Preliminary Objection of the United States of America

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File



[S\\'l~LXl<ltlT?LiSl*l'Ll) SelOF\AblEltlC:\) Tlic Guvcrninctit of tlicUnited Statcs of Arncrica, through its

Ch-Agerits Loftus Beckcr ai-i~l Dallas S. Townsetid, licrewith fles
ü prc1iniin;iry objcçtirii-iundcr Article 62 of the Kulcs of thc Coiist,
to the procecclings iristitiitetl by the Goircrnrncrit of S\i.itzcrlarid iri
thc Interhandel casc bÿ its applicatioil of October I,1957, iri su far
as that aliplication relatcs to thc sale or other disposition of tlie
sharcç of Gc~~cralAniliric und I7iltriCorporation riow hcid by the
IJnitetl States Gti\.erri~ilcrit. 'Tlic Uiiitcd States Governmcnt lias
detcrmii~ed thai sucli s;ili:ni- tlispositiuri of the shares i11thv
A~ncricniiçorlior;iticiti, titlc to ivliiclIL;held by the Unitcçl Statcs

Grivcr~inii,iitiiitl~' cxi:rçisc of itssrivcrcigri iiuthority, is a n-i;ittci-
essctiti:illy \i.itliits Jrirrlcstiç liii-istlict1u11.Accurtlingly, pi~~.uwit
to paragralil1 (b) of tticciinclitiuns üttnchcd to this country's accclit-
aiicc of thc Loiirt's cciml>iilsoryjurisdicticiii, datcd August 14, 15.40,
tliis country rCslicctfuily dcclincs, \\.ithorit prejudicc to otl~er ancl
furtlicr. ~irclirninar!; olljcctioiis ivhicli itmaÿ file, to sub~iiit tlic
inattcr of thc sliltrir clis~iositionufsvch shares to the jurisdictioii
tif tlic Court.

(Sigiler/) 1,oftus I~~..CI<BR, (Siglied) Dallas S. TO~~~XSESI~,

Agcnt. Co- Agent.

Document Long Title

Preliminary Objection of the United States of America
