ro the Muslim Brotherhood or any of the organizations. groups or individuals
that threaten the security and stability of the Council states through direct security work
or through political influence.
3. Not to present any support Lo any faction in Yemen that could pose a threat to countries
neighboring Yemen.
Official Arabic Text
First Riyadh Agreement
. '
- ---
In the name of God the Merciful the Compassionate
A review was conducted of the Agreement dated 1/ 19/1435AH. corresponding to
1 l/23/2013AD. and signed by the Custodian of the Two Holy Shrines. King Abdullah bin
Abdul Aziz Al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed
Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait, and Ilis Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad
bin K.halifa Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar. which includes the means for eliminating
anything that affects the security and stability of the Council States.
We hereby support the conclusions reached in the agreement. S1.Jccess is from AllaJ,.,,.
Sheikh Mohamed bin Z,~ved
HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khal[!c1
[signature] [signan1rel
• JM
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Mechanism Implementing the Riyadh Agreement, Riyadh, 2014
Mechanism Implementing the Riyadh Agreement
I laving the Foreign Ministers of the Cooperation Council Countries considered the
Agreement signed in Riyadh on 19/ 1/ 1435 AE-l cmTesponding to 23/11/2013 AD by the
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz King of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. his brother his Highness Sheil<l1 Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jabir A 1-Sabah Emir uf
Kuwait aJ1d his brother his High11ess Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad hin Khalifa AI-Thani Emir of
Qatar. Having the Agrc::emenl been considered and signed by His Majesty King I lamad bin Isa
AI-Khalifa King of Bahrain. J-lis Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed the Sultan of Oman and His
1-lighness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin SLlltan AI-Nahyan the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.
Given Lhc impo1tance of tbe signed Agreement that never before had any similar
agreement been signed, out or the leaders· realization to Lhe impo1tance of its content. and for the
urgency of the matter that calls for taking the necessary executive procedures to enforce its
content. An agreement has been reached to set a mechanism that shall guarantee implementation
of the same according to the following:
Firstly: The concerned partv to monitor the implementation of the Agreement:
Foreign Ministet·s of the-GCC Countries:
Foreign ministers of the GCC Countries shall hold private meeting on the margins of
annual periodic meetings of the ministerial council wberei11 violations and complaints reported
by any member country of the Council against any member country of the Council shall be
reviewed by the foreign ministers Lo consider. and raise them to leaders. With the emphasis that
the first task the Council shall conduct, according 10 the ml!ntioned mechanism. is to make Stire
of the implementation of all content. mentioned above, within Riyadh Agreement, consider its
contem a basis to the security and stability of the GCC Countries and its unity, either-with regard
to those issues of internal affairs. external political aspects or internal security; and ensuring that
no country neglects or omits the group orientation of the GCC. and .shal I coordinate v-:ith all
members of the GCC: and emphasizing that no support is being made to any currents that pose
threats to any member country of the Council.
Secondly: Decision-making body:
Leaders of the GCC Countries:
The leaders shalJ take the appropriate action towards what the Ministers of Foreign
AITairs raise to them regarding any country that has not complied with the signed agreement by
the GCC C0ttntries.
Thirdly: Compliance procedures:
This Agreement shall be implemented by the following procedur,es:
1. With Regard to CCC Countries Internal Affairs:
Commit that any medja channels owned or supported by any GCC country should not
discuss any disrespectful subjects to any GCC Country. directly 01· indirectly. The GCC
Countries shall set a list by these media channels, anid the list shall be periodically
All member countries shall commit lhat they will rlC>t grant c1t1zens of other GCC
Countries a citizenship who have been proven LO practice: opposition activity against their
governments, Every country shall inform the other countries on the names of the
opposition figures residing in such country in order to prevent their violative activities
and take the appropriate actions against them.
Take the necessary actions that would guarantee no interference in any GCC Country
internal affairs. including. but not limited to:
a. Governmental organizations, community organizations, individuals and activists
shall not support opposition figures with money or via media.
b. Not to shelter. accept suppo1t, encourage ,or make its country an incubator to the
activities of GCC citizens or other figures who are proven oppositionists to any
country of GCC.
c. Ban the existence or any external organizati on!5, groups or parties, who target
GCC Countries and their peoples: nor provide foothold for their hostile activilies
against the GCC Counh·ies.
d. Nol to fund or suppl1rt external organizations. groups or parties, that have hostile
positions and incitements againsl the GCC Countries.
2. With regard to the foreign policy:
Commit to the group orientation of the GCC Countries. coordinate with other GCC counn-ies
and shall not support any entities or currents that pose threats to the GCC Countries, including:
a. Not to suppott Muslim Brotherhood with money or via media in the GCC
Countries or outside.
b. Approve the exit of Muslim Brotherhood figures, who are not citizens. within a
time limit to be agreed upon. The GCC Countriei; shall coordinate with each other
on the I ists of those figures.
c. Not to suppo1t external gatherings or groups in Yemen. Syria or any destabilized
area. which pose a threat lo the security and stabi lity of GCC Countries.
d. Not to support or shelter whoever perform opposition activities against any ace
country. being current officials, former officials or others; and shall not give them
any foothold inside their t:ountries or allow then, to act against any of the GCC
e. Close any academies, establishments or centres that train and qualify individuals
from GCC citizens lo work against their governments.
3. With regard to the internal security of the GCC Countries:
In the event of any pending security lites that need further clarification and are rurectly
connected lo the security matters of the competent security agencies in any ace country.
immediate meetings shall be held among security specialists with their counterparts to discuss
the details of these subjects and find Ollt their objectives.
1f any country of the GCC Countries failed to comply with this mechanism, the
other GCC Countries shall have tbe right to take ant apprnpriate action to protect their
security and stability.
Allah is the grantor of success,,,,
His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al
Nahyan. Foreign Minister of United Arab
[ s i gnatme)
His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al Faisal.
Fol'eign Minister of Kingdom of Saudi
His Excellency Dr. Khalid bin Mohammad
Al Attiyah. Foreign Minister of State of Qatar
His Excellency Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al
Khalifa, Foreign Minister of Kingdom of
His Excelle:ncy Yusuf bin Alawi bin
Abdullah. Minister Responsible for Foreign
Affairs ,of Sultanate of Oman
His Excellency Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid/\!Hamad
Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign Affairs of State of
Mechanism Implementing the Riyadh Agreement
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Annex 4
fhe Supplementary Riyadh Agreement. Riyadh. 16 November 2014
The Supplementary ruyadh Agreement
f n the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent. ilhe Most Merciful
1. Based on a generous invitation by the-Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdel-Aziz
Al-Saud, the king of Saudi Arabia; the fol lowing have met in Riyadh today, Sunday, 23/1/ 1436 (Hijri
Calendar), 16/1 l/2014 (Gregorian Calendar): l-lis H,ighness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabbah.
the Prince of Kuwait. His Majesty King Hamad Bin EissaAI-Khalifa, King of Bahrain, His Highness
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamd Bin Khalifa AI-Thani . Prince of Qatar; His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin
RashedAI-Maktom. the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and the Governor
of Dubai; and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed AI-Nahyan. the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and
the deputy Commander of the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates. This was to cement the spirit of
sincere cooperation and to emphasize the joint fate and the aspirations of the Citizens or the Gulf
Cooperation Council for a slrong bond and solid rapprnchement.
2. After discussing the commitments stemming from the Riyadh Agreement signed 19/1/ 1435 (Hijri)-
23/11/20 l3 and its executive mechanism: reviewing the reports of the committee following the execution
mecha,usm and the results of Lhe joint follow-up [operation] room; and reviewing the conclusions of the
report of the follow-up room signed on I 0/ I/ L 436 (Hijri) - 3/11/2014 (Gregorian) by the intelligence
chiefs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. the United Arab Emirates. the Kingdom of Bahrain and the state
of Qatar.
3. The following has been reached:
a) Stressing that non-committing to any of the articles of the Riyadh Agreement and its executive
mechanism amounts to a violation cif the entirety of them.
b) What the intelligence chiefs have reached in the aforernentium:u rnpor1 is considered a step
forward to implement Riyadh agreement and its executive mechanism, with the necessity or
the ful l commitment Lo implementing everything stated in them within the period of one
month from the date of the agreement.
c) Not lo give refuge. employ. or support whether directly or indirectly. whether domestically or
abroad. to any person or a media apparatus that harbors inclinations hannful to any Gulf
Cooperation Council state. Every state is committed to taking all the regul ato ry, legal and
judicial measures against anyone who [commits] any encroachment against Gulf Cooperation
Council states. including pinting him on Lrial and announcing it in the media.
d) Al I countries are committed to the Gulf Cooperation Council discourse to support the Arab
Republic of Egypt. and contributing to its security. stability and its financial support; and
ceasing all media activ ity directed against the Arab Republic of Egypt in all media platforms.
whether directly or indirectly. including all the offenses broadcasted on Al-jazeera, Al-Jazeera
Mubashir Masr, and to work to stop all offenses in Egyptian media.
4. .Accordingly, it has been decided that the Riyadh Agreement, and its executive mechanism, and the
components of this supplementary agreement. requires the full commitment to its implementation. The
leaders have tasked the intelligence chiefs to follow up on the implementation of the results of this
supplementary agreement and to repo1t regularly lo the leaders. in order to take the measures they deem
necessary lo protect the security and stability of their countries.
5. It has been agreed that implementing the aforementioned commitments contributes towards the unity of
the Counci I states and their interests and the future of their peoples, and signals a new page that wi 11 be a
strong base to advance the path of joint work and moving cowards a strong Gulf entity.
Note that the UAE has 2 signatures on this page one for His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashed AIMaktom,
the Vice president and Prime Minister of the UAE and the Ruler of Dubai: and another one by His
Highness Mohamed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. and the deputy Commander of
the Anned Forces of the UAE.
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