Written Statement of Bolivia

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EBPB-V- 41-09

The Hague, 1 ih 2009

1 have the honour to present the Bolivian position in reference to your letters (No.
133292) dated 10 October 2008 and (No. 1333310) of 20 of October 2008, regarding
resolution 63/3 whereby the United Nations General Assembly decided to request the
International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on the question of the

Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of lndependence by
the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo.

The Bolivian position regarding the unilateral declaration of independence by the
Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo on this question is based under
a full respect of Resolution 1244 of the Security Council adopted the 10 of June

Bolivia considers that in this historical momentum the unilateral declarations of

independences are exceptional cases which should be subject to International Law.
The contrary would mean that any region could request an independence declaration
motivated by local or foreign interest, turning this action of "independence" in forms of
national disintegration which could be easily promoted by geopolitical interest of third

Furthermore, if there is an acceptance of a unilateral declaration of Kosovo's
independence without having a clear foundation of international law to analyze and
judge in every case, we would be establishing a bad precedent. This explains why
Bolivia supports that the International Court of Justice as the international body should

provide an advisory opinion registering the applicable legal basis.

Mr. Philippe Couvreur
International Court of Justice

The Hague - The Netherlands

Nassaulaan5,2514JS TEL: (3170) 361 6707
LaHaya,PafsesBajos e-mail:emholned(a)xs4all.nl FAX: (3170) 362 0039EMBASSYOF BOL/VIA

ln this regard, Bolivia voted in favor of 63/3 United Nations General Assembly
Resolution to request the International Court of Justice to submit an advisory opinion

about the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self­
Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law.

Finally, Bolivia looks forward to consider closer, ail statements of other States, as well
as the final advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration

Nassaulaan5,2514JS TEL: (3170) 361 6707
LaHaya,PafsesBajos e-mail: embohzed@xs411/. FAX: (3170) 362 0039

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Document Long Title

Written Statement of Bolivia
